Status: 8/18/2015 Hiatus that's currently attempted to be broken.Do not be surprised if this gets deleted and reposted.

Oh, Catastrophe

Product of a ***er

“It was nice seeing you again Ang. Thanks for coming out to dinner.”
Angelo blinked rapidly, his vision refocusing. He looked around to find he was in front of his house and it was night. He felt lightheaded... He began to panic, refocusing his attention on Chris who stood in front of him casually.

“What dinner?”

~4 Hours Earlier~

“Angelo! Open up!” Chris pounded against the door.
“I’m coming you fucking moron!” Ang’s voice rang before the door swung open, “Did you miss me?” He pushed the hair out of his face and gave a toothy grin.
Chris returned the gesture with a wide smile and embraced his old friend, “God, it feels like forever! Shit’s just not the same without you in the regular routine.”
He chuckled, “Yeah sometimes I miss you guys too.”
“Only sometimes?”
“I don’t know if you realize that sleeping on a bus with several men who haven’t bathed in days isn’t exactly the best way of living.”
“But it was the most memorable.” Chris nudged his old friend.
Ang smiled briefly, turning his attention to fumbling around with his keys to lock the door.

Show me which key Angelo... Good boy.

Ang loved this total control... everything accessible and complete unlimited power-

“Dude, we gotta get going, the guys are waiting.”
Angelo clutched his keys, squeezing them until they dug into his skin. He didn’t like being bossed around.
Ang turned around and grinned, “Then what are we waiting for!”
Chris let out a bark of laughter before the two boys jumped into the car and filled the ride with endless chatter. How the band was doing, Angelo’s tattoo shop, his drawings, new albums being planned, the new band member, girlfriends, trips, and videos. The chatter never ended even when seated with his old pals Ryan, Ricky, Josh, and Devin. All of them had stood up the moment they saw Angelo enter through the doors. All of them had questions to ask and endless stories to tell.

“How’ve you been holding up?” Ryan asked after a long moment of silence.
Angelo’s food started to taste bitter. He put down his fork, chewed slowly, then wiped his mouth; “Everything’s... fine.” He breathed, “Same old routine now. Wake up, check commissions, meet up with the Doc, go home, eat, draw until I pass out. Occasionally at some touches to the plans for the shop.” A waitress came over and refilled their glasses of water, Ang eyed her. The way she moved making his muscles twitch and his finger tips itch.
“Can you still drink? Ya know, with the meds?” Ryan prodded.
Angelo shrugged, “It’s not recommended so I’ve never tried.”
“Best that you don’t start now anyway, right Ryan?” Ricky interfered.
Ryan made a face, “I’m sorry none of you pansy could never keep up like my buddy here."

What do you say Angelo? A night on the town? Just me, Ryan, and that beautiful bottle of medication... What? No? I don’t see why not- Oh! Oh no. I think you know that I have something way better in mind, don’t you? You’d like it wouldn’t you? Oh no, no need to start fighting now. We both know I only leave when I WANT to leave. Hah!

Ang smiled at the waitress who smiled back while batting her eyelashes.
“How’s Kelly?” Devin questioned quietly giving him a look.

Oh. We’ve been caught, how exciting.

Ang shrugged, “She’s great. Busy with the job and all.”
“Oh man that’s tough.” Ricky commented, stabbing at his food.
Chris clapped a hand on his shoulder, “Sorry about that.”
“It’s no big deal, I saw her a few days ago. Anyway, it's like the tables have been turned right?” His eyes followed the waitress over to where she giggled with her friends, glancing at him and blushing.

Bingo. Are you ready Angelo? Fighting’s no use, I told you that already, how many times do I have to tell you! You stupid-

“Can I get you guys anything else?”
He shook his head to regain his focus. The table chorused with no’s until Ang looked up, “Uhm, actually do you mind showing me where the bathroom is?”
She smiled sweetly, knowingly. “Sure thing hun, right this way.”
Angelo got up without hesitation, not even looking back at the eyes that stared at him as he followed the busty brunette down a narrow hall.
They stopped amongst two doors,
“I don’t know about you but the women’s room tends to be a little bit bigger.” He shoved her inside, taking a moment to himself to crack a capsule on his tongue before slipping inside. The whole moment became a blur, his sweet words and caresses got her skirt hiked up just in time as his mouth assaulted her, brushing against the roof of her mouth, powder dissolving quickly amongst her saliva.

Listen to your heartbeat Angelo.. Isn’t this exciting? I wonder if she knows.. If she can TASTE the bitterness.

His hands caressed and silenced her moans with each brutal stroke. There was no time but if everything was to fall into place... If everything was to happen right... Things had to fall into place perfectly.
And they did.

Angelo sat against one of the walls of the bathroom while she smoked a cigarette. Both of them lazily "straightening up." He popped out his flask, filled with whiskey and took a swing before shaking the contents to get her attention.
She arched a brow, “I really shouldn’t.”
“Oh please, who’s gonna know?”
She gave a small smirk before accepting the flask. He watched with a glimmer in his eye as she swallowed the liquid. 3 large gulps before she handed it back to him, hissing and shaking her head.
“Strong stuff.”
He chuckled, “Oh believe me, it knocks you right off your feet.”

You see Angelo? That wasn’t so hard was it? Now all you have to do is sit and wait...
In due time Mr. Parente. In due time. We can’t have you.. hrm.. “freaking out” now, can we?
You gotta.. You gotta help-
Just go back to sleep Angelo... Don’t worry. By the time we get home, it’ll be like it never happened.

Angelo sat himself back at the table, taking a swing of his water.
“What’d you do? Drown?” Ryan teased.
Ang patted his stomach, “You know how Italian treats me.”
“Yet you still eat it.” Chris shook his head, chuckling.
“Until the day I die buddy, until the day I die."