Status: Active

*** for Hire

Chapter 1

It was night in Los Angeles Calfornia. Three men waited impatiently in a building in a run down area of the city.

"Where is he?" One men said looking at his watch. "He's late."

"How late he is he better have our money." The short one said.

The third one nodded. "How much time we've given him is much more than we've given the others."

"I know Marco." The first one said. "We're too generous to this guy."

"Agreed Sal." The second one who's name was Martin said.

At that moment they heard a knock at the door. Martin walked over checking his gun that was in his pants. He opened the door.

"About god damn time Ricardo." He said ushering him in.

Ricardo walked in wide eyed and gulped.

"Sit down." Sal said pushing him in a chair as the others surrounded him.

Ricardo gulped knowing they wouldn't be happy when they heard.

"Remember we loaned you money Ricardo?" Martin asked.

"Yes." He said.

"And remember we gave you a month to make it up?" Marco asked.

"Yes." He said.

"And you didn't have it for us?" Sal asked.

Ricardo nodded. "Yes."

"So we gave you an extension to make the money up." Sal said.

"Yes you did." Ricardo said.

"Now it's pay up time." Martin said. "I think you have something for us."

"No I don't." Ricardo said.

"What do you mean you don't?" Marco asked his eyes flaring. "We gave you half a year to make it all up."

"I got layed off from my job and my mother needed an operation for a tumor growing on her abdomen." He said shaking now.

"Not an excuse." Sal said. "You knew you owed us money but you didn't get it."

"I'm sorry if you'll just give me more time." Ricardo said. "By next time I'll have it all in cash."

"Next time?" Martin said with a laugh.

"I'm afraid there's not gonna be a next time for you Ricardo." Sal said pulling out his gun.

"Please don't." Ricardo said getting up.

"No point in pleading." Marco said. "You knew what you were getting yourself into." "This is what happens when you loan money from mobster and don't pay it back."

"Don't kill me please." Ricardo said stepping back.

"Stop whining like a little bitch!" Sal said. "And accept your fate like a man."

"No!" Ricardo yelled and ran out the building.

"Find him and kill him." Sam said.

Marco and Martin nodded and ran after him.

Meanwhile at the Silver Reign strip club strippers were in their dressing rooms preparing to go home.

"Another great night." A stripper name Coco said.

"I'll say." Montana said. "More men means more cash."

"How much did you make?" Coco asked.

"Made five hundred." Montana said putting it in her savings box. "Doesn't sound like much but it's more than I made last week and every penny counts."

"True." Coco said. "You still saving up to buy a house?"

"Yeah." Montana said putting on her faux cheetah print jacket. "Hopefully by the end of this month I'll have enough to move out that shithole."

Coco laughed. "I hope you do too." She said slamming her locker and turning the lights on her mirror off.

They walked out the side door exit and to the front of the club.

"See you tomorrow night." Coco said hugging her.

"You too." Montana said returning the big.

They pulled away and went their seperate ways.

As Montana walked down the block to her car she heard sounds of a struggle. She looked over and saw two guys beating a man violently.

She crouched beside a nearby car and peeked around it. She gasped as one brought out a gun and the other held the guy down.


The guy didn't finish because the man shot him dead. Montana gasped covering her mouth.

"What was that?" The man asked looking around. "I heard something and it came from over there."

She looked seeing her car a couple of feet away. Taking a breath she ran to get car pressing the button.

"Look!" The man said pointing at her.

She got in and looked in the mirror seeing then running over. Putting her keys in she stared her car and drove away as they fired shot at her.

Fortunately they didn't hit her or her car.

"Bitch saw what we did." Martin said. "She'll testify against us in court."

"No she won't." Marco said. "Cause she won't be alive long enough for the court date."