Status: I love you all

One Door Closed Another Left Open

This is an entry for the "Doorway of Possibilities" contest.
The link to this contest: "Doorway of Possibilities"

Warning: This story may be triggering.

Please understand that though I wrote this story to make the reader feel something, I do not want any of you to be triggered. I love all of my readers and if any of you need to talk, whether it be because of being triggered by a story or you just feel alone, feel free to message me. I don't care if you're a boy, girl, 5 years-old, 36 years-old, gay, straight, pansexual. We share the love of writing and reading. I am here for you if you feel as if no one else is there. I love you all.

Edited by my good friend Jessica Johns, because she is amazing like that.