A Barcelona Love Story

Chapter 7- A Little Boy Talk

“Welcome to Barcelona, Aly!” Gerard raised his voice and we all toasted our drinks.
“Thanks.” I said and began to sip on the drink that Uncle Xavi gave me awhile ago.
“You left someone in LA, Aly?” Bojan asked me.
“Depends on what someone means.” I said and they laughed.
“Boyfriend, dating partner, male prospects, hmm..what else is there?” Gerard asked. “Oh, right, fuck buddy.” he added.
“Don’t listen to him, he’s starting to be drunk, Xandi.” Uncle Xavi said.
“Seriously, did you leave a boyfriend in LA?” Bojan asked me.
“I have no boyfriend.” I announced and finished my drink.
“Really? No guys jumped your bones or something? I mean you’re a stunner, Aly.” Sergio said.
“Thanks, Sergio. But, seriously, no boyfriends or anything else.” I said.
“How come?” Lionel asked as Bartra handed me another drink.
“I am very good at staying invisible.” I said.
“Not when you’re here, not when you’re with us. Never.” Lionel said. Dani stood up and offered his hand.
“Come on, dance with me. This is my song.” Dani said as I took his hand.
“Have fun.” Uncle Xavi said. “Go on, mind you, you can’t go out without me.” he added and I chuckled.

Dani went over to the DJ and asked him to play Shakira’s Waka Waka and before I knew it, he was dancing the actual steps and encouraged me to do the same. Maybe it was Dani, the music, alcohol or I don’t know, but I found myself dancing with him. After the song came to an end, I found myself dancing with Uncle Xavi, Carles, Lionel, Bojan, Gerard, Pedro, Sergio, Muniesa, Fontas and Roberto. Bartra was sulking all night, texting and looked sad and refused to move an inch.

“Come on, time to go home. We still have training tomorrow.” Carles said as Uncle Xavi nodded.
“Aly, Aly, you beautiful blonde! I think Bartra likes you or was it Bojan?” Gerard asked, swaying.
“Come on, I’m driving Muniesa’s car.” Pedro said.
“Pedro, I have to make sure Busquets and Lionel are home safely.” Uncle Xavi said. “Xandi..” he began.
“No, it’s OK. I’m driving Muniesa’s car, I’ll make sure your niece is home.” Pedro said.

I got into Muniesa’s car with Pedro on wheels, a drunk Sergi, Muniesa and Fontas. A silent Bartra sat beside me. We both helped Pedro with Sergi, Muniesa and Fontas. The next stop was me.

“Thank you so much..” I told Pedro. “Uhm, should I say Uncle Pedro?” I asked and he chuckled.
“Just Pedro, Aly.” he said and I smiled.
“Thank you so much, Pedro.” I said and kissed him on the cheek.
“Let me walk you, nena.” Pedro said.
“No, it’s OK. I can manage.” I said but Pedro insisted on walking me as I threw a last look on Bartra.

“What’s up with Bartra?” I asked Pedro as we both stood at the doorstep. He looked at Bartra and looked at me.
“His girlfriend broke up with him.” Pedro said and I nodded slowly.
“I’ll see you soon, Pedro. Thanks for walking me.” I said and smiled.
“Anything you need, BBM or text or call.” Pedro said and kissed me on the cheek and left.