No Husband, but Violated

Chapter 44

…You and Gabriel continue to walk and then something shots in front of you and Gabriel. You look and you Krum but his normal dark eyes are white and you realize he is being controlled by someone. He really doesn’t shoot you guys anymore and continues on his way. You and Gabriel continue but when Alex and Abby wake up they become fussy and you know they slept through their feeding.

“Gabriel, keep guard we need to stop so Alex and Abby can feed,” you state.

“Understandable, I was wondering when they wanted to nurse,” he replies.

As you are nursing Alex and Abby Harry and Anakin spots you two. They help Gabriel with the guarding and when you are done you have one of them help you to burp Alex and Abby. Once you guys are done Alex and Abby are put back into the carriers and start off again.

“Cara, have you started Alex and Abby on a bottle yet?” Anakin inquires.

“I tried but they didn’t want the bottle even though it was my breast milk. I pumped it. That is the reason they are coming with me because they won’t take the bottle,” you reply. “They won’t even take a pacifier. But they really don’t need a pacifier all that much. I did talk to the doctor about it and he said that they may not want it because they are Jedi and that they get more stuff they need by breast feeding than if I have the breast milk in the bottle and that they don’t want the pacifier.”

“At least you checked on it. Any battle scars?”

“No, they are doing very well I just don’t want to feed them all the time. Gabriel wants to help and I thought if one feed one while the other one did the other it will get done a lot quicker.”

“Jeez, can’t you take a joke, Cara? I was just joking around.”

“Sorry, Anakin, with a question like that I can’t assume that you are joking around or not.”

“I understand.”

You guys walk and talk some more and you find the goblet while Alex and Abby are still sleeping. You guys find the cup and by that time Alex and Abby have woken up again but they are just looking around. They start to fuss and you diffentaly can tell that they both need changing but by this time almost everyone has touched the cup and went somewhere. Once back on the ground you head for a sheltered area with Gabriel following. You and Gabriel change them quick so you guys can get back. When you guys get back you sense something is wrong along with Gabriel and Anakin. Gabriel gives Harry Alex and you have a feeling that they might be scouting the area.

“Cara, stay with Harry. Gabriel and I will scout if there are people here that are after you we’ll take care of them,” mandates Anakin.

“I understand, Anakin, but I do sense Meade’s presence. I know his power level and if he can sense me then you guys must stop him before he gets me and Abby and Alex. But if you can’t get here fast enough I am going to fight to protect my kids,” you reply.

“Don’t overdo it though.”

“I won’t.”

Anakin and Gabriel leave while you and Harry sit down and wait. No one even comes up here so you just worry about Anakin and Gabriel and taking care of Abby and Alex. Anakin and Gabriel come back and they are hurt but you sense that it is over.

“Is Meade dead?” you inquire.

“Yes, but he was coming up behind me and I didn’t see or sense him,” states Gabriel. “He just came with droids and they are all down. So we are free to go back once we find the cup.”

“Guys, I have it with me,” Anakin states as he comes out from behind a large rock. “But I want to talk to someone right now so could you wait for me.”

“Chancellor Palpatine right?”


You wait until he gets done which doesn’t take all that long and you guys go back. Once back Dumbledore he gets a decision on who should be the winner because of your group. It is decided that everyone in the group gets it. After it is decided you go back and start packing up your clothes and the babies’ clothes so you, Gabriel, Abby, and Alex can leave tomorrow for Italy. You get what bags you have down stairs while Hermione looks over Alex and Abby. You finally get what clothes that needed to be packed up tonight and give Abby and Alex their last feeding before headed to bed. In the morning you wake up a little frazzled because of Alex and Abby not wanting to go to sleep last night and that they found out about their powers and were using it. You get them down stairs so Gabriel can look over them so you can take down the crib. You get it down and then Edmondo takes them to the transport. You take Abby and Alex goes with Gabriel and you guys go to the transport. You say your goodbyes and get in. You guys get to the mansion and it is huge. Edmondo and Ducky put everything away and you spend time with them.

FF 1 year and two months

It is your wedding day and your kids are one year old. You are getting ready for your wedding to Gabriel and it is being held in your mansion and Luke is walking you down the aisle. Alex and Abby are just going to watch because you and Gabriel feared that they may not know what to do if they were in it. You get in front of the alter and the priest goes through most of the stuff.

“Do you, Gabriel Docton, take Cara Tokita as your wife?” he asks.

“I do,” replies Gabriel.

“Do you, Cara Tokita, take Gabriel Docton as your husband?” states the priest.

“I do,” you reply.

“I know pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride.”

You guys kiss and head down. During the reception you are very happy. It goes on for hours and ends. This wedding ends a big chapter of your life.

Dear Diary,

I am on cloud nine. This is one of the most beautiful days I have had. I am now Mrs. Gabriel Docton. I everyone the best of luck with their journeys and I wonder what journeys I’ll have with my married life. All and all I can’t say much Gabriel and I are on our way to Hawaii for our honeymoon.

May the Force be with you (And Proud to announce),

Cara Alexis Docton

The End