Status: I update very warned

Welcome to The Demolition Derby That Is My Stories

Love Eternal (R)

Boarding the plane now. See you in a few hours baby. I love you.’ Amy smiled at the text message that she had just received. The boys had the weekend off from touring and instead of staying in London like the others had chosen to do Pete decided to make the trip across the ocean to see his lady. Although she was excited to see him she didn’t think it was worth the money for him to come only for the weekend. That led to a very heated argument between the couple that ended with Pete getting his way as usual.

Amy worried a little about how much Pete got his way but that disappeared the more she thought about the things they were going to do together this weekend. Neither one of them had their children this week since Bronx was with his mother and her son Daniel was visiting his dad in Colorado so the two of them would be truly her being began to grow warm with each naughty thought that crossed her mind she jumped out of bed and into the shower to cool herself down.

Five hour flight from New York to Los Angeles but given the time differences it going to take a lot less time than that. Knowing that she showered as quickly as she could before going and cleaning up the house since Bronx’s toys and things were still strewn everywhere from the last time he was there.

With about thirty minutes left before his plane landed at LAX Amy headed out to fight with the LA traffic. It took her about 45 minutes reach the airport, another 10 to find a parking space and five more minutes to fight with the crowd to get to the baggage claim area where Pete was already waiting for her. The moment that she spotted him she shoved past the last few people separating him from her and ran to him jumping into his arms.

“Where are the kids?” Pete asked when he finally placed her down on the ground.

“Ashley’s got Bronx this week remember? And Daniel asked to go spend some time with his dad.” She replied locking hands with him and heading towards the car. As per the usual for a celebrity in Los Angeles as soon as they crossed the threshold of the airport doors the pair were bombarded with flashes and questions from the paparazzi. They were able to dodge them all by sprinting to the car and hightailing it out of there narrowly avoiding a speeding ticket.

“So, we’re completely alone this weekend?” Pete asked with a smirk.

“Yep.” Amy answered. Pete reached his hand out and lightly ran it up her leg letting out a low, lust filled growl at the same time.

“Well then, I know what we’re doing first thing when we get home.”

“Really now?” Amy asked with a sly smile on her face. She grabbed his hand as it started to slide between her legs. “Now, now Mr. Wentz I’m driving. You know how dangerous it is to distract the driver.”

“Mmm…I love it when you call me Mr. Wentz.” Pete said leaning over the center console to whisper gruffly in her ear. The vibration from his bass voice sent shivers down her spine and caused her body to grow warm particularly in her center. Unable to control herself she reached her hand out and rubbed it against his pants noticing the large bulge that was beginning to shoe. “Whoa there! I thought you said don’t distract the driver?”

“I said YOU can’t distract the driver. I didn’t say anything about the driver distracting herself.” She countered.

“Isn’t that kind of the same thing though?” She gripped his dick through his jeans tighter. “Okay, doesn’t matter. I get it.” Pete squeaked out.

“Good boy.” She said releasing her hold on him and placing it back on the wheel.

They drove the rest of the way in a sexually frustrated silence and practically busted out of the car and through the door of the house stripping their clothes off along the way. The pair couldn’t even make it to the bedroom before they started ravishing each other. A couple of hours later the pair lie on the floor in a sweet embrace breathing heavily.

“I missed you.” Pete said stroking his hand through Amy’s hair.

“I missed you too, love.” Amy snuggled in closer to Pete’s body. “So, what are we going to do while you’re here?”

“I don’t know, I kind of don’t mind lying here and having sex all weekend.”

“Well we could do that but I want to do something memorable.” Pete gasped jokingly.

“Sex with me isn’t memorable?” Amy shoved him a little.

“Yes you big baby, but that’s beside the point. I want to do something that I’ll remember forever.”

“Then let’s go get a new tattoo. That’s pretty much forever.” Pete suggested with a “stating the obvious” tone in his voice. Amy lifted her arms up inspecting for a moment.

“Yeah, I suppose I have a little bit more room for a new one.” She said smiling.

“Don’t forget you have all of this open space on these beautiful legs of yours.” Pete whispered grabbing one of her legs and moving it spreading her legs wide open before diving head first into her center.

