Time Stood Still

Just Look At The Mess You've Made.

Chapter 9: Just Look At The Mess You've Made.

Josh's P.O.V

My body woke but I was surrounded by darkness, I was in a lot of discomfort and my body felt heavy and cold.
I finally found the strength to open my eyes but closed them straight away as the bright lights blinded me.
I opened them more slowly the second time, prepared for the unreasonable bright lights shining bright above my head.
I squinted my eyes open, my vision was blurred as I tried to focus on something above me, I move slightly causing a gasp to escape my lips, I was in a lot of pain and I didn't know why.

A silhouette soon appeared above me and I swore for a second it was Oliver.
“Oliver?” I croaked out, my throat feeling dry and sore.
I blinked several times, giving my eyes a few moments to adjust to the lights, I was in an unfamiliar place, feeling sore and confused and the comfort of a recognizable face was exactly what I needed.
“Oliver?” I called out for him again.
Once my vision finally cleared, my eyes settled on the silhouette who I believe was Oliver but turned out to be a pale white man, with dark hair and black eyes, the exact same features of the person I was craving most to see, but to my disappointment it wasn’t Oliver. The man was wearing a white long coat, scribbling something down onto a clipboard as he stood by the side of my bed and I swear to god, he could have fooled me as Oliver’s twin brother or something because they were almost exactly identical.

“Hello Josh, its nice to see you’ve finally woken up, I can imagine you feel slightly confused right now.” The man looked up from his clipboard and sent me a soft smile.

I nod slowly at him, any sudden movements seemed to only cause me pain, and I just needed some answers.

“I’m Dr Sykes and you’re in the hospital.”

I frown, in hospital? What the fuck happened to me?
Wait, hang on. Dr Sykes? I remember Oliver mentioned his dad was a doctor, so this must be him. But fuck, his dad was the spitting image of him, no wonder I thought he was Oliver.

I tried to sit up but failed, I let out a loud painful moan as my body just screamed pain. I look down at my right arm to find it bandage up and in a sling, my eyes widen at the sudden discovery.
“Ow, what the-?!”
A sudden sharp pain shot across my face as I cursed at my arm and no words could describe the beast of a headache I’m experiencing right now, I felt like my heads been run over by a truck.
I run my left hand down my face and sink back into my pillow and whined in constant pain.

“W-what happened to me?” I grumbled into the pillow, I begin to panic at state of my body and the no memories to verify how I ended up in this condition. I was alone in a hospital bed with no one by my bed side but a doctor who was just a stranger to me, no matter if he was the farther of a friend.

I turn my head to hide my face in the pillow, not wanting the doctor to see me well up in pain and loneliness. Fuck, I know I’ve been a twat recently but did I really deserve this?

“You hit your head and suffered from a concussion, luckily it’s nothing too serious, which will explain the nasty headache you’re experiencing right now.” the doctor added.

No kidding! The headache alone was making me want to throw up and go to sleep and never wake up again.

“You’ve also suffered a few minor injuries, you have four stitches above your right eye, heavily bruising on the upper right arm and a few cuts and scrapes on your body from the fall. Nothing more expected from a drunken night out.”

I couldn’t help but feel like he was patronising me, yes I know I’m only seventeen and I shouldn’t have been drinking but I do drink and I’ve fucked myself up, okay I’ve got that.
Nothing can make me feel anymore worse than I do right now…
And I can’t help but want to kick myself for looking like a complete utter low life in front of Oliver’s dad, first impressions are always important and I’ve just blown mine.

I didn’t say anything, I felt like a complete idiot and I just wanted someone here with me.

“Does anyone know i'm here?”
“Your friends are in the waiting room, do you want to see them or would you prefer to rest?”
“I want to see them please.”
I needed to see them, anyone, a familiar face, someone to give me more answers than a strange doctor.

Dr Sykes nodded and left the room, about five minutes later a yellow dressed ninja turtle enters the room.

