I Guess I'll Never Get To Call You Mine


“How is he?” I’ve been waiting in the emergency room with Carol and Violet for the past hour without any news. I have to admit that it was a bit of shock to wake up to a phone calling informing that my husband had been admitted to the hospital when a drunk driver hit him in the streets at night.
The doctor hesitated. He looked uncomfortable as he adjusted his white coat and cleared his throat. “He’s doing fine. Luckily, nothing is broken. Just some deep cuts and bruises, which we’d cleaned and bandaged. He should be ready to go in a few days. We’re just keeping him in as a precaution,” he said carefully. “But there is one other thing…” He looked extremely regretful, as if he did some horrible crime. “Mrs. Comeau, I am very sorry to inform you that your husband lost his memory. “He what?” Despite the gravity of the situation, I couldn’t help but be impressed. “Will he recover it soon?” “Perhaps, through therapy and visual stimulation, but it’s unclear how fast the process will be.”
“That’s fine,” I said, beginning to get a little excited. “Can I see him?” “He’s awake, so you may speak to him for awhile. Take it easy, though, he’s been through a tough time.” “Thank you, Doctor.” As soon as he walked away I turned to Vi and Car. “Did you hear that? This is good news!” I said giddily. “What? This is not good news. He lost his friggin’ memory for goodness’ sake!” Violet said impatiently. “What good is he to you now?” “Don’t you see? He doesn’t remember a thing,” I smiled. “I can use that to our advantage.”
We walked into Chuck’s private hospital room, where he sat on the bed propped up by pillows, looking lost and confused. He smiled when we approached. “Hello,” he said. “I wasn’t expecting any visitors. Are you my friends?” “Well, not exactly.” I bent down to kiss his cheek. “I’m your wife, Ashley Comeau, and these are our friends Violet and Carol.” “Oh, I didn’t know I was married,” Chuck frowned. “Why didn’t you wear a wedding ring?” “Um, I left it at home, darling. I was too much in a rush to see if you were OK.” I forgot he sold both of our rings on eBay soon after that disastrous wedding.
He nodded. “I’m sorry, I’m sure it must be hard for you, since I can’t remember anything—” “It’s fine,” I assured him. “I’ll tell you everything you might need to know for now, and maybe your memories will return.” I took a deep breath and started, “Your name is Chuck Comeau, and you’re the drummer of the band Simple Plan. You recently had a falling out with your band members because they didn’t respect you enough, even though you’re one of the main songwriters for the group and one of the band’s founders in the first place. You’ll remember their names soon enough: Pierre, Sébastien, David and Jeff. Trust me, they’re not worth seeing or talking to. I heard that they planned to replace you as a drummer.” I ignored Violet and Carol’s open mouths as Chuck replied, “These guys sound so sick. Why would do they do that?” “I have no idea, baby,” I said, taking his hand in a comforting manner. “And that’s not all either. There’s this one girl you need to watch out for. Her name is Aline Young, and she used to be your best friend, until she dated Simple Plan’s bassist, David. She took her boyfriend’s side and supported him in kicking you out of the band. To your face she’ll be all nice and innocent but behind your back she’s plotting against you. Definitely don’t trust her.”
“Wow, it seems like I’ve got a lot of enemies in my life.” He looked dejected, and I squeezed his hand. “Don’t worry, you’ve got Violet and Carol, and me, of course,” I smiled. “We’ve been married for almost two months now, and we’ve been through some hard times already. We can make through this…together.” “You’re right,” he smiled. “Thanks, Ashley. I guess I’m lucky to have a wife like you.” I winked at him. “Of course you are.”