Status: active and completed

The Ghost of You

Angels Fall Like Rain

Bob Bryar is watching T.V. with Clara and Louise. Suddenly he jumps, aware of Frank's presence in the room. His body flushes from it. " Frank! "

Clara and Louise jump, too." Not again, Bob! " Louise throws her hand up.

" Frank, What're you doing' here? "

" Bob! We're in trouble. They want the check. They're coming' to kill you. We gotta get outta here. "

" The check? What do you mean, "the check". You said they'd never find out. "

Clara is filled with questions and fear. " What's happening, Bob. "

Before Frank can say anything a car screeches to a stop on the street below.
Frank and Bob run to the window.

Ray and Willie are looking up.

" It's them, Bob. "

" They're comin' to kill me? . . . Frank! What have you done?! "

Frank steps back from the window. " They're heading for the door. "

" Jesus have mercy! " Bob heaves out.

" We have to leave your apartment, Bob. And fast! "

All four of them hurry into the hall, they rush down the corridor and knock loudly on a neighbor's door.

A Woman opens it a crack.

" Emergency! " Bob screams at her. " Let us in! "

" Who you kiddin'? " The Woman laughs and slams the door in their face and locks it shut.

Bob and hid sisters decide to bang on another apartment door. Hopefully someone will let them in. Across the corridor an elderly woman sticks her head out to see what is going on. Before she can say anything they push their way inside. " What're you doin'? You can't come in here. The cat don't like visitors. She'll pee all over the couch. You wanna pay for- "

Bob grabs the woman's mouth closed.


Just as Willie and Ray emerge from the stairwell. They head down the hall, knowing just the one that will lead them to the blood they want. Willie pulls out a gun, and fires at the lock. The lock shoots open and they rush inside.


In the elderly woman's apartment, peering through the peephole are Clara, Louise and Bob. Each are trying to get their own views on what's happening in the hallway.
The old woman is flustered

Bob's knees are wobbling. " They're gonna find us. "

" Bob, they won't. I'm gonna get 'em. " Frank's mouth is set in a grim line.

" Oh yeah? And how you gonna do that? "

" Well. . . I'm a ghost, aren't I? "


Willie moves quickly through Bob's apartment, his gun pointed, ready to fire. He get even more furious when he realizes no one is there.

" Ray. . . Looks like someone just left. "

" I'll check the building. "
Ray rushes back out and down the stairs.

Willie stays in the apartment. Suddenly, the doorbell ring. Willie rushes over and opens the door a crack. There is no one there. Confused, he backs away. The doorbell rings again. Completely mystified, he aims his gun and opens the door all the way. The hallway is empty.

As Willie stands there, wondering what is happening, Frank steps inside and pushes the door closed. It slams shut. Willie nearly jumps out of his skin.
" Fuck?! "
He stares at the door in total bewilderment. At that instant, a collection of picture frames flies off the breakfront and crashes into his legs.
He backs away, spooked.
Suddenly, the T.V. flicks on at full volume as does the stereo and the radio. Lights begin flashing on and off. Willie spins around in total dismay.
Summoning all of his force, Frank slams into Willie.
Willie recoils in un-explainable pain. He's suddenly very disoriented. His gun falls to the floor. As he reaches for it Frank pushes it away.
Willie jumps up, afraid. His eyes dart around the room.
Frank laughs loud.

" Who's there? Who's doing that? " Willie scouts the whole apartment

A pair of candle holders shoot off the mantle piece and nearly hit Willie in the head. He freaks, grabs his gun and runs into the bathroom and locks the door. Suddenly the hot water faucet turns on by itself. Steam rising from the sink. Willie is terrified. He tries to get out, but Frank approaches him from behind and dig his hands into his neck. Willie crumples to his knees.
There is a squeaking sound and Willie looks up from the floor. Letters are appearing in the fogged mirror. He stares in disbelief as the word "B-O-O!" emerges before him. He cries out.
" Let me outta here! "
Shaking uncontrollably, Willie fires his gun at the mirror. Glass and tiles explode out. He grabs
hold of the door and yanks it open to run away.
Willie rushes to the hallway and charges for the back stairs. He stumbles down the three flights then rolls on to the sidewalk.

Ray had heard the commotion and caught a sight of Willie running towards the door. He rushes after him. Willie had dropped his gun but Ray had made sure to pick it up.