“Vic?” I sob, feeling my heart drop when I’m met with a familiar face… his face.
His long curls were a mess, the skin on his face was paler than usual and his soft brown eyes were slightly red followed by dark under circles.
He looked a state and far from exhausted, my eyes begin to well up when I see him, thank god he’s here.

His eyes widen when he sees me and runs straight over to my bed side and throws his arms round me causing me to hiss in pain.
“Oh, I’m so sorry!” he pulls back, taking a proper look at me and my injuries with worried eyes.
“How are you feeling?”
“Like death.” I answer honestly.
“You look like it too.” He joked, my eyes flicker behind him at Mike who had just entered the room, looking just as rough as Vic.
“Thanks, well so do both of you!”
“That’s because we’ve been here all night worried sick about you!” Mike defended him and his brother jokily.

Vic took a seat beside me and placed his hand on top of my free hand.
“You’d scared the shit out of me Josh.” Vic said, his voice low and thick with concern, I couldn’t help but feel guilty for making him worry.

“So what did the doctor say?” Mike asked, standing on the other side of the hospital bed.
“He says I’m gonna be okay, just few minor injuries, nothing to worry about. But what exactly happened last night guys, I don’t remember how I got like this?”

“You don’t remember anything?” Vic raises his eyebrows and I shake my head.
“I know we were at the beach drinking but the last thing I remember is talking to Kellin by the fire while you guys were wrestling with each other.”
“That’s all you remember? You don’t remember anything after that? Like, nothing at all?” Vic sounded slightly hurt and offended, I couldn’t work out why.
“I was so drunk… that’s the worse state I’ve ever been in. Well, obviously because look where I’ve ended up.”
Mike chuckled at that statement but Vic just remained quiet and kept his head down.

“The doctor said I fell and hit my head… what happened to me?”
Vic’s eyes met with mine then and he bit his bottom lip.
“Erm, me and you were on the rocks… messing about. I don’t know what exactly happen to you… but the next thing I know, you were laying at the bottom of the rocks covered in blood. Your lucky Mike found you when he did.”
“Mike found me?” I ask, turning my head to Mike.
“Yeah, I was fairly drunk when I found you, but you were in real bad shape, out cold and covered in blood.”

I frowned and tried to replay last night in my mind but there was no surprise when nothing of last night’s incident came to mind.
So I was drunk, fell off the rocks and hit my head… yeah that sounds like a stupid thing I would get myself into.

“You were mumbling something about your arm.” Mike says.
“I’m suffering from heavy bruising on my upper arm Mike, you were pulling on my arm wasn’t you?” A faint memory flashed across my mind, well it wasn’t a memory precisely but I remember my arm being in complete agony.
“I faintly remember you saying I was pulling on your arm… but I swear I wasn’t, I shook you lightly before I put you in the recovery position. You kept going on about your arm but honestly I didn’t touch it.”

“Are you two into trouble?”
“Dad’s a little pissed off but its nothing, can’t say the same about your mum though, she actually raging mad.”
“She’s here?” I asked a little surprised, looking at Vic.
“Yeah, she’s in the waiting room with my dad talking to the doctor, thought I’ll just give you the heads up she’s not happy.”
Great, I knew I was in for a night of a massive lecture and another argument but I honestly didn’t have the strength to argue with her right now, I was just going to let her win this time.
“Will you be okay?” Vic says, squeezing my hand gently.
He looked at me with concern in his eyes, I knew perfectly well what he was referring to. He was scared my mum might hit me again but I wouldn’t let it get to that this time.
“Its nothing I can’t handle.” I whispered to him, ensuring him I would be okay.

