It's Not Her

It's Never Her

She watched. She watched as he laughed. Laughed harder than ever before. His lips curled to reveal a handsome smile and his eyes crinkled in genuine happiness.

That girl. She watched as the girl next to him laughed. He would occasionally glance at the girl and they'd laugh together.

And she watched them. And the sight haunted her.

She, like every other young girl, heard stories of love and how magical it was to be with the person you're fated to be with.

And she knew she could never achieve what the girl brought out of him. And they may not even be fated. Ahere's someone out there, anyone, but her, that will take his breath. Make him laugh at her command. Make him feel as if he were on cloud nine.

And it just sucks. Because it's someone. And it's not her. No matter how hard she tries.

It's not his fault. She can't help it. She's angry at him. And he's confused. But ignorant.

So save her soul.

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i hope proper punctuation isn't mandatory for an author's note in the guidelines and rules here on mibba. because this drabble never had any punctuation to begin with. it's an accomplishment that all sentences begin with a capital.


lately i've been writing massive amounts of drabbles. they are, for the most part, simply reflecting my mood at that point and time. and really i've never written so much in a concentrated amount of time. unfortunately, since i rarely visit you lovely people here at mibba, i finally decided to put up some of these drabbles. this may possibly end up being a collection of drabbles.

i hope you don't mind that. so maybe subscribing to this wouldn't be bad.

you might thank yourself later, just like i will, if you do sub.

if you didn't like it, it would also be cool if you'd comment telling me why. no such thing as too much help.