Status: Active/Ongoing - feedback appreciated



My movements came to a sudden halt. My head swiftly turned left and right, scanning each side of me. Another snapping noise. Closer this time. My heart started to race and I could hear my own heart beat as I scanned the area again.

"Stop it Sian." I muttered to myself, cautiously taking a step forward. The night sky was blacker than black, the mist that started to settle in was thick and dense. My breathing hitched as I heard a low growl. That growl was the one I keep hearing. The one that follows me around. I felt myself thrown to the ground, the growling and snarling directly above me as I'm pinned to the cold, dark floor.

The scream erupted from my throat as I came face to face with the monster.


My body bolted up right. My breathing was irregular, my heart pounded against my chest as I woke once again from this dream. The dream that's been haunting me since the age of seven years old. Throwing my covers from me, I swung my legs out of bed sitting myself at the edge. Turning the lamp on, it flickered a bit before leaving me in darkness still.

With a quiet sigh, I forced myself to my feet slowly making my way out of my bedroom. I tried each light as I felt my way round my small apartment. None of which worked, I was beginning to feel a little on edge now. Everything seemed too quiet, it was nerve rackingly quiet. "Stupid fuse box.." I muttered to myself. Finding my way to the door seemed to be an easy task than I thought it would be. As I popped my head out, I noticed a few of the surrounding neighbours were out with flash lights. Each of them looking as confused as me. Do I help them? I knew nothing of electrics mind you. That's when it occured to me that I actually didn't know these people very well. Closing my door, I decided I'd wait it out and hope they would bring the lights back soon.

The dark is a very eerie thing. Fear pumps through you as you imagine the horrible things lurking in the unseen corners that could possibly attack you at any given moment. It threatens to consume you, you struggle to keep your own sanity. That's what I'm struggling to do, keep my own sanity. My eyes narrow as I scan the apartment. My head turning quickly as my mind begins to play tricks on me. I found myself repeating this action for a good while, my heart racing as I became more and more unsettled as the dark seem to get darker.

What seemed like hours later, the lights flickered back to light. A relaxed sigh escaping my lips, I couldn't help but still feel uneasy. The lights didn't seem to shine as bright as before, almost as if they had given up trying. A loud knock on my door caused me jump. I chose to ignore it, they were probably just checking if I had light. Running my hands through my hair, I knew I wouldn't be able to get back down to sleep. I never did after that dream, it embeds itself into my mind making sure I didn't sleep once it had invaded my mind.

Fear. It's such a powerful thing, I don't believe you can overcome a fear. Once it consumes your mind, your soul, everything you lose the will to fight against your fear. It will control you; it makes you cower in a corner, shaking like a leaf. You know that deep down you should fight your fear, but you're frozen. I was once told that fear is nothing short of an over active imagination. I call bullshit on that theory. Fear is real thing, it torments you, laughs at you and keeps you questioning your sanity.

Some fears never come to get you, some fears are cases of paranoia. My fear?

My fear came to life to consume me. My fear left me quite literally insane.
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New story! I'm excited to write this one, I'm going a little out of my depth with this sort of thing but we'll see how it goes but I'm also considering whether to continue it or not.

Should I keep the short chapters, or vary them?

Feedback is appreciated :)