I haven’t been to college in three days because I was still suffering from really bad headaches as well as my arm still being sore and tender. The doctor said I would feel like this for at least two weeks or so, I was taking medication for the pain but of course it felt like it wasn’t doing much at all.
Of course I was grounded, and just like I suspected me and mum had a massive argument the day I left the hospital, she non stop lectured me about how I’m nothing but a selfish ungrateful little shit and that I made her look like an unfit mother and that I enjoy putting her through so much misery and hope I suffer greatly from my injuries. What a beautiful loving mother and son relationship we have going on, but on a serious note, she didn’t hit me. I guess after the last time she was scared I would hit her back despite the condition I was in, one arm in a sling or not, I wouldn’t have hesitated.
She decided to punish me in a different way though, the worse way ever I must admit, she took the time off of work to stay at home and make sure I wouldn’t leave the house at any cost, knowing I wasn’t going to be at college.
It felt like I was on house arrest or something, I wasn’t allowed to go outside the house at all, not even to sit out in the back garden because she thought I would run off… well to be honest that didn’t seem like a bad idea. I can’t believe she’s treating me like this, I’m seventeen for crists sake and she’s taking this punishment abit too far now, I don’t see what the big deal is, she’s caught me drinking alcohol on more than one occasion and hadn’t had a problem with it, so why was it different now? Because I ended up in hospital? It’s not the first time I’ve ended up in hospital because of the lack of care she’s given to me; the woman was an absolute joke.
Even though I was hating every little bit of her punishment I was kind of hoping it wouldn’t be too long now till she’d snaps and sends me packing back home to London.

But in the time being, I had to get the hell out of this house, staring at the same four walls 24/7 was driving me insane.
Climbing out my side bedroom window would be no problem, all I had to do was jump down onto the kitchen roof and then jump down to the back garden and run for it, not much physical action for my arm at all. And that’s exactly what I did, I needed to get out, get some fresh air in my lungs and think.

I ended up just walking around the little village not far from home, I’ve lived here for a few months now and this was the first time I actually decided to take a proper look around and see what this place had to offer.
It wasn’t so bad I guess, nothing I’d brag about but I guess its something better than living in complete and utter nowhere.

I walked past this old little antique jewellery shop and glanced in at the window and by my surprise I spotted the little pixie Sykes through the window.
A smile grew on my face as I decided to step into the shop and say hello, I hadn’t seen her in days and I knew she would want to know if I was okay, considering her dad probably told her I was in hospital and now not attending college she was most likely worried. She’s the most caring, sweetest girl I’ve ever met I didn’t see why everyone thought she was just some weirdo, she was far from that.

“Hey Hannah.”
She was trying on a necklace in one of the mirrors before she turned slowly to face me.
“Josh, how are you feeling?” she smiled softly.
“I’ve been better.”
I smiled lightly, her reaction wasn’t what I was expecting to be honest, I thought she’d be more shocked to see the state I was in.
But then again her dad must of gave her the heads up.
“What are you doing here?”
“Isn’t this place lovely? The jewellery here is so pretty and unique, I just love coming in here.”
She beamed a big smile, she already had hold of a few rings and necklaces in her hand which I assume she was about to perches.
“Your dad treated me in hospital.”
“Yes he mentioned that, he also said you woke up asking for Oliver. Is everything okay Josh?”
“I thought it was him… but I guess it was your dad the whole time… he’s the spitting image of him Hannah!”
She smiled and picked up another necklace to try on.

“Oliver’s really worried about you.”
I bit my lip, I bet their dad has told him everything about the accident and the state I’m in and I just know Oliver isn’t going to be too pleased when he sees me. He’s so old fashion for someone so young and beautiful I just don’t get it, instead of making a joke about my state like any other normal seventeen year old would, I know he’s going to give me an ear full of all the things my mother have already said to me and worse, his disapproval.

“He’s gonna be so mad.”
“Only because he cares about you.”
My eyes flicker to Hannah curios to know more, he’s told her he’s worried about me?
“He’s told you that?”
“I’m his twin Josh, I know everything about him.”
“Yeah I guess so.” I say, sighing in defeat, so he didn’t actually say that then? They just have some sort of weird twin bond which only they seem to somehow know how to read each other without actually communicating…
“Why don’t you call him? I know he really wants to see you.”
I sigh, I’ve been avoiding him the last three days because I know what his reaction will be when he sees me and I really can’t deal with that right now, my mum is bad enough without Oliver adding to it.
“Maybe I should wait until my cuts and bruises don’t look so bad.”
“Hiding from him won’t last long Josh, he’ll come to you eventually.”

