Status: I'm low on sleep and you need a blanket.

Every Rose Has Its Thorn


Alex walked in to the apartment that he and Jack shared. He had just come from an acoustic session with the bassist of his band, Zack. He assumed that Jack, his boyfriend of two years, would already be fast asleep, as it was very late. He walks in, setting down his stuff as quietly as possible and walked into their bedroom.

"You're home late." Jack states plainly, not looking up from his spot on the couch at the end of their bed.

"Uh, yeah, the uh, session ran over." Alex replies, sighing as he runs his hand through his hair.

"You were supposed to be home by 9, Alex. It's now," He looks down at his phone, "10:23."

"I'm sorry, we had trouble setting up when we got there and then the mic wouldn't work. After we finished, we were hungry so we walked over to the burger place next to the studio. There's nothing more to it." Alex states, sitting down on the end of the couch that Jack is sitting on.

"Are you sure that's all that happened, Alex? Because this is the third time that this has happened. Something always 'happens' that makes the session 'run over'." Jack says, looking directly at Alex. He immediately wishes that he hadn't, as Alex's face is contorted into a confused look laced with hurt.

"Are you implying something, Jack?" Alex asks, sarcasm dripping from his voice.

"I dunno Alex, am I? Sit here and tell me that you wouldn't think the exact same thing if I were gone an hour, two hours, past the time that I said I was going to be home, without so much as a text or a call? C'mon Alex, we both know what's going on here. And we both know that anything that you say other than admitting that you're sleeping with Zack is a lie." Jack says, and he silently curses himself as his voice hitches on the last statement.

"I-I'm not, Jack..." Alex stutters, shaking his head. "And that's not a lie..."

"Yes, it is, Alex. You're lying and you know it. I can... I can see it all over your face. Is that why you never want me to come and watch you? Is that why you always chose to go with Zack, instead of me?" Jack asks, standing up and raising his voice.

"No! I don't want you to come and watch me because... Because I know that we'd never get anything done. Or recorded. I'd get too lost in your eyes, staring at you. Or we would just joke with each other the whole time. I only bring Zack with me because we need someone who can play acoustic guitar as well as I can!" Alex shouts back, standing up as well.

"Is that why you did it?! Is that why you cheated on me with him?! Am I not good enough for you? Can I not play guitar well enough for you?! You think I'm just a joke, don't you? I was right this whole time... I really don't mean anything to this band... And you agree! You think that the band would be better off without me, don't you?" There's tears streaming down his face now. "Y-You don't think I'm enough anymore..."

"No, baby..." Alex takes a step forward, trying to put his hand on Jack's shoulder.

Jack shudders away, wiping his face. "Don't touch me."

"Okay... But baby, I promise... I didn't cheat on you with anyone, let alone Zack. I wouldn't ever dream of it... You're all I've ever wanted and more, please. You're the best guitar player I know, I didn't mean what I said... I promise, I didn't mean what I said about needing someone who could play better than me. You know that you can. You mean everything to the band, Jacky. C'mon baby... You know that the band would be miserable without you..." Alex says, stepping forward again to put his hand on Jack's shoulder again. He doesn't shove it off this time, but the opposite.

He leans into Alex, in the crook of his neck, crying into his shirt. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry that I ever questioned you... I don't really think that you'd ever cheat on me... Just, you're always late... a-and I jumped to conclusions. I know... I know that you love me..."

Alex wraps his arms around Jack, kissing the top of his head. "Shh... Stop crying... Please..." Jack just sobs some more, and it's breaking Alex's heart. "We can order Chinese food... And watch Home Alone... And cuddle on the couch, does that sound good, baby?"

Jack stops crying, looking up and smiling wide at Alex. "C-can I get the chicken with the little sesame seeds on it?"

"Of course baby..." He looks up at the taller man, stroking the side of his face. "I'm sorry that I'm always late... I will try to come home earlier, I promise."

"You don't have to... I'm sorry that I'm such a jealous boyfriend..."

"About that..." Alex scratches the back of his head, sighing slightly. "Uh, I've been thinking about this for a while now, but uh... Jack, I've known you most of my life, at least the parts that I can remember and ever since I can remember you've been making me laugh and smile and cheering me up when I've been down..." He gets down on a knee, taking Jack's hands in his own. "Baby... I just... I love you so much and I can't picture my life without you. The last time that I was late coming home it was because I was shopping for a ring... But, I wasn't thinking I was going to do this tonight, so I don't have it yet... But Jack Bassam Barakat, will you do me the honour of marrying me?"

Jack looks at Alex and smiles, his eyes filling with tears. "Yes, of course I will... I love you so much, I'd have to be crazy to say no to a face like that..."

Alex stands up and kisses Jack tenderly. He runs his fingers through his hair, pulling him closer with his other hand. They break apart and Alex says, "I love you baby... Don't ever forget that..."

"I never will..." He whispers back.

The spend the rest of the night cuddled up on the couch beside a crackling fire, eating Chinese food and watching Home Alone for the billionth time. They fall asleep laying right on top of each other, a faint smile on both of their faces.