Status: active and completed

The Ghost of You

There's A Ghost Down In The Hall

Frank can't help it. He goes wild. He grabs at the man with all his might, attacking him with a mighty grab, but with no effect. His hands and body pass right through him.
" You motherfucking bastard! " He screams loud that his voice wobbles. " What the hell are you doing here? What are you doing?! "

The Mugger, unaware that anything is going on and oblivious to Frank's language, glances around nervously as he moves through the vast space of the lounge room. The Mugger stops for a slit second, and as if to remember something, he heads for Frank and Gerard's bedroom.
He goes to the dresser and quickly examines the drawers. He makes sure he's very neat, careful to leave no sign that he was here. He seems to be looking for something but not really finding anything.

To Franks' horror there's a key turning in the door of the loft. The Mugger in the bedroom is startled and dashes from the bedroom and hides quickly behind one of the large sculptures near the lounge room. As the door opens Gerard comes through.
" Gerard, no! Get out! "

Gerard closes the door and locks it shut. Frank freezes as Gerard heads for the bedroom. He walks right past the Mugger. Frank looks on in absolute terror as the Mugger pulls out his gun.

Gerard's belt clunks to the floor as he begins to remove his clothes. He turns on the radio on the bedside table.

Frank doesn't know what to do. The Mugger begins skirting the edges of the loft, moving toward the bedroom. Frank is crazed.

Molly was walking around the loft and comes to a complete stop at the Mugger's feet.
Frank's eyes light up. He drops to his knees, crawls over to the cat, glares into his eyes, and screams. Molly screeches and jumps up in fright. His claws shoot out at the Mugger's arm, ripping into the flesh.

Blood appears and the Mugger is upset by the sight of it. He grabs the cat angrily by the neck. It squeals. Gerard, only in his jeans, peers from the bedroom.

" Molly? what's wrong? "

The Mugger holds the cat's mouth shut.

Seeing and hearing nothing, Gerard steps back into the bedroom.

The Mugger takes the cat and throws it across the floor. Holding his arm, he gets up and rushes for the exit. Frank runs after him, but the door closes before he can get through.
He is left inside again.

Frank stares at the closed door in a wild panic. He doesn't know what to do. Then, summoning all of his courage he takes a slow leap and charges through it. There is a brief sense of passing through a molecular force field, a miniature universe inside the door. It makes Frank nauseated. As he emerges from the door and lands on the other side. He seems excited to have survived and is very pleased with himself. He rushes out and is surprised by the light outside brings. He sees the Mugger steps out onto the sidewalk and hurry towards the subway. A patch of sleeve soaks up the blood. Frank starts after the man but instantly freezes. Hordes of people crowd the sidewalk. The crush of humanity is frightening. Two lovers, holding hands, are coming right at him. Before he is able to move the sucking sound he usually hears happens as their arms cut through his ghostly form. He tries instinctively to dodge the crowds but people approach him from all angles. A baby carriage roll through Frank's feet and he nearly falls over trying to avoid it. His instincts will not let go. A barrage of images and sounds assaults Frank. It is more than he can handle. Still, he refuses to give up. He stays close
to the Mugger.

The Mugger heads down a flight of steps into the Subway and get's into a crowded subway car. Frank stands near a corner of the train watching him.

After a couple of minutes Frank was deliberating whether to push his ass off the train or not. No, he thought. He couldn't really do anything but scare cats. He shakes his head, eye's not moving from the tall man on the subway car.
The train stops and Frank sees the Mugger exiting the train and frantically rushes
after him. It's platform in Brooklyn.

Frank follows the Mugger up a long staircase and on to the street. A few meters from the Subway the Mugger keeps passing sets of apartments. The streets are lined with old apartment buildings, many windows boarded up. Frank hears a Joy Division song covered by gospel singers coming from a storefront church and notices a sign, "BROTHER BOB BRYAR, MEDIUM, SPIRIT READER, ADVISER." He looks up to a third story window and sees a similar sign with glowing arrows pointing to the entrance on the street. He seems curious, but then realizes that the Mugger is nearly halfway down the block. He turns and rushes after him.

Frank and the Mugger enter into a run down building and Frank watches as the Mugger opens the mail box for APT. 4D. The name scribbled across it is WILLIE LOPEZ. There's no mail.
Frank follows him in Willie's apartment. It is a squalid affair and small. Peeled paint chips litter the floor. The bed is unmade.
Willie pulls open a drawer in a small nightstand and drops in the keys to Gerard and Frank's loft. Frank sees his wallet. His driver's license, bank ID, and a photo of Gerard is there, too.
Furious, Frank lunges for Willie but then holds his punch, knowing it will have no effect. He turns instead to a window and smashes it with his fist.
Nothing really happens.
" Fuck! I hate being dead! "

Willie dials on his phone. Someone connects on the line." He came home. I couldn't get it.
Give me a couple of days. I'll go back. " He hangs up grumpily.

Frank stares at him in wild confusion. " Get what? Who the hell are you? What were you doing at my house? What the hell's going on? "

Willie grabs a bottle of wine from the nightstand and lies down on his bed. After a moment he reaches over and takes Gerard's photo from the drawer. He studies it slowly.

Frank stands by the door in a state of motionless rage. There is nothing he can do.
" Fucking stay away from him! " Frank is enraged that he leaves the old apartment and storms down the street. His movements seem un-directed, utterly aimless.

As Frank rounds the first corner, a sudden blast of music explodes out of nowhere. Sam jumps into the street, gasping. A needle scratches across a record and the music stops. A man's voice booms out: Sorry 'bout that.

Frank sees a pair of loudspeakers in a storefront window. The music blares out once more and sounds of gospel fill the street. He is back in front of the storefront church
with the sign for: BROTHER BOB BRYAR, MEDIUM, SPIRIT READER, ADVISER, hanging overhead. Below it is another sign. "Contact the dearly departed. $20.00".

Frank stares at the sign with curiosity. The music is very compelling. After a moment's hesitation, he goes in the open door.
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