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Doctor Who?

Mia and The Doctor

The pavement sped by as I stared out the car window. Buildings one by one blurred together as we neared our destination. The car jolted to a stop as I slammed on the break. I cursed silently under my breath at the man who had popped out of nowhere. I stuck my head out my window “why don’t ya watch where you’re goin.” The man simply stared at me before continuing across the street. This man was strange, and yet something about him tugged at her brain, who was he and why was he wearing a fez. Ignoring her inner curiosity she simply shook the thoughts away and kept driving, leaving the strange man in her rear view mirror.

She finally arrived at her destination. Her heels clicked against the pavement as she approached the door. She reached into her pocket and felt for her keys, she closed her hand around the small metal object and slid it into the locked door. She pushed the door open, and was greeted by the small chime of the bell, along with the best smell in the entire cosmos, books. You see this is where she worked and spent most of her time. She could get lost in her stories and that is partially why she took the job. She hated her normal boring life, and wanted nothing more than to just explore the world, but sadly she was a bit on the poorer side and traveling would just have to wait.

She placed herself down on her favorite chair near the front of the store and began reading her newest book, The House of Hades. She had only gotten to the third chapter when she heard the bell chime, with a huff she hauled herself out of the chair and placed a friendly smile on her lips. Placing her book down she made her way to the counter only to see no one was there, “hello...anyone in” she waited for a response, and when she got none she quickly returned to her seat only to find that her book wasn’t there.

Confused she returned to the counter “I could have sworn I left it...” her sentence was cut off by the man standing behind the counter holding her book upside down. “Oi” I snatched the book out of his hands. His face held a childish grin “I dunno, maybe” he said as he pulled a weird looking screwdriver. He pointed it towards me while it glowed an eerie green. “Oh ho,” he spun around on his heels and clapped his hands together “you are beautiful aren’t you” and right as he said that it clicked in my mind. “It’s’re the man who nearly caused me to crash, what have you been doing stalking me or something” he backed up nervously as I approached him.

He ran his hands through his hair and adjusted his bow tie “no, no don’t be ridiculous, I’ve been tracking a signal and its led straight to your shop, see” he extended his screwdriver and shoved it in front of my face. I took the sonic device in my hands and examined it, I scoffed “who takes a screwdriver and says oh hey this could be a little bit more sonic.” He grabbed it back from me and placed it back in his front pocket, “oi, don’t diss the sonic.”

Now I was beginning to get a little annoyed, “look Mr.” I paused for a minute and realized that I didn’t even know his name “I’m sorry but who are you exactly?” he stood up straight and replied “I’m the Doctor.” “Doctor Who?” “Oh it’s just the Doctor.”

“Alright Doctor, well it’s been nice meeting you and everything but as you can see this is a bookstore and unless you’re going to buy something you need to leave.” He simply ignored her and made his way towards the back of the store. He opened the employees only door and slid inside, “Excuse me, you can’t go back there” he poked his head back through, a smile clearly present on his face “oh come on don’t you want a real life adventure?”

She paused for a minute and pondered his question. She had always wanted something more, and now here was this strange man who was offering her a chance to have an adventure, and just like that her decision was made. She flipped the sign on the door from open to closed and followed after him. The Doctor smiled at her and before she could take another step he spoke once more, “oh, but before you decide I must warn you, danger lies behind this door, and most likely you will end up dead, or perhaps wounded, at the very least you’ll end up somewhere lost in time so make sure…” but before he could finish his warning she was already through the back door.

“Oi, I was trying to say something clever and important” he huffed as he followed after her. She turned on her heels to face him, pointing her finger at him “listen here mister, I don’t take orders from anyone, least of all some bloke in a bow tie” with that said she faced forward and continued on. The Doctor straightened his bow tie “Bow ties are cool,” she laughed at that “sorry to break it to ya Doc but no they are not.” They continued walking, the only noise coming from the sonic screwdriver.

The Doctor paused, “Mia, I don’t want to alarm you but there is something down here with us, it’s been following you. I sensed it when I saw you this morning, which is why I followed you here. Now whatever you do, don’t make any sudden moves.” Mia stood as still as a statue, just as instructed. The Doctor scanned her entire body with his sonic screwdriver, and then read the data it had found, “oh, that’s not good.” She frowned at those words “Doctor what is it” he stared at her, his eyes calculating, trying to figure it out. His eyes held a glimmer of wonderment as he finally figured it out “Nothing, don’t worry about it, everything’s going to be just fine.”

“Doctor what is it, you can tell me,” he clapped his hands together as he began speaking “you’ve been carrying around a parasite, and it’s been feeding off of your life force, it’s why you’ve been feeling lazy and sluggish. It’s been draining the life out of you, and once it finished with you, it would move on to its next host.” He stood back, a childish grin on his face. I couldn’t believe it, but somehow I wanted to believe him “now what do we do?” “We don’t do anything, I’ve stopped it, and it can’t do any more harm. Now it’ll just die off from the lack of energy and soon enough you will return to your former self.”

We made our way back up stairs and out of the shop, the Doctor leaned on the Police Box that sat just outside of the shop, “so would you like to come with me?” he snapped his fingers together and the doors opened up. I stepped inside and did a full 360 spin. This was utterly amazing. I had never seen anything like it. The Doctor stood there watching me, “so aren’t you going to say it, it’s bigger on the inside, everyone else does.” I couldn’t help but grin “it’s beautiful, what is it?” “This is my Tardis, and she can take us anywhere in space and time, so do you want to come with me?”

This was my chance and I was taking it, “of course Doctor.” He snapped his fingers again and the doors closed, “so all of time and space, where do you want to start?” I thought for a moment “Surprise me,” the Doctor laughed and began flipping switches and pushing buttons. He paused before slamming his hand down over the big red button “Geronimo!”