No Husband, but Violated

Chapter 20

…You and Luke go to a bench and you two sit down.

“Listen, I know you mean well for Cara but you have to understand for Cara this is a delicate time for her. She is used to fighting her own battles on her own terms. This is something new for her. I know she isn’t hormonal now but over time she will become very hormonal which will affect her emotions. Just be prepared…”

“If she yells at me for no good reason?”


“May I ask did you ever give Mara gifts to bond with the child before it was born?”

“No, we were too busy to even do that. I’m glad you got the Fetal Doppler for Cara. I was toying with the idea myself but I couldn’t find one that I liked for Cara.”

“I was just thinking what would be a good thing for her.”

“She is planning to keep them. She knows the risk of seeing them again if she puts them up for adoption on Earth. She doesn’t want to have that where the family had no force-sensitivity yet they do so they wonder where they get it from. The Jedi powers are new to Earth. Even though both of yours and Cara’s family was started by Jedi at one point but they had the offspring as witch or wizard to make the mediclorians small enough for Earth so Jedi can populate here alongside Witches, Wizards, and people without power. The Jedi will be the smallest part because they are going to be coming from the pureblood wizarding families even if they are prejudice against people that aren’t like them.”

“I know, I just wish right now I could help her. I know her breast are growing I just have been ignoring that fact.”

“So you know Mara is taking her to get new bras?”

“Yes, she has been correcting the ones she has now an awful lot. Of course today when we were kissing, Raynar came in and just stated a fact and completely blew up at him.”

“She does that a lot at Raynar even when she isn’t pregnant. He just doesn’t get it around her.”

“What does that mean?”

“Well that means, that Raynar gets on Cara’s nerves a lot because she only likes him as a friend but Raynar sees her more than that. He just can’t get it through is mind that she will never go for him. And no one knows why. I personally believe that he is too infatuated with her to see it.”

Your POV

You look at Mara as she is talking to the sales clerk about bras for you. The sales clerk seems very reluctant to give you any even though you and Mara both told the clerk what it is for. Your eyes wonder around looking at what clothes they have and hoping you can get Mara to buy you some because they look nice.

“Listen, I’m not going to give your daughter a bra fitting just because she is pregnant. She was not thinking when she got pregnant so it is her fault that she is in this situation,” the clerk states. “And that is final.”

“My fault! My fault!” you blow up. “Let me tell you something try being captured and not knowing where you are and being tied down to a fucking bed all day and all night and having little sleep because you are too uncomfortable to sleep and a guy is raping you every single night. What happened is not my fault I was raped over and over again that is why I’m pregnant. Now give me a damn bra fitting.”

“Listen, I am not going to give you a bra fitting when you should be in school. You look like it.”

“I’m nineteen, Miss, almost twenty I don’t go to High School anymore I could go to college if I wanted to but I was forced to have children right now.”

“Yes but I’m still not letting you get a bra fitting done. I need special…”

“Listen,” Mara interrupts. “You give my daughter a bra fitting or I’m calling your boss.”
By that time the clerk’s boss comes and goes over.

“Miss Ura, can you tell me why you won’t give a bra fitting to this young lady?” She inquires. “You don’t have the right to choose who gets a bra fitting and who doesn’t.”

“Mrs. Stevens, the young girl is pregnant with twins and is not married” the clerk replies. “I’m not having a slut like that try on the bras because she may steal them.”

“Miss Ura, please attend to the male’s cash register. I’ll deal with this.”

“Yes Mrs. Stevens.”

Mrs. Stevens looks at you and smiles, “Cara Tokita, little Cara, is that you?”

“Yes it is me, Linda,” you reply.

“And you must be one of her legal guardians, I’m Linda Tracy Stevens. I used to babysit Cara when her parents were alive. We moved before it was destroyed though.”

“Yes, I am, Mara Jade Skywalker. I do want her to have a bra fitting.”

“Sure thing. I’m sure that the rape did more than what meets the eye,” the last part is whispered but you hear it.

“Hold on, I heard that Linda. What do you mean that the rape did more than what meets the eye?”

“Uh, I just have been through my own daughters being raped and they killed themselves and killed the babies along with them.”

“You mean your daughters are dead?”

“Yes, about two and a half months ago all three of my daughters were raped by someone named Melkedodum Matata Meade. They ended up getting pregnant and they killed themselves once they knew. It was a horrible sight. But before they killed themselves they said that he was after someone of greater powers than of an ordinary witch.”

“They were referring to me. Melkedodum Matata Meade was the one that got me pregnant. Meade said it took him awhile to fine me though.”

“Oh my, how far along are you?”

“A month and a half and I’m expecting twins.”

“Wow, well let’s get you into a brat hat fits because it looks like your breast needs it.”

“I have boobs.”

Mrs. Stevens rolls her eyes and laughs. She gives you a bra fitting and once you are done she does point out some cute maternity wear as she gets you some neutral colored bras.
You get some because you think they are cute and that was the stuff you were looking at earlier. Mara pays for the stuff and you two find Luke and Gabriel. On the way there you have tears in your eyes that you are trying to hide. When you and Mara get up to Luke and Gabriel, you can’t hide your tears they just come streaming down your face. Gabriel comes up to you and hugs you.

“Cara, what’s wrong?” inquires Gabriel.

“Three of my friends killed themselves couple months ago and I just found out,” you blurt.

Gabriel sighs and…