Willie picks himself up from the sidewalk and begins to run. People clear a path as he hurls past them like a madman. Ray is still confused but still runs after him.

Frank, too, races after Willie, unwilling to let him get away.

A man obstructs Willie's way and he goes flying over him and lands face down on the cement. Before he can get up, Frank is all over him and does not let up. People stand back to watch as Willie does battle with himself. Panicked, he calls out to a bystander. " Help me! "

People back away.

Ray watches in terror. He understands exactly what is happening.

Willie, blinded by his own hysteria, runs wildly into the street. Cars are bearing down on him from all directions. He does not get out of their way.

One driver sees Willie coming and swerves to avoid him.
His car skids.
Another car brakes to avoid a collision and suddenly both cars crash right into him.

" Look out! " Ray shouts

Willie's body is crushed instantly between the two vehicles as his spirit is catapulted into the air still screaming and writhing.

His ghostly form reaches out to people for help as they rush past. No one stops.

Willie spins around and sees a mangled body crumpled on the street. He recognizes that it is his own dead body lying there.
He begins to scream.

A bizarre and frightening clicking sound fills the air. Frank looks around.
A group of strange dark figures has emerged from the shadows.

With a loud, terrifying shriek, the dark forms swoop down and grab hold of Willie.
Frank freezes.
In an instant they are dragging Willie, kicking and screaming, down through the sewer grates into the bowels of the earth.

Frank backs against a wall in absolute horror.

Ray, standing in the crowd, turns and runs.


Bob Bryar and his sisters are huddling with the old woman in the entryway to her apartment.
The door is opened a crack and they can see people gathering in the hall outside.

As Frank walks up to Bob he can feels his presence. " Frank? What happened? "

" He's dead, Bobbie. "

" Dead!? " He breathes a sign of relief. " Oh, thank fuck. It's over. "

" No. It's not over, Bob. There's still Ray. "

Bob freezes. " Who's Ray? "


Frank and Bob are in a taxi speeding downtown. " Tell him to hurry, Bobbie! "

" Can't you hurry up? "

" Listen, man, I'm going as fast as I can."

Frank leans forward and pushes at the gas pedal. The cab shoots forward. The driver seems shocked.

" Problems? " Bob questions him.

The cab driver says nothing but gives him a dirty look.


Gerard jumps when he hears a knock at his door. Fastening the latch, he opens it a crack.
" Ray, is that you? "

Bob wedges his foot inside. " Gerard, it's Bob Bryar. I know what you think of me, but your life is in danger. You have to listen to me. Frank's here, too. You gotta let us in. "

Gerard tries to slam the door but hits Bob's foot. " Get the hell out of here. I'm calling the fucking police. "

" Go ahead. We want you to call 'em. You're in trouble. Let us in. "

" No! "

" Frank's death was no accident. He was murdered, Gerard. Ray was laundering money at the bank. Frank found out. He's dangerous. He tried to kill me. He'll kill you, too. "

" Why are you doing this to me! Get away from me! I know all about you. You're a fake. You're just a fake. Leave me the fuck alone! "

Frank just gazes at Gerard for a moment and then calls back to Bob. " Tell her he's wearing the shirt I spilled the Beer on and the badge I gave him for Christmas. "

" Frank says you're wearin' the shirt he spilled Beer on and the badge he gave you at Christmas. "

Gerard's hands begin to shake.

" See, I'm no fake. " Bob reply's when Gerard is silent for too long.

" Go away! "

" Gimme a penny quick, Bobbie. "

Bob quickly obeys. He reaches into his pocket and throws his loose change in the floor outside the loft.

" Push a penny under the door. "

Bob obeys and a penny slides into the loft.
Gerard can it.
Frank tips it carefully so it lands upright against the bottom of the door. Pushing gently, he moves the penny up the door until it's eye level with Gerard.
Gerard watches it, completely amazed.

Then, to his astonishment, the penny floats away from the door and hovers in the air. A look of wonder takes a hold of Gerard.

" Bob, tell him it's for luck. "

" Frank says it's for luck. "

Gerard stands there dumbfounded. His face is completely white.
After a moment he reaches for the penny.
It falls into his hand. Tears fill his eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠
i hoe ive declared disclaimers right and everything that was needed! hope youve loved everything so far and forth coming :) enjoy. spread the word.