Can You Fix the Broken?

Ch 4

Jack numbly walked into the Chemistry room. Alex was already at his seat, writing the notes on the board in a notebook. He took a deep breath and made his way to his seat. He pulled out his chair and sat as far from the other boy as the desk would allow. Alex's face flashed with hurt for a brief moment before he shot a smile Jack's way. Jack didn't even look at him.

He leaned over, "Hey partner! I heard we're getting a partner worksheet today."

Jack merely nodded, reaching into his backpack to pull out his own notebook. Alex tapped his pen while he watched his partner.

"So you're coming over today right?" Jack's response was a shrug. Alex sighed.

"Are you ever going to talk to me?" Jack looked up with wide eyes. No one ever really cared whether he spoke or not. Again he wondered why Alex even gave a damn.

"I-I don't have much to say."

Alex scoffed, "Everyone has something to say. Everyone has a story. So what's your story?"

Jack started fiddling with his fingers. His eyes starting pricking with tears and he had to bite his lip to keep them from spilling over. He looked away and started writing the notes down. He wished he could be anywhere else.

Alex noticed the change in Jack's demeanor. He scooted closer and rested a feather light hand on his shoulder. Jack flinched but he didn't move away. That, Alex thought, was progress. It was when he started moving his thumb in a circle that Jack moved away.


He kept his head down, writing furiously. Alex placed his hand on top of his to stop him from writing. Jack looked at their hands and then up at Alex's face. He looked so lost and broken, Alex was grasping for words.

"You don't need to tell me right now but if you ever want to let it all out...I'll be here to listen."

Jack showed a ghost of a smile. "Thanks."

Alex smiled and removed his hand, "So are you coming over today? I'm ordering pizza!"

Jack nodded, "Yeah sounds fun."

"It will be."

The teacher came by and put the worksheet down. "Well we should get started."

Jack shuffled closer so he could see the paper. "I'll do evens and you can do odds."

"Man with a plan. I like it."

Jack blushed and Alex couldn't help but smile at that reaction.

Jack was emerging from his last class of the day when both his arms were grabbed. He had a scream caught in his throat when he realized it was just Zack and Rian. He knew they wouldn't hurt him but he couldn't contain the violent shakes rippling through his body.

"Please let go." He whispered, voice breaking.

Zack laughed, "Its fine Jacky. We're just making sure you don't run away."

That was the wrong thing to say, even if it was a joke. "PLEASE STOP!"

Jack practically screamed it. The other two stopped and slowly let go. Jack was shaking and he had tears brimming in his eyes. Rian was the first to recover.

"Hey sorry. We didn't mean to upset you." He reached out but Jack jumped backwards. Rian's hand fell to his side as Zack stared with disbelief.

"Just don't....please don't touch me. I can walk just fine on my own."

Rian nodded, seeming to accept the answer but Zack wasn't so easy. "What's up with you man? Since when do you have a problem with us touching you? Last year I couldn't keep you from jumping on my back and in my lap! What happened to you?"

Jack let the tears spill over the edge. They were hard angry tears. "Nothing. Just let it go okay?"

Zack shook his head, "Not okay! We're your friends, let us help you!"

"I don't need your help." Jack whispered. Zack was about to say more when Alex came down the hall.

He slung an arm around Zack's shoulder, smiling. "Ready boys? I can take one of you with me and Rian can take the other. Its only like 3 minutes by car."

"I'll go with Rian. You take Jack, maybe he'll talk to you."

Zack shrugged off his arm and started for the door. Rian mumbled an apology and followed after him. Alex turned to Jack and saw the drying tears. He reached out and ran a thumb along his cheek to catch the last tear.

"What happened?" His voice was soft and gentle, full of adoration.

Jack shook his head. "I'm an idiot. I ruin everything."

"Stop talking like that. You didn't ruin anything. I'm sure he'll get over it. whatever it is."

Jack looked at Alex and had an urge to hug him. He was so nice and attractive he just wanted to lean in and feel his body pressed against his own. Instead he stayed rooted in place.

"I flipped out when they grabbed my arms and he got mad because I wouldn't tell him why and I don't mean to make people mad but I cant do this." It came out in one big sentence that left Jack breathless.

Alex nodded his head to show he understood. "Can I show you something?"

Jack only nodded, looking at Alex with wide lost eyes with a hint of curiosity.

He stepped closer until there was only an inch apart. "Close your eyes."

Jack did as he was told taking a deep breath to steady his nerves. Alex put one arm around his neck slowly and pulled him in half an inch closer. Jack gasped but didn't move back. Alex took that as a good sign and put his arm around his neck and pulled him the remaining space. Jack was shaking but he put his arms around Alex's waist and held him gently, breathing in his scent. He smelled like coconut.

Alex nuzzled his nose into the crook of his neck. "See human contact isn't so bad."

Jack just nodded and hugged him a little tighter. Alex felt brave and placed a light kiss on his neck which caused Jack to jump out of his hold. He absently rubbed the spot and was looking anywhere but at the other boy.

"Jack...." Alex took a step in his direction and Jack took one back.

"Please don't. I'm sorry I just...."

Alex was watching him, "I know...well no I don't but I think I'm starting to get it. Come on, Rian and Zack are probably waiting for us."

Jack nodded and followed Alex out of the school. He had a small smile on his face because that hug was wow...amazing. He was feeling better about the evening's plan.
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I'm working on it, bare with me guys :D