Status: I don't think ill add anything to this.

The Page of Cups

Glassy Eyes

Maura Sargent knew psychics were real. In fact she was one. That’s why she wasn't sure why she didn't do this reading, for her daughter Blue, then a let psychic she wasn't familiar with do it. She thought maybe it was the fact that if she did, what ever the outcome was going to be it would be her fault. At least this way she could blame what ever went wrong on the psychic.

Maura sat in a chair at a glass dining table watching Blue sitting on the chair across from her, so short only her eyes were seen visible over the table’s edge. Playing with the psychic’s tarot cards, her eyes wandered the cards looking at the pictures. They were old cards too; worn at the edges and rips on the sides from being shuffled too much. Who ever this psychic is they must be really good at what they do for doing it this long.

That’s why she was surprised when they had first gotten here and noticed how white and clean the place was. Most psychic’s places would look more eccentric with candles burning, beaded scarf’s, and usually a neon sign in the window indicating the place of business; but no this places was clean. It was defiantly owned by someone old for how worn the tarot cards where and the many doilies there were littered everywhere. Maura never understood the purpose for doilies. Maybe when you get older it just clicks.

Eventually the psychic walked in. she looked like any regular old lady but walked quite quickly for one. She had a tray of tea and cookies in her hands.

“Hello,” she said it like she was trying to sing. “Sorry ‘m late, I just wanted to make you ladies feel at home.” Maura liked her, even if she didn't look like she was a real psychic, she was warm, nice, and everything Maura wanted as a mother.

“It’s okay. My daughter entertained herself with your cards. Can I ask how long you've been doing this for?” Honestly Maura was just curious because of the tarot cards, but right as the question left her she knew the old lady might take it the wrong way; taking her knowledge of the spiritual into question.

“I can assure you I know what I’m doing. To answer your question I've been doing this for almost 50 years.” She smiled, but it seemed forced. Looking at Maura like she wanted her to say some thing, the old lady waited for a couple seconds but when Maura didn't respond she moved on.
“So you asked for a palm reading? I would suggest a tarot card reading, not because…a… what did you say her name was?”

“Oh, it’s Blue.”

“Right like I was saying I suggest a tarot card reading because you’re little girl over there looks like she’s enjoying herself.” Blue was really interested in the cards. It was then that Maura noticed the black raven drawn on the back of all the cards. The bird was slender, and honestly to anyone other than Maura it could have been any bird, but it was Maura and she knew it was a raven. Ravens weren't something you were usually happy to see. They could symbolize magical energy which is great, but they also symbolize death which isn't so great.

Cursing herself under breath for not doing more research before bringing her daughter here, Maura just agreed to the tarot card reading hoping to get this over with quickly. The old lady took the cards from Blue, doing some impressive card tricks to further entertain her.
“Alright,” she laid all the cards out in front of blue. “You can pick which ever card you like. There is no wrong card, its all about fate so which ever card you pick it’s yours.”

“You Mean I can keep it?”

“It’s your fate. It’s your card.”

Blue took her time choosing her card, hand wavering over each card. For being a young child Maura commended her for being so careful about what she picked.

“Sometimes the card you’re supposed to pick is a bit warmer than the others.” The old lady said then winked at Blue. She tried to hide a small smile. Her hand eventually landed on a card and picked it up recognizing it from earlier.

“Ahh the page of cups.” Blue was engrossed in her card. Turning from her to Maura she said “I don’t expect much from children. They are too young to have their lives decided yet by fate. The Page of Cups is a card that most children usually get, symbolizing their youth…only a select few may get their fate determined but very little.” The speech the old lady was giving sounded rehearsed and Maura just wanted to leave now that they were in the clear.

“It’s fine. This was mostly a precaution to make sure nothing was going to happen to her. How much was that reading?” With their tea untouched and Blue’s ordinary card in hand, Maura paid and shook the old lady’s hand. “Thanks for everything.” Maura said it sincerely hoping that the old lady would forgive her for her earlier rudeness. Maura gestured for Blue to come to her side so they could leave when Blue held up her hand for a shake. Old lady took it and they shook, but she didn’t let go of Blues hand.

Blue tried to pull her hand away a couple of times before she became frantic. She was terrified. Maura came over trying to help and pry the old lady’s hand from her daughters but she wasn’t letting go. Maura finally looked up noticing her eyes. They were glassy, but the pupil was dilating slowly until her whole eye was a dark black, all light being absorbed. They were so dark she could clearly see Blue and herself in them like a mirror. Thinking the eyes were scariest things they were going to encounter they were unprepared when she started talking.

“When you kiss your true love, he will die…when you kiss your true love, he will die...” It was like there were 10 of her talking at the same time in a really low voice. Her mouth opened in a large oval every time she said the word die, making dying seem ten times worse than it was going to be. She never faltered looking at blue as she continued to say the sentence over and over again until it changed “that’s all there is. That’s…all…there… is…” She finally stopped holding Blues hand and her eyes went back to normal. The old lady was back for only a few seconds before she fainted.

Maura quickly picked up Blue and ran out the door to the car quickly, not caring about the old lady because she had just sealed the deal on her daughter’s fate. Putting Blue in the car seat, she noticed that Blue was still holding the Page of Cups. Maura quickly took the card and threw it to the gravel of the driveway, then slamming the car door shut. Everything was moving and flashing before her eyes. Blue was crying her eyes out and while Maura tried to calm her down. All she could think about was that there was nothing she could do to save her daughter now and that what ever she tried wouldn't work because fate always gets what it wants.
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I made this story for an English assignment where we had to create a lost chapter from a pulp fiction novel. Obviously i chose The Raven Boys. I don't think i'll ever add anything to this unless maybe i get bored one day; but yeah, this is all I've got for you :D