Can You Fix the Broken?

Ch 5

The drive to Alex's house was short and simple. Jack wasn't up for talking so they let the music fill the silence.

Alex pulled into his driveway, turned off the car and ran to the other side to open the door for Jack. The younger boy blushed and mumbled a thanks before stepping out of the vehicle. Rian and Zack were on the front porch, waiting for them. The other two stood as Jack and Alex approached them. Jack started to slow down as they got closer, fearing Zack's anger.

Zack noticed Jack's hesitation and put his hands out. Like trying to attract a frightened animal, he said in a gentle tone, "Jack I'm sorry about yelling. I just know something's wrong with you and it sucks that you wont let us help you."

Jack nodded, taking a few steps in his direction, "I'm sorry too."

Zack seemed to realize that was all he was going to get. He nodded and held up his hand, "Can I get a high-five if you don't want a hug?"

Jack smirked and slapped his palm against the other's. Zack smiled and Alex walked by them to unlock the front door. They all filed in, dropping their bags by the front door.

Alex led them to a spacious living room, with a big couch and two recliners on either side. He had a large plasma screen T.V. and his XBOX set up.

"Make yourselves comfortable and pick a game. I'll get snacks. Jack want to help me?"

Rian and Zack exchanged a look but shrugged and sat down on the floor, looking through the games. Jack followed Alex into the kitchen. He stood by the island in the middle of the kitchen, looking around awkwardly. Alex sighed as he grabbed bags of chips.

"Can you get the bowls from the cabinet next to the sink? The big plastic ones."

Jack walked over and bent down to open the cabinet. The bowls were stacked neatly and he took out two. He held them out shakily to Alex. The other boy took them, set them down, and took Jack's hand. Jack pulled it back, rubbing it like it was hit instead of gently held. Alex dropped his hand back to his side, watching the other boy in front of him.

"Why do you do that?"

Jack's head snapped up, "Do what?"

Alex gestured at his hand, "You scrub your hand like it hurts or there's something on it."

Jack shrugged and looked down, "Its stupid and you wouldn't understand."

Alex took a step closer, "Try me."

Jack shook his head, "We should probably get the chips out there."

"Not until you answer my question."

Jack only shook his head again, "Forget it."

This time Alex shook his head. He reached out and put hands on either side of Jack's face, bringing it up to be level with his own, "No. Let me help you."

Jack pushed him away, shaking from either anger or fear, Alex couldn't tell which.

"Do you really think you can fix me Alex? No, you cant. Just let it go. I'm not worth it."

Before Alex could respond, he grabbed a bowl of chips and walked into the living room. Alex groaned, picked up the second bowl and followed him. Rian and Zack were elbowing each other on the couch and Jack was curled up in a recliner.

Alex walked over and sat down on the floor, in front of the recliner with the chip bowl in hand. Jack watched him to make sure he wasn't going to sit on him or anything. When he was sure Alex was staying on the floor, he reached down and snagged a chip, withdrawing his hand fast so Alex wouldn't try to hold it again.

He knew he was frustrating the caramel-haired boy but he couldn't help it. He couldn't tell people why he did the things he did. They would realize how dirty and disgusting he was. Jack didn't want to lose his friends, he loved them too much.

After a few rounds of Call of Duty, the boys decided to switch games. Rian held up Mario Cart and waggled his eyebrows at Jack.

"How about it Jack? Still got those skills?"

Jack jumped up and grabbed the controller from Zack. "Bring it on Dawson."

Rian laughed and put the game in. Jack sat on the edge of the couch cushions, game face on. The game started and both boys began pressing buttons furiously. While the other three were transfixed on the screen, Alex was watching Jack.

He admired the cute way the other boy's tongue poked out of his mouth as he concentrated. He watched his eyebrows knit together and the strategic way his fingers moved on the controller. Alex couldn't help but smile and how cute Jack was. He found that urge to touch him was back but he didn't want to get rejected. He knew it would take time for Jack to warm up to him but the rejection still sucked.

After Rian obviously lost, Alex got up and squeezed between them, taking the controller from Rian. He lightly bumped shoulders with Jack.

"I bet you cant beat me."

Jack smirked, "Bet I can."

Alex loved that Jack fell right into his trap. "Fine. If I win you stay the night."

Jack's eyebrows rose, "And if I win?"

"I'll walk around the school and quack at anyone who looks at me. Including teachers."

The boys erupted into laughter. After he calmed down, Jack looked at Alex, "Deal."

"Let the games begin!" Zack called from his place on the floor.

"Hold on we need food."

Alex ordered the pizza and waited for it to arrive. They took a break to eat and Alex and Jack kept throwing glances at each other, getting ready to play. When the guys were full on pizza, they settled back onto the couch and floor to play.

The game was intense. The boys were neck and neck. They were on their last lap and Jack was in the lead. He threw a green turtle at Alex's character but, Alex dodged it. Alex knew it was wrong to play dirty but he hooked his ankle around Jack's, causing the other boy to flinch backwards, loosing his grip. He fell behind as Alex raced ahead. It was over now. Alex sped across the finish line, whooping the whole way.

He got up and did a little dance. Jack threw his head back and groaned. Now he had to stay the night with Alex, so close and he wanted desperately to shower.

"Guess someone is staying with me tonight!"

Alex was still dancing and Jack had to admit it was kind of cute.

Rian stood up and stretched, "Well we should get going Zee. Leave these two lovebirds alone."

"Wait I need to go home first and get stuff."

Alex scoffed, "Just borrow my clothes. We're about the same size."

Jack took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves. "No I need to go home and tell my parents anyway."

Alex watched his expression and decided not to push it. "Ooookay. I'll pick you up in an hour, text me your address."

Jack nodded, got up and walked towards the door. Rian and Zack looked at Alex.

"Be careful tonight. He's fragile and if you hurt him in anyway I'll come after you." Zack said it half-jokingly but Alex could tell there was some truth to it. He smiled and clapped him on the back.

"Don't worry I'll be good." He winked as the two guys followed Jack to the door. He watched them pile into Rian's car and drive away before closing the door.

He started cleaning up the living room and looked at the clock. It was only 6 and his parents wouldn't be home until 11 at the earliest. He had 4 hours to be with Jack all alone. He was determined to make those hours count.