Life as We Know It.


Gemma Lucille Codwell

I groan to myself as I hoist Posy up off the floor and onto my hip to carry her down stairs. Originally I had the morning off from 'Posy Duty' but coming from the sounds of the moans and groans that echo through the halls, I know that my mom is otherwise preoccupied with my step father; Herman.

It should gross me out how loud or how often the two of them have sex, but it's natural in my household. I'm just happy that the both of them are still hot for each other and constantly jumping each other’s bones considering my mom has popped out four kids and Herman is fifty-eight.

They met when my mom was twenty-one and I was three. She had just started working at one of his liquor stores in Sacramento. The story goes something like Herman walked in for his monthly visit and saw her checking out someone and when their eyes met, they just knew. It was a Nicholas Sparks novel minus the death. They were married six months later and shortly after that I was adopted. So I can't really call him my step father because Herman is my father.

I've never met my biological father. My mom had some one night stand with some Italian guy on her trip there after graduating high school and found out she was knocked up when she returned home. She only had his name but never bothered to spend the money or time to dig him up. I was born nine months later, olive skin and green eyes with dark, wild curls to contrast her blonde hair, blue eye, fair complexion. In family portraits I look adopted because though Herman has a nice tan from constant contact with the sun, all of the rest of my siblings match our mother's look. I stick out like a sore thumb.

The contrast never used to brother me until recently; until I decided to put high speed internet to the test and start the process of finding this elusive Leo Rossi. I didn't have much luck with just a name so when I started poking my mom for questions she quickly realized what I was up to and put a stop to it, claiming that I was hurting Herman's feelings. But Herman knew that I was just curious, that I am still curious, and sometimes slips me information whenever he finds something new out. Which isn't often; my mom likes to keep her indiscretion under lock and key.

I set a bowl of blueberries and yogurt down in front of Posy at her high chair just as Mason, Bethany and Brock come bounding down the steps, spilling out into the foyer and bounding into the kitchen.

"I won!" Beth shouted as she slid into her usual spot at the kitchenette. She's about two inches taller than her twin brother, coming up to Mason's eye brows. She's all legs and long blonde hair. Surely she'll have a line of guys waiting for her to give them any ounce of her time.

Brock and Mason slide in beside Beth as I set bowls of berries and yogurt in front of them.

"Did you hear mom and dad doing it last night?" Brock laughed. Again this wasn't something a seven year old should be saying, but again it's normal for us.

I shake my head at his question, busying myself with spreading peanut butter on pieces of toast.

"They kept me up all night! I'm pretty sure they're trying for another baby," Mason joined in.

"I want another baby sister! Posy is getting too big," Beth cooed at the toddler with the messy face.

"We do not need any more damn babies. This isn't the Jolie-Pitt household," I mutter.

"You're just upset because Lo is pregnant and you're going to have to raise it," Mason told me with a mouth full of strawberry.

"I'm not going to be taking care of Lauren's baby, if she can have sex without using contraception then she can raise a child," I retort.

"What does contraception mean?" Beth asked.

"Condoms, Sweetie," my mom said as she entered the kitchen with Herman right behind her.

"I hope you're using condoms," I mutter, shoving a piece of toast into my mouth before I can say anymore.

"Whatever happens happens," she says in a sing-song voice.

"If I get knocked up can I use that excuse?" I question.

"The only guy you ever hang out with is gay, but sure," she shrugs her shoulders knowing full well that I am indeed not having any type of sex.

"I hang out with other guys besides Lucas."

"Well invite them over sometime," Herman suggests as I roll my eyes.

I change the subject. "Whatever. I fed the beasts, I'm going to finish getting ready then I'm off to school. Do I need to take anybody to school?"

My mom shakes her head no, "I've got it, Princess. You have a good first day of school. Say hi to the girls, Luke, and all the mystery guys for me!"

