A Barcelona Love Story

Chapter 5- Welcome Home

“This will be your room, Xandi.” Uncle Xavi said, opening a door and revealing an all-white room, bigger than what I had back in LA.
“Wow, it’s huge.” I said and he smiled.
“You can decorate it all you want, make it more you. No loud music when the clock strikes 9PM, no bringing of boys especially in this room.” he said and I nodded with a smile.
“You’ve got all afternoon to unpack or sleep or do whatever you want. I’ll be at the other house, I miss everyone else and they look forward to see you.” he said.
“Uncle, I forgot to give you this.” I said and hastily took out a paper bag and handed it to him.
“What’s this?” he asked, trying to open it.
“My mum used to tell me you are a huge fan of Bruce Springsteen and Bryan Adams. So, before I left LA, I browsed three music stores and got you those.” I said and he smiled.
“You shouldn’t have, but thank you.” he said and hugged me.
“Well, what you’re doing is bigger than those CD’s I got you.” I said. “But I promise you, I’ll behave.” I added.
“I know you would.” he said. “Feel at home.” he added and left.

I began unpacking, but never redecorating yet. Instead, I took out a paper and pen, to list the things I’m going to need in order to redecorate the room. To make it more me of course. It took me all afternoon to rearrange some of the stuff I brought with me though, from old diaries to books and magazines, shoes, clothes and bags.

“Xandi? Meet your Uncle Xavi Dos and Aunt Adriana, they are my brother and sister.” Uncle Xavi said.
“Hello, nice to meet you. I’m Alexandria. Call me Aly.” I said and to my surprise, they hugged me.
“Welcome home, Aly.” Aunt Adriana said and Uncle Xavi Dos kissed me on the cheek.
“See? She looks like her mum, doesn’t she?” Uncle Xavi asked and the two agreed and thus began the talk among the four of us.

“I forgot to tell you, Xandi, you are going to attend school this Monday.” Uncle Xavi said and I looked at him.
“Some school accepted me?” I asked. “This late?” I asked. He chuckled.
“Who wouldn’t, Aly?” Uncle Xavi’s mum demanded and they all laughed.
“Xavi, your phone has been ringing.” Aunt Adriana said, handing Uncle Xavi his phone as I stood up and helped around, clearing the table and washing dishes.

“Maybe you should go and get some rest, nena.” Uncle Xavi’s mum suggested.
“It’s alright, grandmother.” I said and she smiled. “I used to help my mom anyways.” I added.
“Have you lived with your father?” Aunt Adriana asked.
“I’m actually forced to live with him on weekends, but before mum died, I just choose when to.” I said.
“Why?” Aunt Adriana asked.
“My dad’s into this whole Hollywood thing and I can’t stand it.” I said and they nodded.

“Xandi, you and I have better dress up. Gerard insists I take you out. We’re going to drink a little.” Uncle Xavi said.
“Oh, that would be a nice change.” grandmother said and she looked at me. “Your uncle rarely goes out, maybe that’s why he’s still single.” grandmother said teasingly as Uncle Xavi laughed.