No Husband, but Violated

Chapter 33

…Harry, Ron, and Hermione come over and Hermione speaks up, “Cara, if you need names for the kids…”

“Yeah, yeah, go to the library,” you interrupt her.

“Yes but you can also put papers up saying from reliable people and teachers to suggest names for them.”

“I really never thought of that idea.”

“Cara, when are WE going to go and have some private time?” Gabriel inquires.

You stand up and get your egg and your pajamas underneath.

“Sorry guys, Gabriel and I have some business to take care of together,” you state.

“I don’t mind,” replies Lilka, “I have to get to my detention with Snape anyways he is mad when I don’t show up on time for my detention especially if I’m right outside kissing my new boyfriend. He’s in Slytherin, tall, blond hair, blue eyes, has a lightsaber.”

“You’re in love with Raynar?”

“Yes, but he still denies that he is my boyfriend and keep saying he loves you, Cara.”

“That is because he is obsessed with me. Try and convert him to you.”

“I will. Oh and Anakin says he might join you guys tonight.”

“How did he know?”

“He didn’t say.”

You guys get to the prefects bathroom and Gabriel gets the bath ready for you guys so you can relax.

“Gabriel do I look cute to you with me expecting twins?” you inquire as you get ready for the bath.

“You look cuter than ever before,” Gabriel replies.

Once the bath is ready you guys get in. You guys each grab your golden eggs and Gabriel kisses your cheek. You put yours under water and go under to open it. It starts to sing the song and you recognize what you have to do immediately once it is over you get back up and put the egg on the side and Gabriel does his eggs. Once he is up he looks at you with a puzzled look.

“What do we have to do?”

“Someone is going to take a prized possession of us and we have to swim while holding our breath for an hour to reach it and there is merpeople in the lake we have to swim a long with magical squid like creatures. Of course hold your breath for an hour means we have to find a way to supply oxygen to our bodies and for me that means me and the babies. So hopefully I can turn into a dolphin and don’t have to worry about it.”

“Well, at least we know so the people helping you can find a way to supply enough oxygen to you and the twins. Without you having enough who knows what it will cause. And I think they would have to check if you can turn into a dolphin now without hurting the babies due to how far along you are. No one on the delegation is going to take this task lightly for you. Besides your health on the line you have two others depending on Oxygen that you breathe.”

“Well they may bend the rules for me so I can turn into a dolphin so I can surface for air. I don’t want to take anything that would hurt them so gillyweed is out of the question until I am sure that it won’t hurt the children.”

“I know but let’s not talk about it now. We are alone in a bathtub this is about the most time we can have privacy.”

“Gabriel, you promised your stepparents. Yes I want it with you but I don’t want you to break that promise.”

“I wasn’t talking about that. I have a few names I want to share with you in private.”

“What are they?”

“For girls names I like Minny Mouse and Daisy Duck and for boys it can be Micky Mouse and Donald Duck.”

“No we are not naming the children those names.”

“Who said it was for the kids? I thought we could do one of those characters names and chase each other around the tub get some stress off of each other. What do you say?”

“Sure, I want to be Daisy Duck.”

“Then I’m Donald Duck.”

You guys start to chase each other by the time Anakin comes in the bubbles are almost gone because of you guys and you are just making sure you are clean before you and Gabriel gets out. Anakin gets some more bubbles in and slides in.

“So how are the two love birds doing?” he states.

“Good, but you had to ruin our privacy,” you reply.

“I know but seeing my cousin being pregnant I want to make sure you are safe.”

“You do know this isn’t the first time I am in here and have had Gabriel with me but you weren’t there and no one else was either. So what do you have to say to that?”

“First of this isn’t as serious as those times. Second I have my egg to listen to.”

“Serious as the first times?”

“You just got back from a nesting dragon. But I do have some good news for you. The thing that Meade said about the Sith being with Voldemort is a lie. Once your name was mentioned to Voldemort he asked the person what your father did to you this time and he had to be told that your father was dead. Voldemort only did the enchantment is because your father asked and he wouldn’t have done it to you if he didn’t ask. He did see people of our description though. He said he had to chase them off because the thought something was tipping over to hurt you. I don’t know why Voldemort is so curious about you.”

“It is because I am the Great Jedi and Voldemort knows about my prophesy and is scared of me. He still will kill me if I had a chance because of who I am related to. Also on the other hand my father was a death eater that Voldemort had to kick out because what he did to me and my mom and conspiring to take over Voldemort’s place. I don’t know why Voldemort didn’t kill my fire when he had the chance to.”

“Hmm, with all your relations with the death eaters and out of the death eaters he would be confused, in my point of view, if you are against him or going to tolerate him.”

“I don’t like Voldemort, Anakin. I’m against his ideals. It is turning yourself to the dark side on Earth and staying there which is unlike what Meade wanted me to do, yes he wanted me to turn to the dark side of the force but if I were to turn then they would push me to become a Sith. I would rather stay on the light side than be drawn into the easier side.”
Anakin smiles and you guys get out leaving him.

“Hey where are you two going?” asks Anakin.

“Back to the Gryffindor Common Room,” you reply.

“Have a nice night then you two.”

You guys get to the common room and…