Status: Active! :)

Poison Arms

Chapter 9

Vic had a doctor’s appointment this morning so he didn’t get to school until 11. I walked down the halls to meet him at the entrance. I took a seat in the front office and waited for him to come in. Finally, I saw him out of the corner of my eye turning in an excuse note into the tray.

“Vic.” I said catching his attention.

“Quinn. What are you doing up here? Are you in trouble or something?” he said.

“No. I was waiting for you.” I pulled a small folded piece of paper out of my pocket and tossed it into the excuse note tray.

Vic looked confused. “What was that for? You’re here.”

“No I’m not. Neither are you.” I winked.

“Oh, I know what’s going on here. You wanna skip!” he yelled in a whisper.

“Sure do; now come on before they notice we’re here.” I pulled on his arm and headed for the exit.

We walked a couple blocks and then we stopped at a laundry mat to catch our breath.

“Hey man, do you have any change?” I asked Vic.

He reached in his pocket and gave me seventy five cents and then I bought a drink. Then I walked over do the dryers and climbed on top of one. Vic walked over to me.

“Can I have a sip?” he pleaded.

I chuckled and handed my soda over. He went to take and drink and I yelled.

“STOP!” he jumped and looked at me.

“What? You’re not a germ freak are you?” he said.

I started laughing. “Na. I was just having some fun. Go ahead.” I winked.

Spending 8 years in a mental institution can really do damage on your social skills. I’d seen a lot of movies when I was there, so whenever I was in doubt I just copied them; especially when I wanted to flirt and didn’t know how. Vic handed my drink back to me and then moved in between my legs. I didn’t know if it was an intentional move or not so I pretended like it was no big deal.

“So, tell me more about yourself.” He suggested.

“More like what?” I said smiling at the fact that he cared to get to know me.

“More like, any girlfriends?”

“Uh, no. Not really into that.” I said trying to hint at the whole “gay” factor.

“So you’re not a relationship kinda guy? That’s cool.” He said looking around awkwardly.

“No. That’s not what I meant. I’m just-“ I paused trying to determine whether I should tell him or not. “I’m actually gay, so…”

He chuckled. “Finally. I practically had to squeeze that out of you.”

“You knew?” I laughed along with him.

“Yeah, of course. It takes a gay to see one right?” he nudged my arm and laughed.

“Wait?! You’re gay too?!” I said in shock.

He nodded shyly and looked to the ground. It was silent for a minute. Then I spoke up.

“So why’d you ask if you already knew?” I bit my lip.

“I wanted to make sure before I did this.” He said lunging forward and pressing his lips against mine.

I’d never kissed anyone before and I didn’t know how to react. I was still for the whole kiss. He finally pulled back.

“Why didn’t you kiss me back?” he said in confusion.

I picked at the holes on my skinny jeans. “I-I don’t know how..”

Vic laughed really hard.

“Oh come on! It’s not that funny! I did just get out of an institution.” I joked.

“I guess I assumed.” He said.

“What’d you expect? That I had a hot relationship with one of my nurses?” I joked some more.

Vic chuckled and then his face grew somewhat serious. “I could teach you.” He suggested.

I blushed a little. “Okay. I guess I’m up for it.”

He put his hands on my thighs. “For a simple kiss, all you do is lean in.” He said doing everything he was saying. “And you open your mouth just a little bit and capture the other person’s lips in yours.”

I parted my lips just like he said and he took hold of them. He started moving them, so I did the same. After a minute of kissing he pulled back.

“You’re a natural.” He laughed.

“Thanks. You’re really good too.” I smiled and batted my eyes a little. “So what next?”

“Well, if you wanna make it hot there’s a few more steps.” He said moving his hands farther up my thigh. “Touching. Touching is very important.” He said making my breathing hitch. “Lean in. Keep touching. Now the lips.” He said encouraging me to part my lips once again.

He started off kissing me like normal and then I felt his tongue dance across my bottom lip. I granted permission for it to enter and kept kissing the way he taught me while his tongue moved around my mouth. It was really weird honestly, but it kind of turned me on. I scooted to the edge of the dryer and pulled him closer to me. I wrapped my legs around his tiny waist and clenched the back of his shirt in my hands. I remembered how he said to touch so I put my hand around his neck and ran my other hand through his hair, pulling it a little. He let out a small moan against my lips.

“HEY WHAT THE HELL?” a loud voice projected from across the laundry mat. Vic and I stopped making out to see who it was.

“Get the hell out!” the tall man said chasing after us with a broom.

Vic grabbed my hand and pulled me off the dryer and out the door. We ran forever, or at least it seemed like it. We finally stopped at the park and Vic plopped down on the grass. I bent over and put my hands over my knees. We were both breathing really hard. That’s when I realized I had just had my first kiss and make out session in a laundry mat while skipping school and we got caught. I busted out laughing. Vic started chuckling along with me.

“What’s so funny?” he said huffing and puffing.

“This whole day.” I said trying to catch my breath.

“It was your idea!” he reminded me.

I shot him a look and sat down beside him. “Damn, I have good ideas.” I said leaning in to kiss him.

Already, I felt so comfortable around Vic. He’d really taken me under his wing since I got here, and I’m glad he did because if he didn’t we probably wouldn’t be making out in the middle of a park during school hours right now.
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Loving this story guys, and I'm loving that you guys love it. 104 readers? Wow. I'm so grateful. ♥♥♥