No Husband, but Violated

Chapter 39

…In the morning you wake up to your babies kicking and Hermione shaking you. You sit up and she notices the ring.

“Did Gabriel ask you to marry him last night?” she inquires.

“Yep, when we were alone in the common room,” you reply.

“Congratulations on the engagement, you two are super cute together.”

“Thanks Hermione.”

“It’s breakfast time and then you do remember that we have an appointment to get our hair and makeup done.”

“Right right, girls’ day out before the Yule Ball. By the way I saw Viktor Krum ask you out to the Yule Ball; is that the person you are going with?”

“Yes, how did you figure it out?”

“I guessed really.”

You get dressed quick and head down to the Great Hall for breakfast. You eat breakfast and you are surprised that Raynar hasn’t asked you what is on your finger but Gabriel whispers that almost everyone knew about him asking you to marry him so he wouldn’t ask. After breakfast you, Hermione, Jaina (Going with Zek), and Tenel Ka (Going with Jacen) go to get your hair done. You are un aware that Padme Amidala is back and is Anakin’s date to the Yule ball and is going to the same place you guys are. When you get there Padme greets you guys and notices your ring so you tell her what happened. You guys get your hair done first then you guys have time to slip on your dresses and have lunch afterwards while they do your toenails. After they are done they go onto fingernails and you get a French style and a protector for your red dress. After that they do your make up and go to back to the castle and everyone’s date is there including Gabriel and he gives you red roses. You guys wait to go in since both of you are finalists and have to dance first. Of course it takes awhile so you ended up sitting down and falling asleep. Gabriel wakes you up when it is time to go in.

“Cara, are you alright?” Gabriel inquires as you guys get in the line.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I just got bored and fell asleep,” you reply.

Gabriel smiles and you guys go in. You guys dance and it seems that the twins are trying to dance as well. After awhile other people join in and it lasts for awhile but you are very relieved when it is dinner time. During dinner you notice that the twins have fallen asleep. For the rest of the dance you don’t even fell up to dancing so Gabriel is giving you a foot massage to make you feel better. After he is done he looks at you fondly.

“Gabriel, I want to get out of here. It’s not that I don’t like the music I’m just feeling like I need to talk to you in private about my pregnancy,” you state.

“Sure, I was going to ask you if you wanted to leave. Either way I rented a white buggy for us,” Gabriel replies.

You guys go out and Gabriel makes sure you are in before he does and you guys hug.

“Gabriel, in your honest opinion, do I look like I am going to be a good mother? I have a feeling that I won’t be with what my biological father did to me and the destruction of our hometown,” you ask.

“You are going to be a fine mother. So that happened to you but your biological mom, Luke, and Mara were the ones to raise you properly and you have a maternal instinct. Don’t put yourself down because of what happened in the past. No one can change that.”

“You know this is my first child and twins. I don’t feel like I am going to be a good mother. I know I can’t be a perfect mother.”

“You’ll learn and fast about this and you will be a good mother and I will help you, you know that. No one can be perfect we both will make mistakes but remember that you will do your best and they will be fine.”

“I know but how are you going to handle that these kids do not share your…”

“I don’t care. I’ll love them just the same as if I helped. What Meade did to you was not right but compared to your father was kinder. I am going to adopt them when we get married and they will have a good life.”

“Gabriel, we may be reading the books but this isn’t in the books that I want to know.”

“What is it?”

“Do you think that they will want to know who their biological father is and their grandparents when they get older and if they do what are we going to tell them? I know we have to tell them the truth but what do we leave out?”

“Well, we would see when that time comes. Of course they may not ask about their grandparents because they would think the ones that took them in will be their grandparents. But we should tell them together. I know it is going to be hard to tell them but we will have to wait until the time comes.”

“Gabriel, I love you but I really don’t know how painful my labor will be and what I am going to say to you.”

“I won’t get offended I will know that you are having a hard time during the birthing process.”

You smile and the door opens up so you turn around and see Snape.

“Hi Severus,” you state.

“Cara, Gabriel, what are you doing here?” he replies back. “I thought you two would go back to Gryffindor with you two left the ball.”

“Well I rented this so we could talk privately about personal issues without anyone butting in,” Gabriel replies. “Cara just needed some of my opinion of her pregnancy and raising the children. It isn’t something we want people to butt into.”

“Okay, so you didn’t…” Snape starts.

“I asked her last night I figured you would interrupt when I was going to ask tonight.”

“True, nice ring though. I have to continue my search for others.”

Snape leaves and you roll your eyes and yawn.

“What to get some shut eye?” inquires Gabriel.


You and Gabriel go to Gryffindor and you fall asleep once you got changed and let your hair down.

FF to February 24th

You are seven months along and now you can really feel the babies movement and so can other people. It is a couple hours before the trail so you and Gabriel are getting a sonogram done to make sure everything is fine for this trail. You are lucky enough that you can still turn into a dolphin and they said if you turn into a dolphin that you can surface for air but in your dolphin form and plus you being a dolphin hardly hurts them.

“Well everything is fine for this trail and actually they both have their heads down so you can deliver naturally,” Dr. Johnson states. “I will do another sonogram after the trail. I just want to make sure that they are going to be fine afterwards.”

“Of course,” you reply.

You smile and do other items before you have to leave. When it gets time to leave…