Status: active and completed

The Ghost of You

You put a knife in my back. Shot an arrow in me

Frank is sitting at his computer that following day. At work he's not much of a daydreamer as Gerard. Frank is a person that's willing to get stuff done. "Total Business Man" is what his Mom always calls him, 'with a hint of mysteriousness' he would retort back. He had his little black address book with his access codes sitting beside his keyboard as he looks at the screen. He's very puzzled by what he sees on the computer screen. He punches a sequence of numbers into the search box and presses enter. He still get's the same response as before.
" Cruddy old thing. " Frank whacks the side of the computer.

Ray who had just walked into his cubicle had rested a hand on Frank's shoulder. " Dude, you okay? "

Frank looks back sheepishly. " Yeah, Toro. Just a glitch. "

"Well. . . The Mark Greenberg and Larry White accounts don'e work. I can't get in. Your MAC codes don't work. "

" I changed it. "

" Why? What's up? "

" Nothing. . . I just want to nose around a bit. . . Can you keep a secret? "

" Yeah, sure. Tell me what's going on. "

" I think I've stumbled upon something. There's too much money in these accounts. "

" Too much money? That's ridiculous. How could there be 'too much money'? "

" That's what I keep asking myself. "

" It has to be the computer then. If not, move over, let me see what I can do. "

" Not yet. I'm going to dig around a bit. "

" Alright then. Just call me when you're ready. . . Um, so. . .What are you and Gee doing tonight? "

" We are thinking theater. He wants to see some 'Macbeth' thing tonight. "

Ray winces at Frank.


The couple are sitting in the theater in the fifth row of a crowded auditorium. Frank is somehow sound asleep. And he begins to snore.
Gerard smiles at the other man and grabs a hold of Frank's nose.
Frank snorts and then jerks awake. He looks around to see Gerard staring back at the stage.
Frank, hard and deliberately, pinches Gerard on the arm.
Gerard yelps a bit too loud and narrows his eyes on Frank.

" Well. . ." Is all Gerard says.


A wonderful, bright marquee lights sparkles overhead as Frank and Gerard exit the theater. It's a beautiful cold night.

" Well, I loved it. "

Gerard smiles and squeezes in closer to Frank's arm. " I could totally tell. " They walk silently down a dark street, heading towards their loft. Gerard notices the shadows on the pavement.

" Frankie, did I tell you what Marcia said? "

" Six times, Gee. "

" Six? No I didn't. Frank, don't be so blasé. I'll have two major pieces in the show. The New York Times review her gallery all the time. This could be huge. "

" Gee, the New York Times are just some frustrated little critics with pimples on their asses who flunked out of art school. Who cares what the New York Times think? "

" Well. Eight million readers, that's who. "

" Your work is beautiful. That's a fact, Gerard. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. "

" I'm my own worst critic, Frankie. " He nestles even closer. Gerard stops them both walking any further and puts a serious tone in his voice.
" I want to marry you, Frank. "

" What? " Frank is

" I've been thinking about it for days. Actually, more than thinking. I want to do it. I want to jump the whole log. . ." He pauses for a moment. " What's that look for? "

" The whole log? "

" It's just and example. You know, like 'in it for the long haul' Anyway, that's not the point. "

" It's just been so long since. . . I mean, you never wanted to talk about it. "

There's a long pause between both of them.

" Do yoiu love me, Frank? "

" What do you think, Gee? "

" How come you never say it? "

" What are you talking about? "

" You say 'ditto'. It's not the same. "

" Some people say 'i love you all the time' And it doesn't mean anything. "

" Sometimes it's nice to hear it. "

Frank stares at Gerard. He's about to reply when a man steps out onto the sidewalk. Frank and Gerard stand motionless. The man seems to hesitate and begins walking the other way. Gerard takes a deep breath. Frank takes Gerard's arm and they continue walking briskly down the street. The suddenly hear footsteps coming after them.

" What should we do? "

" Let me handle this, Gee. " And Frank abruptly turns around.

But there's a gun pointed at him and it's inches from his face.
Gerard screams loudly.

" WALLET! " The armed robber shouts.

Frank waits a beat.

" NOW! "

" Frank! Please! " Gerard's voice is stricken with fear.

Frank slowly reaches into his leather jacket, but the mugger tightly grabs Frank's wrist and reaches into his jacket to pull out Frank's wallet instead.

" Take the money. Just leave the wallet and my-"

The mugger swipes Frank across the head, hitting him hard. That causes Gerard to yell out again. The mugger whacks him across the face with his gun to shut him up, but all it does is frighten the man more and split his lip.

Watching that, Frank explodes with fury. He plows into the the mugger with all his might.

" FRANK! NO! "

There's a wild all out brawl. Frank fights like a madman.

The mugger's gun explodes, and he ends up frighting himself and running away. Frank doesn't hesitate running after him.

" FRANK!!! "

The two men run down the dark street. Frank's after the armed robber. But he's already a block ahead and disappears into the shadows.

Frank's anger flows over him so much that he decides to give up running. " Fucking, cunt! " he spits out into the shadows. Slowly he turns around and begins walking back to Gerard.

As Frank heads back he sees Gerard at the dim end of the block. Frank approaches the older man. Gerard is screaming. Screaming for help.

Frightened, Frank calls out. " Gerard! "

He doesn't answer. Frank tenses and starts running towards him. He's three feet away when he suddenly stops.

A heat of pure terror overwhelms him.

It's Gerard. He's soaked in blood. His eyes are glazed over, on the verge of shock. He's panting and grabs a hold of something in the shadows and pulls it towards him.

It's Frank's dead body he's holding in his arms.

Frank looks down at his own self. He notices he's got some sort of glowing at the edges of his body. Sort of an illumination. He's ghostly, standing beside Gerard. His eyes are washed in horror and confusion. He seems unable to move.

Rapidly he lets out a blood-curdling scream. " NO!!!!! "

He jumps down towards his body and reaches out to grab a hold of his motionless form. His hands make a strange sucking sound as they pass through it. It is terrifying. Frank jumps up, crazed, frenzied, and begins circling Gerard. It's though he's trying to undo what has been done.
" This isn't happening. This isn't happening. This isn't happening. " He chants and chants as he goes around in circles.
He reaches out for Gerard's help, but his hand cuts through his shoulders and makes another sucking sound. He screams again.

Footsteps approach and people are running down the street. The sound of sirens are heard in the distance. Two men run toward Frank. He yells out at them. " Help me! "

They run right through him. He gasps in stunned terror.

Frank watches helplessly as they reach his body.
Gerard looks up and begins screaming hysterically. One of the Men grabs him as the other goes for Frank's wrist. There is no sign of life.

The first Man holds Gerard back as his friend stoops down and
begins some form of resuscitation. There is no response.

Frank bends down, trying desperately to help. It is a futile gesture.

" Do it! Do it! "

The Man bangs on Frank's chest. Blood just gushes from the wound.

Gerard recoils.

He bangs Frank's chest again.
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