Let Your Heart, Control Your Mind.

Knowing That I Am to Blame

At first my parents didn't like the idea of me being gone the entirety of my last summer before college. And, most of all my dad wasn't very sure if he liked me sleeping on a bus and hotel rooms with my boyfriend. No doubt he loved Nick, but there was a line he wanted to make sure was never crossed. He knew Nick was a gentleman and wouldn't do anything to hurt me. But, I guess me growing up was hard for them. I wanted them to have time to be together and with just each other for a while before the due date comes around. They needed to prepare themselves because they hadn't been new parents for eighteen and a half years. My mother is forty and dad is forty-five they weren't the young couple they were when they had me. And on another note, this time they weren't just getting one baby. I had three little siblings on the way. I guess that is a common thing for what they did. They needed alone time. I would be safely out of their hair. I told them all this and then they changed their minds about going with Nick and his brothers on tour. I also told them that Danielle would be there for parts of it too. It help that they knew I wouldn't be the only lady on board for the tour. It was weird though that mom and Danielle are both pregnant at the same time. Life is just like that I guess though your “sister” and mother have babies around the same time.
I had my bags packed for my trip. All I had to do now was wait for them to get here. It was way early in the morning. On a normal day I would still be asleep, but I told then too get me after their New York concert thing. I ran up to the kitchen to get a snack and when I came back to my room Nick had one of my tiaras on. It was my newest one.
“Hey prom queen. You look pretty today.”
“You are looking like the prom queen, Mr. Jonas.” I walked over to him. He held my waist and lifted me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held on to his to his waist with my legs. He let go of me and took the tiara off his head before placing on top of mine.
“No I am your king.”
“You are silly. That’s what.” I dropped my legs trying to touch the ground that was at least a foot away from my feet, but in a last effort to keep me Nick grabbed my butt and forced me back up.
“I am not silly. I just love you.” He looked up at me.
“Nick, let me down we need to go.” He pulled me on to his back and took my suitcases into his hands.
“Who said I needed to put you down to for us to leave.” Since his hands were full I took the chance to hop down and walk by myself.
“I can do this part by myself, but you can carry my bags, thank you.”
“Fine don’t let me show you how manly and strong I am.”
“I know you are manly and strong without you needing to carry me around like a baby, okay?”
“Sorry.” He climbed the stairs taking them two at a time trying to get outside faster. I caught up to him and poked his shoulder.
“Nick.” I waited for him to turn around. He didn't so I moved past him and stood on the step before him. I held his face and kissed him. “I’m not mad at you. It’s just you could get me into a lot of trouble with myself and I know you don’t want that.”
“What are you talking about?” He asked.
“You are trouble for my morality, Nicholas. You better watch what moves you make.”
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<3 Kelsey