- KATNISS, RUN!!! – I heard Peeta shouting while the sounds of the blood-thirsty monkeys still followed close behind us. I immediately set off towards the beach. Brunches and leaves would crash against me as I ran and I felt there would be some nasty bruises to look after. When I was finally able to break through the jungle, I saw her. She was racing towards the sea, covered in something red and thick that looked like blood. She turned for a second and our eyes met. She didn’t hold my stare much longer as Finnick burst out from the woods.
- JOHANNA!! – he screamed, racing to the sea. Johanna smiled as she ran to us, her brown hair fluttering against the wind. I had to focus really hard to calm my breathing, I’m not sure whether it was just adrenaline over the incident with the monkeys or something else I hadn’t figured out yet. Even beneath all that blood in her face, Johanna’s eyes still kept and unique glow. She got closer to hug Finnick and I instinctively closed my fists. Peeta laid his hand on my shoulder.
- Is everything alright? – he asked, concerned.
- Yes, just a little bit… chocked. – I mumbled, shaking his hand off from me. I could see Johanna smiling as she watched us by the corner of her eye. She broke from Finnick’s embrace.
- We were at the jungle when the rain started. At first we thought it was water, but then we realized it was blood. RED, THICK BLOOD, and coming down heavy!! – she turned to me – But I got them out, I got them out for you!!
I was confused. Who were “them”? What did she mean by “for me”? That’s when I noticed Beetee and Wiress bathing at the shore. Johanna still waited for my reply, her smart eyes scanning me from bottom to top, taking a bit too long at my lips. I felt quite uncomfortable with the situation, and Johanna laughed as I glanced down at my feet. My embarrassment was somehow very funny to her, it was like the time se stripped at the elevator, she was driving me insane!
- Nevermind… - she started out towards the water. In a way, Johanna reminded me of roses. The most beautiful flower of all, and also the one with the most powerful thorn. I only now came to realize I also needed some sort of wash up. I followed Johanna into the water, keeping a safe distance. When the water was about two inches above my knee, she turned to me.
- Are you following me, Girl On Fire? – she said, running her tongue over her teeth provocatively. I tried not to pay much attention, but it was in vain.
- There’s nothing worst than an arrogant self-confident bitc… - I started, but then I felt the cold blade of her axe against my neck.
- And nothing more lethal either… - she rubbed the weapon softly against my skin, sending shivers down my spine. She seemed to notice it, cause she started rubbing the blade down my neck till it was just above my breasts. I couldn’t help but sigh.
- Are you into knife play, Katniss…? – she pronounced my name slowly, almost moaning it. We were now only a couple of palms from each other. It was weird, but I didn’t feel nervous at all. I knew she could kill me right there, but somehow I was sure she wouldn’t. I leaned in closer till our lips were one inch from touching.
- You know what they say about a girl who played with fire… - I teased – She got burned.
I then leaned over and kissed her lips passionately, putting both my hands around her hips and pressing my body against hers. She broke the kiss and looked down at my breasts, then I noticed those tight uniforms weren’t very good for hiding my hard-on. I felt myself blushing and looked away. She grabbed my chin gently so that I looked her in the eye.
- There’s nothing to be ashamed of, love… – she smiled, glancing at a spot beneath some palms in the beach – I say we walk over to that lovely shaded corner and… get out of this cage – she finished with a dirty smile, rubbing her thumb against the tip of my hardened nipple. I grasped. She laughed and took me by the hand. When we got there, I recalled of a small detail that could make our little getaway go to hell.
- But… what about Peeta? I mean, our love story, we were supposed to be convincing, otherwise the Capitol will… - I started, but Johanna threw her axe at the soft sand strongly. She turned to me, fire burning in her eyes.
- SCREW THE CAPITOL! – she screamed. She was even hotter when she was irritated. She lowered her voice to a whisper and leaned in closer to me, slowly pushing me against one of the palm trees – Let’s make them pay for it.
She needn’t say more. With one swift move I took her waste and inverted our positions so I was the one pushing her against the palm tree.
- That’s more like it – she said, smiling while she slid down the palm tree until her body hit the sand beneath our feet. I followed her down, sustaining the weight of my body above her with one arm. She ran her hands over my back, then further down my spine, exploring the spots that made me shiver. I graced her leg with my free hand while I went over to her neck, kissing and sucking on different places until she moaned softly. She started running her fingers up the back of my neck, searching for the uniform’s zipper. She involuntarily found one of my soft spots while she played with the zipper and I sighed in surprise. She leaned in to kiss me while she unzipped it and, as she slid the fabric down my shoulders, she laid her eyes on one of the bruises I had acquired running through the jungle.
