Violent Kisses and Violent Minds

Chapter Thirty

Chapter Thirty:
It’s amazing how a few hours ago, so many people were crying, but now, after receiving another phone call, they’re faces shone with relief.

Simone was awake again. Apparently the ‘coma’ she’d slipped into turned out to be simply her going unconscious. The nurse had made a mistake, God knows how, and when the doctor finally arrived to check Simone out, told Simone’s family that she’d never slipped back in.

As much as her friends wanted to visit her, now that she was awake, visiting hours were long over, and they would have to wait until the next day. The hours of the night ticked by, and at 9:00 AM Megan was up, showered, and ready to leave. Her only problem was actually getting to the hospital. Her ride, Travis, was asleep again. She’d woken him up half an hour ago and he’d got changed, but fallen asleep again while she was in the shower.

“Travis, get up, we’re leaving,” Megan said plainly.

“Give me a few more minutes,” Travis said, burying his head deep into his pillow. Megan walked over to the bed and hit him in the side and he gave a small yelp in shock. He looked up at her and saw she had a fed up and annoyed expression on her face. He got up to avoid getting injured anymore, and quickly pulled his shoes on in preparation to leave.

When he got out to the car, he saw Megan was already sitting in the passengers seat, holding his keys, ready to go. She threw the keys at his head as he was hopping in the car and they hit him in the head.

“Ow,” he said quietly as he started the car.

“Jess, wake up,” Matt said. She opened her eyes to glare at him before shutting them again. “Travis is on his way to pick us up so we can go to the hospital.” This time she ignored him completely. “Neither of us have any money for a cab, we have to go with Travis. He’s on his way.”

“Fuck you,” she whispered to him before getting up and disappearing to change. She arrived out just as Travis pulled out front. She walked out with Matt towards the car, but he stopped her just before they got to the front door. He rearranged her hair so it wasn’t as messy as it was.

She glared at him again. “I know you love me.” He put an arm around her shoulder and they climbed in the back of Travis’ car and sped off towards the hospital.

Sonny’s eyes fluttered open, and he looked around him. He was panting heavily, his eyes wide in horror. Derek felt him stirring and opened his eyes, looking at the freaked out figure lying in his arms.

“Sonny, it’s okay,” Derek said instinctively, in attempt to calm his boyfriend down. Sonny’s eyes continued to frantically scan the room. His breathing slowed to a normal rate when he saw it was all okay, just like Derek had said.

“I had a nightmare,” he said, rubbing his eyes.

“Oh, baby, it’s okay,” Derek said, pulling Sonny into his arms. Sonny pulled himself further into Derek’s arms, and snuggled into his chest.

“I’m sorry about all of this…”

“It’s not your fault babe.” Derek ruffled up Sonny’s hair, making it even messier before he stood up. “Now I’m gonna go get us some breakfast.”

Sonny eyes went wild again. “No, don’t leave me!”

Derek sat back down and wrapped his arms around Sonny. He hugged him for a few minutes before saying, “I’m sorry babe, you come with me, okay?” Sonny nodded and Derek gave him the warmest smile he could muster. He was worried about Sonny, so worried words couldn’t even begin to explain it.

He couldn’t live with himself if anything ever happened to his Sonny.