I just stare at her, intrigued by what she just said. Oliver has always shown up when I needed him or when I haven’t seen him in the a few days… Hannah’s obviously noticed, so was she hinting something?
Even if she was, I still don’t plan on going to college for the rest of the week and seeing as I’m “grounded” this gives me at least another seven days or more to hide from him.

I didn’t really think the whole sneaking out my bedroom window thing through properly, as I’m now stood in my back garden thinking how the fuck am I’m going to climb back up to my bedroom window with one arm?! Shit, nice one Josh, now I’m going to have to knock on the front door and get another load of abuse from my mum for sneaking out.

I was so lost in trying to figure out a good enough excuse to explain to my mum why snuck out, I literally jump out of my skin when I hear a firm familiar voice speak my name.
I spin around to see Oliver standing behind me, his eyes widen in shock when he sees me.
Fuck, what is he doing here? I didn’t want him to see me like this!
I look to the floor avoiding eye contact with him, I didn’t want to see the look of disapproval on his face.
“What are you doing here?” I mumble.
“Need help getting back into your room?”
I glance up at him, surprise at how calm and relaxed he was, I thought he would be pissed but I’m not going to question his actions, I was glad he was like this.
I don’t say anything but nod to him and with ease he picks me up and helps me climb back through my bedroom window.

When we’re both in my room I open my mouth to thank him but he turns and snaps at me.

“That was a really reckless thing you did!” he yells unexpected, making me jump slightly.
Well the calm act didn’t last long!
“Oliver, don’t start with-“
“You could have died Josh!”
He cuts me off.
Oh don’t be so ridiculous, badly injured yeah, but death? From falling off a rock? Really? And I thought I was a drama queen.
“Oh come on!” I roll my eyes, trying to shake off his ridiculous out rage but he continued ranting.
“Do you have any idea how serious a hit to the head can be for a human?!”
“No, I don’t think you do Josh!”

Well I’m sorry I’m not a son of a doctor who knows all the ins and outs about concussions or whatever. He’s taking this way too seriously and it was really unnecessary, I knew this would happen and this is exactly why I didn’t want to see him.
I just stood there not saying anything, letting him continue ranting at me.

“You’ve even been avoiding me, you knew my farther would have mentioned treating you in the hospital to me and you still chose not to contact me, I’ve been going out my mind Josh!”
“I knew you would act like this!”
“Can you blame me? And what’s worse, you turn to Fuentes like he’s your knight in shining armour, he’s the reason why your in this mess!” he shouts at me, curling his fists.
Oh please save me the jealously.
“Vic and his brother were the ones who found me and took me to hospital, they helped me! What the fuck do you know anyway, you weren’t even there!”

A sudden silence fell upon us.
Oliver stood glaring at me, his black eyes cursing a million things; he clenched his jaw and chose to stay silent.
I’ve never seen him this angry before and I never thought I’d be this angry with either him to be honest, I didn’t want this to continue though, I wanted my friend back, the loving kind Oliver that I know. He knows I get all this shit from my mum, so I don't know he feels the need to repeat it.
When I finally thought the lecture had stopped I was about to say something to him but he cut me off yet again.

“What did you think you were even playing at?”
Oh here we go again.
“Getting paralytic drunk and making stupid decisions isn’t going to solve anything!”
And that last comment pissed me off even more and that was it, my temper had got the better of me.
“What do you know?!” I yell back at him.
“I know that this rebellious reckless behaviour isn’t going to give you what you want.”
“What the fuck do you know what I want?!”
“Enough.” He says, lowering his voice.
“You don’t know shit Oliver! I might have told you some stuff, but you have no idea what I want or how I feel!”
“Stop being so difficult.” He gritted through his teeth.
“Fuck off!” I screamed, pushing past him to get to my bed but I knocked my bad arm against his shoulder a little harder than I intended too and the pain was just too much to be able to hold in.
“Ow fuck!”
I wince at the pain and clutch onto my bad arm which was still in a sling. Oliver tried to touch me but I backed away and snapped.
“Don’t touch me!” I say backing away from him.

