Status: Active

Deep in My Veins

Chapter 12

Vivian sighed as Matt wiped the dirt and bark from her back as she stood under the shower head.

She wouldn't have ever did what she had just done. Sex in the woods was had always been something primitive to her.

Seriously who wanted to have sex in woods where there's dirt, animals, and insects eating your ass up?

She did it out of compulsion. Seeing Jesse her ex in the trees spying on her and the others it drove her mad. And she wanted to do something to show him he was nothing to her anymore and she had moved on.

Sex had immediately came to mind to show him she was over him.

She couldn't help but smile at the look on his face as her and Matt kissed and had passionate sex right under the tree he was hiding in.

His face was absolutely priceless it had been a mix of anger, jealously, shock, and something else...


Her smile vanished. Vivian didn't know why she was feeling bad all of a sudden about hurting Jesse.

After all he had cheated and hurt her with that bitch. Even so she was never a vindictive or vengeful person. She wondered where the strong urge to hurt Jesse had come from.

As she thought about her actions in the woods it started to scare her. What she had done it was like she was a completely different person.

She was brought out her thoughts by Matt kissing her shoulder. She glanced over her shoulder at him.

"You alright?" He asked. "There's a lot of worry, tenseness, and scaredness coming off you." "What's bothering you?"

"Nothing I was just thinking is all." She said.

He turned her completely around lifting her chin up. "Vivian tell me what's bothering you." "We're soulmates you have no reason to hide anything from me."

"I was just thinking about what happened in the woods." She said.

"That's bothering you?" He asked surprised. "Why is that bothering you?"

"Cause I never would have done something like that." Vivian said. "I mean having sex in the woods is something I usually wouldn't do."

"You have no reason to be ashamed of that." He said. "Sure it wasn't proper location for it but it was something magical and just nature taking its course."

"Still I'm just surprised at my actions." She said. "I guess I'm still trying to get used to this new life." "I just need time."

He smiled. "We have all enternity for you to get accustomed to this life."

She said nothing as they got out the shower and dried off. "Matt will being a vampire change me as far as personality is concerned?"

"Being a vampire enhanced your personality you may sometimes get compulsions and urges to do things you normally wouldn't do when you were human but it's nothing to be afraid of." He said.

"Will I ever have an urge to kill people radomly even if I'm not hungry?" She asked.

"It's just instinct for us Vivian." Matt said. "It's natural for us to kill at first I felt bad about it but as time went on I grew to like it and see it as sport."

Vivian nodded but inside she was shocked at the thought of killing people just for the sake of killing.

That stayed in her head and it wouldn't go away.

"The hell have they done to her?" Jesse asked himself as he sat in a diner. "What has he done to her?"

Jesse knew Vivian was still pissed at him but what she had done. That just wasn't something Vivian would do. He knew she had done it to make him jealous and pissed which he was but still it was just not Vivian.

But that wasn't the thing that bothered him the most. What had bothered him the most was her onyx pure black eyes.

There was no way in hell those were contacts. They were too real and her eyes had changed back to normal briefly.

Whatever was going on with Vivian whatever he had done Jess would put an end to it.

"Matt are you sure about this?" Johnny asked.

"Never been more sure." He said watching Vivian through the window. "She's the one there's no one else and I want to make it official forever."

Johnny watched as he pulled out a small black box and opened it revealing an opal stone surrounded by diamonds.

"When you gonna do it?" Johnny asked.

"Tonight." Matt said.