A Barcelona Love Story

Chapter 32- Supportive Adults Around

Aly and I gathered the chocolate sambo from their refrigerator and went back to my car. I stopped the car. She looked around and then realized that it was not yet our stop, she sat on the passenger seat, trying to decide on what to do. She took out her phone, I snatched it back.

“Give that to me.” she said.
“Not until you listen to me.” I told her.
“What’s there to talk about? I get it already. You broke up with your girlfriend, you tried to move on using me and now that she realized she still loves you, she runs back to your arms and you’re back. That’s it.” she said.
“What? What are you talking about?!” he demanded.
“I may have been blinded by the fact that I liked you Bartra and you said you liked me too but I’m not stupid. Your cousin. The one you were talking to, I know that was your girlfriend.” Aly said. Her words rang in my ears.
“Start the car or I’m going to call Uncle Xavi.” She said, clenching her teeth and I started the car.

There was an awkward silence during our drive back to my flat. She was busy typing on her phone. She never said anything at all, while I thought a million ways to get her attention. We arrived at the flat.

“Give that to me, Aly.” I said, trying to reach for the tray of chocolate sambo from her.
“Whatever, Bartra.” Aly said and walked past me but of course, I pulled her back and reached for the tray.
“Fine.” Aly said and we both walked towards my flat.

“Look, I know I was such an idiot and a dick during the dance, and I am so sorry, Aly.” I said, pleading.
“Took you long enough.” Aly said and I smiled but she was not yet smiling.

She opened the door and everyone smiled at us. We all ate. Aly sat as far away from me and Pique as possible, instead she sat between Xavi and Bojan, who both were cracking jokes. In the sea of these people’s laughter, I only hear Aly’s and that made me smile. Pique caught me looking at and smiling at Aly. He rolled his eyes. Mama and Papa enjoyed the dinner, dessert and talking. Mama and papa stood up, thanked everyone and were about to leave. I walked them to the parking lot, where papa had his car.

“Your cousin told us what you did and told us to thank you.” mama said and hugged me.
“I love you, mama.” I said and kissed her on the cheek and she smiled.
“How are things with your girlfriend?” papa asked.
“We had lunch yesterday and we both settled things. We talked and decided to end it for good.” I said.
“You’ll find someone else new, someone who will love you for who you are.” papa said.
“And she’s just around the corner, son, although why do you have to be so stupid at the dance..” mama said.
“Fontas told you?” I demanded and she smiled.
“Yes, son, he did. In fact, he told everyone and don’t worry, Xavi is not mad. Although I think he has done a lot of things inside his head already.” mama said.
“We must leave, it’s getting late.” papa said and hugged me one more time and went inside their car.

“You know we love you, son. Do what you have to do and remember, it’s not too late to tell Aly everything.” papa said.