Amy let out a small squeak of surprise followed by a guttural moan of pleasure as Pete began sucking on her clit and shoving his fingers as far as he could inside her warm opening. Her sudden intake of breath let him know that he reached the perfect spot.

Curling his fingers slightly he quickly moved his hand in and out of her body hitting that spot repeatedly sending her as close to the edge as possible. She could feel the orgasm building inside of her and let out a loud growl when Pete removed his hand just as it was about to spill over.

“What the fuck Pete!?” She shouted punching him hard in the arm.

“Ow!” he exclaimed rubbing his shoulder. “I don’t want you coming just yet. I want to have some fun with you first.” Pete said before getting up off the floor and pulling her up with him. He guided her upstairs to their bedroom there they commenced their body worshipping with round two and three and four…and five. Not to mention round six.

The two were so spent by the end of the night they fell into a deep sleep that lasted well into the afternoon of the next day.

Pete was the first to wake up slowly sliding out of the bed and quietly slipped out of the room. He made his way down to the kitchen and started making breakfast for the two of them despite the fact that it was nearing 3:00 in the afternoon. He made an entire platter of pancakes, bacon, eggs, toast; the whole shebang and plated it all neatly on the dining room table. It didn’t take long for Amy to wake up and come downstairs at the smell of bacon cooking.

“Good morning beautiful.” Pete greeted her as she walked into the dining room.

“It’s 3:00 in the afternoon Pete.” She said groggily giving him a quick kiss on the lips.

“So. We’re just waking up. That’s morning enough for me.” Pete countered sitting down across from her.

“Fair enough.” She muttered as they began to eat.

Thirty minutes later after everything had been devoured the table cleared and the dishes washed Pete and Amy sat in the living room watching some mindless sitcom.

“So what were you thinking about getting?” Pete asked when the show had gone to commercial.

“I don’t know I was kind of thinking about adding to my Gemini tattoo.” She said pointing to the Gemini symbol on her wrist. She had gotten it when she was married to her son’s father. It was the Gemini symbol for herself with the Pieces fish in place if the top and bottom arcs.

“What are you going to add to it?”

“Probably a bigger Gemini symbol right behind it, so it looks like a giant protective shadow being cast.”

“Why that?” Pete kind of already knew the answer but he wanted to hear her say it.

“Because I wanted a tattoo to honor the second most important man in my life right now, after my son of course. Plus since you’re a Gemini like me and tattoos are forever and since we don’t know what the future holds for us it seems perfect.” She was a little worried about her getting a tattoo for him but her fears eased when she saw the smile on his face.

“It is perfect. I want to make it better though. Instead of getting the whole symbol only get half…and I’ll get the other half.” Pete trailed off as her thought carefully about his next words. He didn’t want her to get the wrong idea. “As you said we don’t know what the future holds for us so if for some reason we…we don’t make it we can just fill the rest of the symbol in.”

Amy’s smile dropped a little bit at the mention of the two of them not making it. Despite how much she mentally prepared herself she didn’t think she would ever be truly ready for that. Pushing the bad thoughts to the side agreed with him with a large smile on her face.

Four hours later the pair of them walked out of the tattoo shop both of their arms bandaged from the new tattoos they received. When they got home they just enjoyed the rest of the evening cuddled up together watching old movies.

The last day before he had to go back to Europe to finish out the rest of the tour they tried to fit as much excitement as they could in one day. In the morning they went paintballing and in the afternoon they went to Disneyland. It was a very full, very eventful, very exhausting day for the pair of them that ended at the dancing lights fountain.

“I love you, Pond.” Pete said in her ear as he stood behind her with his arms around her waist.

“I love you, too Peter Pan.” She responded snuggling further into his embrace. “Do you have to leave?” she asked with a sad tome in her voice.

“Yes, but I’ll be back in a couple of months, baby. I’ll be back so quick you won’t even know I’m gone.” She turned around to face him then.

“Promise?” she asked with a small pout.

“I promise.” He answered leaning down for a kiss.

The next night Amy laid in bed already missing him. She lifted her arm into her line of view and ran her fingers lightly on the healing flesh. She smiled to herself as she drifted off into a deep sleep awaiting the day that her love would return.