A Barcelona Love Story

Chapter 26- Aly Dances

“Come on, at least dance with Marc, Aly. Bartra’s such an idiot, why did he even ask you to come with him, only to leave you here?!”
“It’s alright, really.” I said, now feeling even sorrier for myself.
“Come on.” Muniesa said and dragged me to the dance floor.

“What happened?” Muniesa asked.
“Nothing.” I said.
“You looked a little pale and a little close to crying.” Muniesa said.
“Nothing.” I answered but Muniesa looked at me. I rolled my eyes.

Muniesa didn’t question me anymore and I was grateful, because if he did continue the questions, I swear I’d end up crying on the dance floor.

“Can I cut in?” Fontas asked and Muniesa smiled and Fontas grabbed my hand.
“Aly, I swear Bartra will hear a lot from me about this one.” Fontas said and I smiled.
“Don’t. It’s OK. I’m not even sure why I said yes anyways.” I said and he studied me, I had to punch him on the shoulder.
“Are you sure you’re alright?” Fontas asked.
“Hey, relax, I told you I’m pretty much good when it comes to being invisible right?” I asked and he nodded.

And before I knew it, Fontas spun me around only to find myself dancing with Roberto. He smiled and I tried to smile, but a tear fell as I saw Bartra making his way to the table and sat down. I hastily wiped it.

“Let’s pretend that didn’t happen, shall we?” Roberto asked.
“Actually, how about forget everything, but the dance I shared with you, Muniesa and Fontas?” I suggested.
“Something happened, am I right?”Sergi asked.
“You know you’re always right.” I said and he looked at me.
“Tell me.” he said but I shook my head.
“I don’t want to cry tonight and I don’t want to talk about it.” I said.
“You know you can tell me about it, right?” Roberto insisted.
“Yes.” I said and smiled.

“Thank you for the dance, guys and thank you, girls.” I told everyone on our table as I sat on my seat.
“Where is Bartra anyways?” Fontas asked me.
“I don’t ca..I don’t know.” I answered. They all wanted to react but Bartra was back.

“Let’s dance, Aly.” Bartra said and held my hand.
“Uh, actually, I don’t feel like dancing anymore. I think I want to go home.” I said.
“The party is just starting, Aly.” Bartra prodded.
“Then, maybe you should call your “cousin” and asked her to dance with you.” I said and he looked at me.
“What are you talking about?” Bartra demanded.
“Oh, nothing. I just am not feeling well at all. In fact, I felt like crap all night, thanks.” I said and walked out.