Violent Kisses and Violent Minds

Chapter Twenty Seven

Chapter Twenty Seven:
The next morning, none of them felt like going to school. I know, it’s a typical teenage thing, not wanting to go to school, but this morning they felt even more strongly about not wanting to go to school. After the encounter last night…

Matt’s parents both left pretty early, so there was no one to force them to go to school. Not that Matt’s parents even knew that he had four other people in his room last night. Sonny had slept through the night, but Matt and Jess hadn’t gotten much sleep at all. Travis and Megan had gone into the bathroom, which, inconveniently was right next to Matt’s room, and I’m guessing you can guess what went on in there. And the wall between Matt’s bedroom and the bathroom, it’s thin. Sonny slept like a… a… tired something, however. He needed his sleep though.

Sonny awoke at around 11, and sat up with a shock. He was breathing quickly, and Matt, who was in the room, ran over to Sonny and sat down next to him on the mattress that was on the floor.

“Matt? Matt, what happened last night? I… I can’t remember,” Sonny whispered.

“A lot of things,” Matt said, looking Sonny in the eye, preparing himself to explain the story to Sonny best he could.


Derek sat in class, nervously tapping his foot on the ground. He glanced at the empty seat beside him. The seat Sonny should be filling.

Why isn’t he at school? What if something happened to him last night? You just let him walk alone! What kind of boyfriend are you!? Settle down, maybe his mum just wanted to catch up with him. After all, she did call at midnight. What if it wasn’t her? Sonny was quieter on the phone...

“Mr Bloom?” The teacher said, interrupting Derek from his thoughts.

“What?” Derek asked without caring.

“So the answer would be?” The teacher continued.

“I don’t give a fuck,” Derek said, staring at the wall.

“Get out of my classroom, Mr Bloom! That sort of language is inappropriate!” The teacher said, a look of shock on her face.

Derek gave her a sort of twisted smile as he rose from his seat, books in hand, and left the classroom. He walked down the corridors and out of the school. He ran all the way home. Maybe Sonny would be there. When he found the house empty, he picked up the phone, dialling Sonny’s number. No answer. He called Travis’ place. No answer there either. Matt’s? He tried it, and got an answer.

“Good residence,” Travis said.

“Travis?” Derek asked.

“Derek?” Travis asked. He sounded excited. Why? Who knows…

“Yeah. Is Sonny there?” Derek asked, getting back to the point.

“Yeah he is.”

“Can I talk to him?”

“I think it would be better if you came over,” Travis said softly.

“I’ll be there soon.” Derek hung up the phone. Travis’ quiet voice had made him worry. Travis was never quiet. As Derek walked, his thoughts made their way back into his brain.

Is something wrong with Sonny? What if something happened? What if he’s dead? Okay, Derek, don’t think that way about your boyfriend! No! He’s not dead, of course not, he couldn’t be! No way! It’s okay! Calm down!

Derek tried to concentrate. He focussed on putting one foot in front of another. Just walk, just walk, just walk, it’s okay, just keep on walking and get to Sonny. Derek couldn’t walk. He had to run. He ran, quickly darting through the streets towards Matt’s house.

He opened the front door of Matt’s house to see Travis and Megan eating breakfast at the table. He saw that Matt was in the kitchen, washing dishes, but he couldn’t see his Sonny.

“S-S-Sonny!” he called, his words stuttering with his worry.

“He’s upstairs, in Matt’s room. Here,” Travis said, getting up to walk with Derek. Matt walked over to Travis’ now empty plate, and carried it to the sink, adding it to the collection of dishes he was yet to wash.

Matt’s bedroom door was slightly ajar. Travis entered the room first, opening it entirely. He walked in and Derek followed right on Travis’ heels. He dove to his knees beside Sonny. He hadn’t really taken in his surroundings in his rush, he’d only noticed Jess sitting on Matt’s bed, and a double and a single mattress on the floor. He was kneeling down on the single mattress, which was where Sonny was sitting.

“Derek,” Sonny said, a smile forming on his face, even after the events of last night. Derek studied Sonny’s face and saw tears forming in his eyes.

“Sonny, what happened last night?” Derek asked. He wasn’t sure he would be happy with the answer, he was positive he wouldn’t, but he had to know anyway. He saw Sonny take in a deep breath, in preparation to attempt to explain to Derek the events of last night.