I roll my knee length maroon socks over my calves before shoving my feet into platform booties. I give myself a once over in the mirror, deciding that I'd do before stalking out of my room. Though I am extremely self-conscious, I don't show it. I've always been the shortest and curviest out of all my friends. Not that I think I'm fat or anything, or that I even mind that my hips stick out a little further, my ass shakes, my boobs bounce when I run, or that my thighs touch. But when I'm standing next to three girls that have long legs and toned abs, it's hard not to scrutinize yourself.

I swing by Lucas' house to pick him up. He got into a car accident during summer and his parents haven't allowed him behind a wheel of any kind since then. He's your basic gay guy from California Suburbia. He fits in perfectly with my family seeing as he has flawless blonde hair that is always styled and baby blue eyes.

"What's up Tits?" Lucas smiles as he folds his long legs into the front seat, quickly turning to peck me on the cheek.

I roll my eyes and adjust the amount of cleavage I have showing.

"You excited about the first day of the last year of high school?" He asks as he flips through the radio.

"Yes. I'm over high school."

"You and the rest of the senior population of America."

The senior parking lot is bare when we pull up, but unlike Lucas and me or the girls, the rest of the seniors were smart and opted for double morning lock out. We decided for a morning lockout and then an afternoon lockout. I did this in case I needed to drop off or pick up the kids from schools, the rest of the gang just followed.

I kiss Lucas goodbye at the main entrance, he's the only guy that I've remotely been intimate within a year and he plays for the other team. I make my way to the locker that I was assigned to at the beginning of my freshman year and deposit my brown leather backpack in it, opting to be not prepared.

I was taking a lot of bullshit classes this year just to fill my schedule and meet my credits. I had two classes that were a requirement; English and Biology. I opted out of taking a math class because I didn't need four years of it to graduate, plus I sucked with numbers. The rest of the glasses was a government glass that looked good on your transcripts, an art class and a skill building class that teaches you about the real world.

Art is my first class; it's the girls' first class too. But it's the only class that all four of us are together for. I find all three of them sitting at a block table in the back of the room. I groan inwardly as I spot Alison slumped over looking like pure sex, and wearing the outfit that I'm sure she had on last night. That skirt is impossibly short to be appropriate for school.

"Didn't I tell you not to go out last night?" I ask her sternly as I take the stool across from her and beside Lauren.

"Shut up," she pouts with her head resting on the cool table.

"So who can we add to the list of people you've cheated on Austin with?" I ask with malice.

"Don't say it like that," she spits. "You wouldn't understand."

I roll my eyes. Alison and I have been friends the longest. I'm not sure how we even became friends or how we met, we just started talking one day in middle school while in the halls. We've been at each other’s throats ever since.

"I've been cheated on, so I might understand that," I continue to push her buttons. It's for her own good really. If I wasn't harsh on her, I'm sure Ali would be in a far worse place than she is now.

"Just leave me alone. I'm hung over and I'm concentrating all my energy on not throwing up."

"Fine, I can't have you throwing up last night’s liquor on my shoes. I've been looking for them for weeks."

"I'll give them back, eventually."

We don't talk for the rest of class but I notice the dark circles under Natalie's dark eyes. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that she's been seeing Derrik again or that her father is currently out of a job and she's been picking up extra shifts.

I also notice that Lauren is tight lipped and not taking her eyes off of Mr. Barnette, who was busying droning on about himself. If she thought paying extra attention to a high school art teacher was going to make her baby problem disappear, she's delusional. I know that she decided to keep the baby, I also know that besides me and my mother, Lauren hasn't told a soul.

I shake the stress and negative activity from my brain and try to pay attention to the teacher speaking at the front of the room. Normally I would dive head first into all of my friends’ problems and take it on as my own, but not this year. I promised myself that I would stay away from everything that brings me down. Alison's affairs and Lauren's baby drama is currently none of my business, and I would like it to stay that way. I know it won't it won't last; all too soon I'll be balls deep in pointless, petty shit I won't know what way is up. But until now, ignorance is bliss.
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Gemma is obviously going to be the glue for this story seeing as everybody turns to her.
She is also my favorite one to write.
Alison is next.

Show me some love. <3