Can You Fix the Broken?

Ch 8

Alex woke up first with a satisfied smile. Sometime during the night they ended up spooning, Jack being the smaller spoon. So Alex did what any gay man with an attractive boy in their bed would do, he pulled him closer and snuggled into the back of his neck.

This sudden movement startled Jack awake. He was panicked and confused at first and knew someone trapped against their body. He tried to roll away only to be locked in place. Panic kicked in at full force and his eyes watered. He noticed a poster on the wall and then it hit him. He was with Alex.

His body relaxed just a little and he turned his body to look at the other boy. Alex gave him a sleepy smile to which he just stared. For the first time in months he was able to sleep next to someone and not fear for his life. He still felt dirty and craved a boiling hot shower but for once, he felt comfortable It was a nice feeling.

"Morning sleepyhead." Alex said while gently sliding his hand up and down Jack's side.

Jack gave him a small smile and reached up to touch his face. He traced the outline of his mouth to which Alex kissed his fingers every chance he got, causing Jack to giggle like a teenage girl.

"You have a nice smile Alex."

Alex's smile got even bigger, "You have a nice everything Jack."

He leaned in for a kiss but Jack pulled away. Alex's face collided with the pillow. He looked up and tried to hide the hurt in his eyes. Jack's behavior took some getting used to and major patience.

"Um Alex? Can shower?"

Alex furrowed his eyebrows. "Didn't you shower before you came over?"

Jack nodded and looked away. "Its fine. Can you take me home please?"

He started to get up but Alex grabbed his hand. "No! Stay, you can shower. Its right across the hall and there should be clean towels in the cabinet next to the sink."

Jack nodded and got up. He stood by the bed, contemplating whether to kiss Alex before just going for it and pecking him on the lips, pulling away before Alex decided to turn it into a full on make out session. He closed the door behind him and went to take a brief hot shower.

Alex got up to comb his hair and put some pants on, then he laid his back against the pillows sighing to himself. Jack was so new to him. He wasn't used to the closed off unaffectionate type. Well, Jack was affectionate, sometimes. There was something holding Jack back from letting his feelings take hold and Alex wanted, no he needed, to know what.

While trapped by his own thoughts, Jack wandered back in, hair dripping and shirtless. His face was bright red as he saw Alex take in his body. He didn't have abs or toned arms but he certainly wasn't ugly.

Alex sat up and walked over just as Jack dragged on his clean shirt. Alex was right in front of his face now with a gleam in his eye that told Jack he shouldn't have come in the room without his shirt.

"Now why would you put that on when I'm just gonna take it off again?"

Jack kept his face down, letting his hair shield his eyes. "S-sorry I forgot my clean one. I didn't mean--"

Jack was silenced with a kiss. Not forceful or harsh but a firm one that was a message for Jack to shut up. He let Alex kiss him and he kissed back. Once Alex licked his bottom lip, he pulled away and side stepped the shorter boy.

He walked over to his bag and put in the dirty shirt, he stood up only to bump into Alex, who was right behind him. Alex reached up and moved the hair off of Jack's face and trailed his hand down to grab Jack's.

He looked a little annoyed but he understood, somewhat. "Let me make you some breakfast."

Jack shook his head, "No you don't have to."

"But you're my guest! I insist! and my mother would kill me if I didn't. Lets go! TO THE KITCHEN!"

Alex shouted as he ran out of his room, pulling Jack behind him. He slid on the banister down to the bottom and looked back up at Jack with a mischievous grin.

"Try it Jack!"

Jack shook his head, "It looks dangerous."

Alex laughed, "That's why you should do it. Come on! Live a little."

Jack looked at it uncertainly before shrugging. Why not? He slid down and landed lightly at the bottom next to Alex.

"Wasn't so bad was it?"

Jack laughed and gently took Alex's hand. Alex was surprised and looked down at their entwined hands then back up at his face. Jack offered a shy smile to which Alex smiled back and led them to the kitchen.


Alex cooked the works. Eggs, bacon and pancakes. Jack didn't realize how hungry he was until the food was set in front of him. Alex sat down next to him and they dug in. The food was magnificent. He looked at Alex with endearment.

"I wish you could make me food all the time."

Alex smirked and swallowed his food so he could respond, "I can. Tell me when and I'm there."

Jack blushed and went back to his plate. A comfortable silence passed over the boys as they ate their breakfast. It was 10:30 on Saturday morning so Alex's parents were at work.

Once their plates were clean Alex faced Jack and tried to be as soothing as possible. "Can I ask you something?"

Jack looked at him with guarded interest. "Sure."

Alex took a deep breath before continuing, "Why don't you like people touching you? Did something happen or....someone like hurt you?"

The scared look on Jack's face was a good enough answer. Alex was furious. How could anyone hurt Jack?! He was so sweet and cute and just amazing! Alex wanted to strangle whoever made Jack this way.


Alex was torn from his murderous thoughts by the sound of Jack's voice. He looked up to see that Jack was crying. He scooted over and pulled Jack into his chest. He laid back on the couch, taking Jack with him and started petting the boy's hair.

"Shhhh It's okay Jacky. I will never hurt you. Tell me what happened. Please?"

Jack looked up at him with those sad broken brown eyes. "I c-cant."

Alex wiped away a stray tear, "Why not?"

"Because that makes it real." Jack whispered and Alex felt his heart shatter. Someone really destroyed Jack and he was just now seeing how bad the damage was. He wished he could take it away and keep Jack safe with him forever.

"Keeping it bottled up wont help it either. You don't have to tell me now but I think someone should know. You can't let this destroy you."

Jack laughed but it was an empty sort of laugh, void of all humor, "It already has. Trust me, you're better off without me."

Alex leaned in to kiss his forehead, "Nah. I think together we can be stronger together than if we're apart."

Jack smiled through the tears before settling back down onto Alex's chest. They stayed like this for countless moments. Alex taking in Jack's warmth and the feeling of his damp hair against his fingers while Jack took in the idea that someone might actually care enough to help him through this.

He was still a little shaky when he sat up from Alex. "Maybe we should do the dishes."

Alex smiled, "Or maybe we should continue cuddling. Dishes can wait."

Jack got up against Alex's protest and took the plates. "I don't want your mom to hate me."

Alex scoffed, "She wont!"

But Jack was already in the kitchen, Alex sighed, and got up to follow him, shaking his head.

Yeah, Jack was definitely not what Alex was used to at all.
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A little bit of Jalex fluff for you all :P