A Barcelona Love Story

Chapter 27- Sergio to the Rescue

I grabbed my bag from the table and left, ignoring the looks from Fontas, Muniesa, Roberto and their dates. I didn’t want to be here. I have spent all my life ignoring the dances at school, why did I even say yes to this one?

“Aly, I’m sorry.” Bartra called out.
“Sorry? For what?” I demanded.
“Look, I asked you because I wanted to spend this night with you..” he began.
“You know what you are, Bartra? You’re just exactly the guy I realized I am avoiding. And don’t worry, if you’re worried about Uncle Xavi hearing this, he won’t. I don’t want to cause drama.” I said.
“Aly..I’m sorry.” was all he could say.
“Sorry for what? For making a fool out of me? For asking me to this dance?” I demanded. “Well guess, what Bartra. I’m sorry too. I’m sorry I ever kissed you back, I’m sorry I let my guard down too low, I’m sorry I found myself in this mess, I’m sorry I liked you.”
“Aly can we ju—?“ he began.
“You don’t owe me any explanation at all, Bartra.” I said. “And you do not follow me if you know what’s good for you.”

I wiped the tears away and walked out of the school. All the excitement and nervousness I felt awhile ago had faded and now, all I felt was nothing but the heavy weight of the world on my shoulders. I took out my phone and tried to dial but it blinked and then died. Talk about raining on my parade. I walked and tried to look for a cab or a payphone. I ended up sitting on a bench, feeling the eternal pain of my feet caused by the killer heels I was wearing. I took them off and placed them beside me. A car stopped and instinctively I thought of how to defend myself, in case the owner of the car turned out to be psychos.

“Nena, is that you?” I heard a familiar voice.
“Busquets?” I asked as he went out.
“What are you doing here? It’s midnight and you’re alone, looking like this?” Busquets asked and pulled me into his car.
“School dance.” I said.
“Right, your Uncle Xavi couldn’t stop talking about that one and so did the other guys. Where’s your date?” he asked.
“What are you doing here?” I asked, my eyes widening.
“I dropped my date home.” he said and I nodded.
“But wait, why are you asking me?” he asked. “You’re changing the topic. Now, where’s your date?” he added.
“I left him at school because I realized I made a mistake.” I said and he nodded slowly.
“Your uncle will be worried, I’ll call him.” he said but I grabbed the phone from him.
“Please. Don’t.” I said, looking at him with my puppy, pleading face and he sighed.
“I’ll text him and tell him you’re with me and that he doesn’t have to worry, how’s that?” he asked.
“Thank you.” I answered and he smiled.
“You know what? I’m still not that sleepy, come on, let’s get something to eat and talk somewhere.” Busquets said.
“If I’m not interrupting or something.” I said and he chuckled.
“Nena, remember what I told you when we first met? I wasn’t kidding you know.” he said.
“Thanks.” I answered and he smiled and texted.
“There. Message sent.” Busquets said and continued to drive away.

Busquets stopped by at this 24-hour fast food chain and ordered us some food and drove to his house, where we sat on his couch.