Status: Very rough draft right now. Many changes that could possibly ensue.



"So you're just going to sit there and stare like nothing fucking happened?" he interrogates.

It takes me a second to realize that he's waiting for me to respond.

"I, I don't know what you expected me to do," I say quietly.

"I don't care that she's an Ebony, you fucking cracker Ivory girl. It's in the City fucking Mandate that it is one's duty to help a fellow citizen no matter their race when you see sector on sector acts of intolerance taking place. Yet you sat there and didn't say shit. Didn't even bother to see if she was okay. You just watched some coin slot eyed yellow bitches throw that shit at her and didn't say anything."

I sit dumbfounded as he rants on about something as simple as a cup being thrown. It's not like they did a drive-by on the girl. And yes, I know exactly what clause of the City Mandate that he is referring to, but it's not like anyone in X takes that in with any type of seriousness. If someone of my sector had seen me helping an Ebony, I would have been the shame of our channel for months to come.

He's definitely a Latto. Only a Latto would use something as bogus as the City Mandate to argue a point like this. Only a Latto would bother to argue a point like this at all. He continues his tantrum, with a long string of ignorant racial slurs that once again, only a Latto would use. They are all so adamant about expressing their interest in the enforcement of equality, when they are the ones who keep up those derogatory terms, reminding us of our differences. The Latto don't care to think about the things they say before they say them. They have little manners, and with that, little dignity. Something I can't afford to lose for helping some Ebony girl.

"You're not gonna fucking say anything? Ah, I see. Cracker Ivory girl is too good to breathe a word to a mutt like myself. Well, fuck you, too. One day, you're going to need someone's help. And no one of your sector will be there, you'll be at the mercy of another channel. We'll see who stands up for you." With that, he walks away.

The Ebony girl jumps up to trail behind him.

What the hell is the world coming to.