Let Your Heart, Control Your Mind.

But I Just Don't Fit

I finally got to see what living on the road was really like. It had only been a week and I was missing my bed at home greatly. The bunks in the tour bus weren't horrible, but the crampedness of them made me unhappy. I really wanted to find out who I needed to convince into switching this bus for one with bigger beds. After all Nick’s brothers had full sized beds in their buses… Part of me believed that this smaller than twin sized bed thing was an attempt to warn us away from sleeping in the same bed. If so, this didn't even phase Nick as he crept next to me in bed every night once he thought I was asleep. Which makes me surprised as to why he hasn't asked for a different bus. Maybe he has had long conversations with his parents about this. I could imagine it started with Nick saying something like those beds in the tour bus seem smaller than they were when I was fifteen. They might nod and say of course Nicholas you have gotten bigger in the last five years. Then he would say well can I get a bed that I can actually fit in then and they would look at him with the response of but where would Alexis sleep. He would then say to them we have slept in the same bed before we are both adults I am sure we know how to behave ourselves. That would get a serious look and then the conversation would be over. Maybe if I asked them about the situation it would be a different story because where Nick is a man and with them having raised sons know all about men and how men think. The only one that fully understands being a woman is Denise. Well and Danielle. Should I start by asking Danielle what to do about it? That seems like a good spot to start. She might have been in this spot once. With that thought Nick stirred in his sleep and pulled me closer to him (which was hardly possible.) I just ended up breathing into his neck which wasn't the most comfortable place to be. I tried moving to get my mouth somewhere that could let me breathe fully, but all I managed to do was wake Nick up. Groggily he blinked and then looked at me.
“Good morning.” He spoke and I took a peak at the clock built into the wall at the foot of the bed.
“It’s only 5:30.” I answered before his kissed me lightly. His hands rested on my hips as he kissed me again.
“That is not too early to get a start on the day. I was actually planning on getting a little work out done this morning. If you’d like to join me you are more that welcome.” I gave him an are you serious eyebrow raise and buried my face in the covers. “Well, someone is not much of a morning person now are they?”
“My morning doesn't start for another hour and a half.” I replied hitting the switch for the light on the wall and turning over in bed. But if I was being honest then I would say my morning didn't want to start until nine or ten today because I hardly slept last night. “As would yours if you didn't sleep like a rock. Some of us get the side of this tiny bed that is against the wall.”
“I am trying to get a different bus.” Was all he said before climbing out of bed and pulling on the t-shirt that was strewn across the bunk that was technically his. He presumably went to change to work out or whatever else guys do in the wee hours of the morning when their girlfriends are too bothered to get out of bed. As for me, I closed my eyes and attempted to fall asleep once again.
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Sorry for the long pause.
<3 Kelsey