Violent Kisses and Violent Minds

Chapter Thirty Four

Warning: This chapter does contain some things of a gory nature, so I do apologize if you don't like that kind of stuff. If you really don't want to read it... PM me and I'll cut the gory part out for you. Have a nice day!
Also, seeing as I have never seen something as horrible as Travis does in this chapter, if I've gotten a detail wrong, don't hurt me!

Chapter Thirty Four:
“Megan! Oh God, no, Megan!” Travis screamed, tears streaking down his face. Just because he broke up with her didn’t mean he didn’t care about her. “Megan, no!”

He never expected anything this bad, running across the highway. He didn’t think he’d find this. Scream: maybe she’d fallen over, hit her head on the sink on the way down, but not this. Anything but this.

He sobbed heavily, looking at her bloody body, barely dangling from a rope attached to the ceiling. The rope was tied in a sloppy, loose manner around her neck, but was beginning to fall off. This would be because half her head was blown off, and a gun lay at her feet.

Directly underneath her hand. As if she dropped it after shooting herself.

The rope let go, with nothing else to hold onto, and her body collapsed to the floor with a sickly thump that Travis will never forget. He turned away, and threw up all over the floor.

He faced his fears and looked back to the scene. Blood was splattered across the grotty walls of the restroom. He saw a body part - what looked like an ear - lying in one of the two sinks. It had stained the very-dirty-meant-to-be-white sink in an unearthly manner that made Travis throw up yet again.

He saw bits of hair and skin and blood everywhere around the room, and the smell of it was making him even queasier. He ran out of the bathroom, and threw up again. He ran back across the roads and to the hospital, straight up to Sim’s room.

“Jesus… fuck… Megan… blood…” Travis said, panting heavily and looking very pale.

“Travis, what?” Matt asked. “You had a little too much to drink lately, hey buddy!” Matt joked, but his smile quickly faded with Travis’ following words.

“Megan’s dead.” He let some tears escape his eyes, rolling down onto his deathly pale face. He went to throw up again, but seeing as he hadn’t had any breakfast, he didn’t have anything left to throw up, and ended up just making the sounds that a person would if they were throwing up.

“What!? How can she be dead?” Matt asked.

“She’s in that restroom a few hundred metres away. She was hanging from the ceiling, and half her fucking head was blown off. I hate to say it, but it looked a lot like suicide.”

“Suicide? She wouldn’t,” Simone said.

“The gun was right below her fucking hand. Like she dropped it when her brains were blown against the ceiling.”

They were silent for a few minutes before Travis said, “I’m gonna call 911. You know, before anyone else finds her…”

With that he walked downstairs and out of the hospital, cell phone in hand, and dialled 911. They said they’d be there soon. They also told him to meet them at the restroom.

“There’s no way I’m going in that fucking place…” he mumbled to himself under his breath. He walked back up to Simone’s room and saw three very startled, depressed looking people. “Matt, can you come with me? I gotta go back to the restroom to meet the cops, and I don’t want to go alone…”

“Sure, Trav.” Matt paused. “I don’t have to go in, do I?”

“No. I’m not going back in, either. I just don’t want to go alone.” Matt nodded, standing up and following Travis outside and across to the restroom.

A police car arrived a few minutes later, with they’re crew in tow. They marched into the restroom, and Travis looked away. A cop came up to them, and they were taken down to the police station for further questioning. And they were questioned for a long time. Not so much Matt, but Travis, because he had been the one to find the body and call it in.

The police declared it suicide after running some fingerprint scans which showed that Megan had been touching the gun in the places you would if you fired it. Not to mention the rope. They said that it looked like she had set up the rope and tried to hang herself, but she hadn't tied the rope correctly so that it would, so that it could actually work (basically saying that she didn't know how to tie a knot here and there), so she’d given up on that after a few minutes and shot herself.

The cops wouldn’t listen to Travis when he said that he arrived only two or three minutes after Megan had gone into the restroom.

It was final: it was suicide.

Travis was free to go as there was no evidence that he had anything to do with it. He was just the poor guy that walked in on the mess. After the cops had dropped Travis and Matt back to the hospital, Matt broke the awkward silence and said, “I’m gonna call Derek and Sonny.” He paused for about ten seconds, before adding, “If they’re still alive.”