I was fuming!
Who does he think he is talking to me like this?! Yes okay I understand that he’s mad, I’ve fucked up pretty bad and I haven’t done myself any favours but he’s making this way bigger than it is. He has no right to come into my house and have ago at me for what happened, it was a drunken mistake, and I will learn from it, that’s what you do with mistakes. But instead he yells all sorts at me like he’s my mother and lets the jealous monster take over him, cutting me down and making me feel even more shit than I already do.
I really don’t need this from him, what’s his problem?

“I don’t understand why you’re so bothered about this!”
“You… you wouldn’t understand Josh.” His voice drops as he looks down to the floor.
“Try me.”
I raise my eyebrows, encouraging him not to under estimate me, but he’s answers wasn’t what I expected.
“Because I care about you!” He screams and my eyes widen.
“How can you not see that, I’m so fucking angry at you, because I’m genuinely worried about you, not because I want to be a dick! You don’t understand the danger you put yourself in, I see there’s no serious damage but there could have been! Things could have turned out a lot differently if I- I mean, if you fell differently or hit your head harder than you did…You mean a lot to me Josh and the thought of you hurt…” he closed his eyes and shook his head, failing to finish his sentence.
My temper disappeared as I saw he was really cut up about this… I just stood awkwardly in the room not saying anything, waiting for him to say something.

He sighs and speaks again.
“I’m sorry Josh, I don’t mean to be so harsh, it’s just I need you to understand what you did was god damn stupid and serious. And I don’t want you to do anything like that again because you don’t realise the pain you caused others around you.”

Guilt flooded through me.
Man, I didn’t realise how upset Oliver really was about this situation… I knew he cared about me but I didn’t think he cared this much. I felt horrible inside and I didn’t really know what to say but apologies… I really have been a complete and utter twat.
“I’m sorry.” I whisper.

I was still clinging onto my bad arm, the pain from pushing past Oliver had gotten worse; I needed to take my medication, hopefully it would ease the pain slightly.
Oliver stepped towards me, obviously sensing my pain and lightly ran his had down my bad arm.

“I’m too angry to heal you right now.” He whispers so quietly, I almost missed it.
“What?” I ask, looking at him confused.
What the on earth does that mean? He can heal me? Is that some sort of doctor code or something? Did his dad teach him a way to make the bruising on my arm heal quicker?

“I need you to remember Josh.”
“Remember what?” I frown, wanting him to explain.
“Remember me.” His eyes flickered to mine, his voice was soft but firm.
“What are you talking about?”
“I can’t help you, until you remember.” he mutters, looking away from me.

Okay confuse was an understatement, I had no fucking clue what he was talking about.
Remember what exactly? Something which happened? When? What? Remember him? He wasn’t making any sense and it started to irritate me. What was I suppose to remember?! He was standing right in front of me, I can see him as clear as day, the hit to the head didn't damage my eye sight, I can see perfectly fine. The look on his face made it clear that it had nothing to so with my vision, he was talking about something else.

He looked serious now and that only confirmed that he wasn’t messing around and he really wanted me to remember something about him… but what?!
He lent into me, resting his forehead against mine, it took me off guard and my heart began to beat uncontrollably fast like a teenage girl who had a crush on the boy next door.
I saw him close his eyes and felt him run his cold fingers through my hair, my breathing had become so loud it was actually embarrassing! But I couldn’t control it, I thought he was about to kiss me.
“Please, remember me Josh.”
♠ ♠ ♠
and the secrets are slowly about to come out... or are they? :P and yet again heres another long chapter for you which i babble on for ages, but i hope you all like it!
Enjoy and let me know what you think! the next chapter should be interesting to write... xxx