Status: Active

*** for Hire

Chapter 9

Daryl woke up in the middle of the night. He forgot where he was until he felt puffs of breath on his chest. He looked down seeing Montana curled against him her head on his chest.

He thought about the night of passion they shared. Despite her words to him he didn't mind it was soft and gentle sex. If she was amazing in that department she had to be in the other department.

Remember Dixon what you've been assigned. He told himself. You can't let an attraction and great sex distract you from it.

Sighing he gently unwrapped her arms from around him. Laying her to the side he got up and got dressed.

After getting dressed he gathered Montana in his arms and walked to her bedroom. Pulling back the covers he tucked her in. She hadn't stirred at all.

For some reason he didn't want to leave without some kind of goodbye. Finding a pen and paper he wrote a quick message laying it under her bedside lamp.

Giving her a final glance he left the room softly closing the door.

He realized his bike was back at the bar. As he looked around he noticed he had passed this complex numerous times.

"She doesn't live that far from the club." He said as he started walking.

As he arrived home his cell started ringing. He answered without looking already knowing who it was.

"Did ya do it yet?" Byron asked.

"Not yet but I got lucky tonight." He said with a smirk.

Byron chuckled. "Dixon you slick bastard." "How was she?"

"Better than all the rest." Daryl said unlocking his apartment.

"That's too bad." Byron said. "Shame you have to kill a woman who's a good fuck."

"Yeah I'll talk to you later B." He said.

"Okay Dixon just do what you've been assigned." Byron said hanging up.

Daryl fell on his bed and closed his eyes thinking about Montana. She was amazing in every way possible.

Byrons words came back into his head. "Shame you have to kill her."

For some reason Daryl felt uncomfortable when he said this. He didn't know why. Montana was just another person he had been assigned to kill.

But she's so sweet. A voice said.

So? His other voice said. All the others were sweet what made her any different?

He fell asleep trying to figure it out.

Montana woke up not in Daryl's arms but her bed. She looked over her shoulder to find the place empty.

He just left without saying goodbye. She thought.

She sat up and saw a piece of paper under the lamp with her name on it. She took it and opened.

"Sorry I left without a proper goodbye." "I had some business to attend to." "I didn't want to wake you so I tucked you in." "Hope your not too mad." "See you tonight." "Daryl."

She smiled. "At least he gave me some goodbye and was nice enough to put me to bed."

She got up stretching her muscles. Walking into the bathroom she ran a hot shower. As she showered she thought about the night before.

"He was so good even if he hasn't done it in a while." She said.

She was surprised that Daryl hasn't had sex in a while. He was so good looking he looked like he got ass like a rock or porn star.

Then again there was something about him. Something she couldn't pin point that seemed distance. Like he was hiding something from the rest of the world.

"Maybe I can figure it out." She said getting out and drying off.

Daryl got ready dressed all in black. Lastly he sprayed some cologne and put his caliber in his pants.

Grabbing his keys he drove to the club. Sitting at his usual table he ordered a drink and waited for Montana.

She never appeared. He looked at his watch. It was eight the time she usually performed.

"Did I keep you waiting?" A voice asked.

Daryl turned to see Montana standing there wearing a halter top with a black skirt.

"Hi Daryl." She said sitting down.

"Hi why aren't you on stage?" He asked.

She smiled. "I'm off tonight." "I only came here tonight cause I knew you'd be here."

He felt blush in his cheeks, "You did?"

She nodded. "You want to get out of here?"

"Sure." He said finishing his drink.

Getting up he followed Montana out the club.