Status: Active

*** for Hire

Chapter 2

Contract killer Daryl Dixon got ready for the day ahead of him. After styling his hair to perfection he wore his signature black jeans, white button up shirt, with a black blazer.

He went to his dresser putting the thick black gloves on. Walking to his suitcase he took out his switchblade snapping it out. The blade glistened in the dim light. He ran his finger over it and felt the point to make sure it was sharp enough.

Stepping back he threw it into the nearby wall. Walking over he took it out snapping it back down before putting it in his pocket.

Reaching under his bed he pulled out a suitcase. Placing it on the bed he opened it revealing a silencer, assault gun, sub machine gun, laser gun, etc."

He took out an assault gun that had a silencer making sure it was loaded he hid it in his blazer.

Putting on his sunglasses he walked out his room and out his apartment. Getting in his car and placing the gun on the passenger seat he drove to the location his target was at.

Daryl was perched onto of a roof waiting for a man by the name of Clifford Miller to come out.

Miller was a lawyer who had cheated a kingpin of money after he did a bad deal with him.

Daryl waited patiently not moving and waiting. Finall Miller came out dressed in his suit.

He walked to his car looking around as if he knew someone was watching him.

Daryl chuckled and looked through the hole. Miller walked to his car and just as he was about to get in...

Daryl shot him. Miller gasped and looked down seeing the blood forming on his white shirt. He fell to his knees and looked in Daryl's direction. Daryl fired again shooting him in the head.

Miller fell down dead.

Daryl watched as Millers wife ran out and to him body. Crying hysterically and yelling for help.

"No one can help your husband now." Daryl said getting up and walking away.

As he walked his cell phone rang. Taking it out the ID read Byron who was his employer.

"Hello." Daryl said.

"Dixon I got some people who want to talk to you." He said. "About an assassin."

Daryl smiled. "On own my way."

Daryl drove to the building where his employer worker at. Byron was a CEO of a company but he did dirty business on the side. Hiring assassins and contract killers to do away with people who either wronged him or cheated him of money.

He was also a mobster like a lot of clients who asked for Daryl's services.

Daryl walked in and to the desk.

"Hello Daryl." The secretary who's names was Diana said.

"Hi D how are you?" He asked.

"I'm good." She said. "Mr. Markley will see you in now."

"Thanks." He said and walked to the door.

"Come in Daryl." Byron said seeing him through his cameras.

Daryl opened it to find Byron there with three other men seated there.

"Did you do what I asked?" Byron asked turning to face him.

Daryl nodded. "Exactly like you asked."

"No witnesses?" He asked.

"No one saw except his wife who ran out screaming." Daryl said.

Byron smiled. "See gentleman?" "He's one of the finest assassins you could ask for."

The three men stood up and faced Daryl.

They all shook his hand and introduced themselves as Marco, Martin, and Sal.

"So you're pretty good at your job we hear." Martin said.

Daryl nodded. "Been doing this for seven years and haven't been caught."

Martin smiled. "You'll do just fine then."

"Who do you want me to pop off?" Daryl asked

"Some bitch that works at Silver Reign." Marco said. "You know what and where that is?"

Daryl nodded. "It's a strip club downtown." "Why do you want her dead?"

"She saw something she wasn't suppose to see." Martin asked. "She saw us kill a guy that owed us money and she got a good look at our faces."

"And you want me to kill her so she doesn't talk." Daryl said.

They nodded.

"You got it." Sal said. "If she talks she'll ruin everything we've work for our entire empire."

"Okay I'll do it." He said. "But what's in it for me?"

Sal smiled. "How bout we start at a thousand then work on up."

"Sounds good to me but I'll have you know I like to play with my female victims before I kill them." Daryl said.

Sal chuckled. "That's fine just do what we ask."

"Okay what does she look like and what's her name?" Daryl asked.

Marco handed him a picture of her. "Name's Montana."

Daryl got ready for the night wearing his black jeans, black shirt, and a hoddie.

He never if rarely was contracted to kill strippers. Then again they were considered lose causes.

Most of them usually ran away from home and ended up working as one. With them being far away from loved ones and family no one wouldn't really care if they went missing.

Making sure his gun was tucked inside his jeans. He grabbed his keys and to his car driving to the club.

Arriving there he got out and walked to the entrance. Showing security his ID he walked inside.

Walking in his eyes and ears were met by loud music, half naked girls, and men hooting and hollering throwing money on stage.

Daryl took a seat and ordered a drink his eyes focused on the stage.

"Need some company honey?" A voice asked.

Daryl looked up to sees blonde girl, with blue eyes, and obvious implanted breasts standing there wearing a USA bikini.

"I'm actually waiting for Montana." He said nicely.

"Oh." She said. "She'll be out in a few." She said walking away to another customer.

Daryl waited and then the lights went out and the owner walked on stage and to a mic.

"Now gentleman the lady y'all been waiting for who's hips sure don't lie." He said. "Give it up for Montana!"

The club exploded into applause and the lights dimmed.