- It’s nothing, really… - I started, but she laid her index on my lips, gently rubbing them. She then placed a soft kiss on my bruise and looked up to me with a dirty smile.
- I could do worse than that, you know – she whispered, trailing kisses down to my breasts as she kept on undressing me. With a swift move of her forearm, she got on top of me, rubbing her thumb and index on my bare nipples. I moaned as she wrapped her tongue around them, sucking forcefully while she squeezed my breasts with her hands, sustaining the weight of her body with her knees. I had never experienced anything like this, and I never imagined it could feel so good. Before I could think about what I was doing, my hand reached over to her legs and up her ass, feeling her all over. I could feel she was pretty aroused already and so was I. I didn’t know where this was going and I was so unprepared, but I didn’t want to stop. Johanna’s body was beautiful, and it looked even more perfect against mine. She stopped sucking on my breasts and started trailing wet kisses further down my stomach, teasing me by taking long at my belly button. I combed her wet and salty hair with my fingers while she slid my clothes off completely and threw them on the sand.
- Why aren’t you naked? – I teased with the best dirty look I could manage as I unzipped her uniform. It was very tight so she helped me as I leaned over to kiss her perfect breasts, wrapping my legs around her waste and turning over so I was on top of her again. I decided to return the favor, kissing and sucking all over her until her belly button, throwing her clothes on the sand. She let out a loud moan when I rubbed my middle and index fingers around her vagina’s lips, thrusting my way to her clit. I let her body be my guide to whether I was doing things right or not, and her directions were precise. She closed her eyes and threw her head back on a glorious whimper when I found her g-spot and started circling it, increasing speed as she would get more and more wet.
- K-Katniss, you’re so h-hot I think I’m gonna… - she let out between moans and whimpers. I knew she was about to come so I decided to finish her off. I took my hand out of her and began to suck around her thighs, provoking her harshly. I then went inside, kissing her as passionately as I kissed her on her mouth and thrusting my tongue inside her. She tasted so sweet I couldn’t believe it, I had longed for that moment and it was even better than I’d imagined. She practically screamed as I wrapped my tongue around her clit. Her fingernails dove into my skin and I felt like shouting in a mix of pain and pleasure. All of a sudden she yelped as if she was in pain, and I felt her pussy shuddering as she whimpered in orgasm. I laid down by her side, giving her time to recover from my touch.
- I’d never done this before… - I started, sighing.
- Are you sure? – she teased, surprised. I was about to reply when she started to crawl towards me. My arousal at that point was beyond anything I’d ever imagined I’d feel, I was intoxicated by her on so many levels… - It’s your turn now, Girl On Fire.
Breathing quite heavily, I opened my legs a little to give her better access, and to show her that I was ready for whatever she wanted to do to me. I sighed in frustration as her fingers danced around my belly button, teasing me.
- Oh, fuck me Johanna! – I let out. I couldn’t even think straight so horny I was, still taken by the glorious feeling of inducing her into orgasm. She laughed as she thrust her fingers between my legs, finding my g-spot faster than I probably would. I grabbed her hair and whimpered as she sucked on my tights while stimulating my clit with her fingers. She introduced her tongue inside me, circling around my lips.
- F-Fuck! – I yelped, wrapping my legs around her and pushing her head further inside me, which she seamed to appreciate. She increased speed, exploring every inch of me as I whimpered in delight. At that very moment, I could feel it. I just exploded and let out a soft scream, my whole body was shuddering, I was so warm it was perfect. I looked down at Johanna. She was laying in the sand, smiling at me with an exhausted yet fulfilled look in her gorgeous eyes. I’d never seen her so happy, it’s not like there’s much reason to be cheerful at the Quarter Quell arena, but still. She crawled up to cuddle with me on the sand without bothering to pick up our clothes. I put my arms around her as she laid her head on my shoulder.
- You were amazing – I managed, still dazed by her touch. She leaned in to kiss me, smiling.
- You too, not bad for a first time… - she started– I hope there are still many to come…
- We’re probably the first tributes to ever have sex at the arena, and to think they might have broadcasted this life! – I replied, suddenly uneasy by the thought of exposure. Johanna put up her screw-the-capitol irritated and sexy face, and it was enough to make me forget all about whatever was on my mind two seconds before.
- Well that’s half of the fun, isn’t it? – she teased.
- And what’s the other half…? – I kept her going.
- Be careful what you wish for, you might as well get it… - she finished, engaging me on a kiss as she climbed up on me for a second round.