A Barcelona Love Story

Chapter 31- Mama & Papa Bartra


“Hello, Marc.” mama and papa greeted as soon as I got out of my room.
“I miss you, mama, papa.” I said and hugged them.
“We brought a lot of food for everyone. Who is coming tonight?” mama asked.
“Roberto, Muniesa, Bojan, Pique, Puyol, Villa, Busquets and Xavi and his niece, Aly.” Fontas answered my mama.
“Xavi has a niece?” mama asked.
“Yes, and she’s very, very beautiful. She could have been your son’s new girlfriend, but he has to be stupid and all.”
“Fontas!” I called out as Fontas chuckled and got the door.

“And who is this girl you’ve been videoed kissing?” papa asked.
“It was just a dare, papa.” I answered and caught a glimpse of Busquets and Villa.
“You’re not answering my question.” papa said. “Is she your new girlfriend?” papa added. Fontas smirked.
“Her name is Aly, papa. And no, she’s not my girlfriend. We’re just friends.” I answered.
“What is Fontas talking about?” mama asked.
“He doesn’t know what he’s talking about mama. True, she’s very beautiful but she’s not my girlfriend.” I said.
“Oh, oh, but he asked her to be his date at the school dance.” Roberto added and everyone looked at me.

“Oh, please, Aly and I went as friends, OK?” I answered.
“Aren’t we too defensive, son?” papa asked.
“I’m not.” I said. The doorbell rang. “I’ll go get it.” I said and headed to the door.

“Do we really have to do this, Uncle Xavi?” I heard Aly asked.
“Yes, nena. Do you want to go home?” Xavi answered and as fast as I can, I opened the door.
“Xavi, Aly, welcome! Come in, come in!” I said and hustled them in.
“Aly and I brought something to drink.” Xavi said and made his way to the table.

“Just the girl I am looking for.” Pique announced and pulled Aly, who rolled her eyes.
“Mama Bartra, Papa Bartra, this is Aly. She’s Xavi’s niece and she’s the girl that your son kissed on the video.” Pique said.
“Pique.”Aly said and blushing.

“Hello, Aly, nice to meet you.” mama said and kissed Aly on the cheek.
“Nice to meet you too, Mrs. Bartra.” Aly said.
“You’re really beautiful, Aly. Nice to meet you.” papa said and shook her hand.
“Thank you, Mr. Bartra, nice to meet you too.” Aly said.

“I just realized I forgot to get dessert. How about I go and buy some first?” I asked, breaking the silence.
“OK, let’s go get it.” Muniesa said.
“Actually, Xandi made some chocolate sambo I can’t get enough of and there are still lots of it. Why don’t you go get it at home, Xandi?” Xavi asked.
“Yeah, Bojan can come with me, after all, he is my adopted brother.” Aly said and Bojan smiled.
“Aly, you and Marc can go. I need to talk to Bojan.” Villa said.