Status: Active! :)

Poison Arms

Chapter 10

The weather down here is really great. It’s always hot unlike Michigan. I was used to seeing clean, white sterile things. It was like I was living my life through a Twilight filter, and then I moved here. Everything is so bright and sunny. I’m pretty happy here.

“Jump in the water’s fine.” Vic said from the middle of the pond.

It was small and out of the way. Vic said he’d never seen any people back here before, so we were skinny dipping.

I glanced at Vic shyly before I slipped my boxers off and ran into the water. As soon as the water hit my feet I squealed. It was pretty cool considering it was late fall. Vic started laughing at me as I turned around to run out.

“No, no, no! We shook on it. You have to go shoulder deep!” he yelled.

I turned around and gave him an angry look. Then I stepped deeper and deeper into the water until I was face to face with Vic and the water was swishing over my shoulders and hitting my neck.

“Do you know what could be swimming around in here?” I said making a disgusted face.

“Yeah. Fish. Aligators. Aliens. Snakes.” He teased. “Who knows what’s on the bottom?”

“Ok. I’m officially freaked. Coming?” I said wading out of the water covering my privates.

Vic nodded and followed closely behind. We put our clothes back on, which didn’t do much good in keeping me warm, and we basically ran back to the house.

“Hurry up. I’m freezing.” Vic said holding the door open for me. I ran past him and straight up the stairs.

“We’re back Mrs. Kendra!” I yelled. When we got on our floor I ran straight to the bathroom.

“What are you doing?” Vic laughed.

“I’m gonna warm up and wash that nasty water off! What are YOU doing?” I chuckled.

“Warming up and washing the nasty water off.” He winked following me into the bathroom.

“Lock the door. Wouldn’t want anyone coming in, now would we?” I joked as I pretended to undress.

I was hoping Vic would leave. I mean he’d just seen me naked, but that was a completely different situation. When he didn’t leave, I realized that I couldn’t act all awkward so I continued undressing and tried to act like it wasn’t a big deal.

I turned the water on warm and got in the shower. “Wow. This feels great.” I bragged still hoping he would leave, but I guess I gave off the wrong vibe because two seconds later he joined me.

“I’m coming in.” Vic insisted.

When he stepped in I faced the water spout so that he couldn’t try anything. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to do anything, I just didn’t know how. Our first make out session went pretty smoothly, because he taught me and I was completely comfortable around him, but now we were in a situation where something more was bound to happen and I didn’t know how to feel about that.

“Switch. I’m cold too, ya know?” Vic pushed my shoulder and smiled.

I smiled back nervously hiding my anxiety and switched with him. After we both got washed off I put the plug in the tub and let it fill up with hot water. I added a lot of bubbles so I wasn’t tempted to stare at Vic’s junk and he wasn’t tempted to stare at mine, although neither of us were really interested in what each other had downstairs which made me more comfortable with the situation. I sat down in the tub full of water and half moaned.

“I lied. This feels better.” I said pulling Vic down into the tub.

I gathered up a bunch of bubbles and put them on my face in the shape of a beard.

“What do you want for Christmas?” I giggled.

Vic intertwined his hands and pretended to be a little girl. “Hmm. A pony!” he said.

Vic and I laughed for a while and then I cleaned off my face. We sat in silence for a few minutes just kind of admiring each other. Then as usual I got an idea for conversation, and plus I wanted to take the idea out of my head that we might end up doing something.

“So, you know my story. Let’s hear yours.” I said.

Vic leaned back and put his feet on both sides of me. My breathing quickened up, but then it slowed back down when I realized he was just getting comfortable. “My parents were druggies and my brother and I were taken away. Long story short.”

“You have a brother?” I said sitting very still in between his legs.

“Yeah, but I don’t remember him.” He sounded disappointed.

“Well do you know where he stays?” I said loosening up a bit because the mood was kind of friendly now.

“Yeah. In a home a couple blocks over. Why?” he said.

“Why don’t you go meet him? Or re-meet him?” I awkwardly suggested.

Vic smiled at my idea. “Sounds great, but I think it’s best that I don’t.” he said.

“Oh come on! Don’t be a buzz kill.”

“I’m just- what if he blames me for what happened? What if he hates me?”

“Vic, you guys are brothers. He’ll love you.” I encouraged him.

“Alright then, you’ve convinced me Quinn.” He said splashing me with water. I giggled and splashed some back. As we sat there enjoying the presence of each other I felt his fingers tiny tickling my shins.

“Let’s play a game.” Vic recommended.

“What kind of game?” I said in fear.

“It’s called Fire Truck.” He said chuckling at my nervousness.

“Okay, um. How do y-you play?” I stuttered.

“I touch you down here.” He said placing his hand on the top of my foot. “And I move my hand up until you say red light. Then I have to stop.” He said getting on his knees.

I sat up a little straighter and cleared my throat. “Okay, go.” I encouraged him.

I really didn’t want him to think I was scared or anything like that so I just went with the flow. He moved his hand up a little bit to my ankle, then a little farther to the middle of my shin. Then he moved it up to my knee; then to my thigh. He trailed his fingers up my thigh slowly and I practically screamed red light before he even got close to my dick. I didn’t want him to see, nor feel, what this game was doing to me. Then with one swift, sudden movement he crawled on top of me, trailed his hand farther up until he was groping my member, and said, “Fire trucks don’t stop at red lights,” in my ear causing goose bumps to spread throughout my body. My breathing hitched as soon as he touched me, and I spoke up quickly.

“Vic. I’m sorry, but I can’t do this.” I said pushing him off of me and standing up quickly.

“What? Why?” he said in a disappointed tone.

“I just-I don’t know how. I’m not ready. I just can’t. I’m sorry.” I apologized.

“Don’t be sorry, and please don’t leave.” He begged. I sat back down in the water slowly.

“Are you scared of me or something? I wouldn’t make you do anything you don’t want to.” Vic reminded me.

“It’s nothing like that. I mean, I’m just now getting used to socializing with people everyday and flirting with you. You literally had to teach me how to kiss. I don’t want this to be another ‘how to’ lesson.”

“It’s okay. I get it. We don’t have to do anything then.” He smiled at me.

“Thank you for understanding.” I said awkwardly grabbing his hand and holding it.

“Spend the night with me.” He said drawing tiny circles on my knee. I agreed and then we got out of the warm tub and made our way to his bedroom.

As we lay down he said, “So I’m really meeting my brother tomorrow. Oh my god.”

I smiled at him and snuggled closer to his chest.

“That means you’ve convinced me of two things in one night.” He kissed my neck.

“What’s the second one?” I said trailing finding his hand and interlocking my fingers with it.

“That I want you.” He said kissing me gently on the cheek.

I spent the night with him, but we didn’t have sex or anything. I think we both established that it was too early, but we did cuddle and talk about a lot of stuff. That counts for something. I think I really like him, a lot. I have a feeling he’s going to be my first for a lot of things.
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SOrry this chapter is kind of all over the place. The structure is really messy, and i don't know. I'm not a fan of this chapter. Get ready though because there will be some insanityy coming up :D