Status: Read and enjoy, it's my first fanfiction so don't judge

Hell's Above but I'm in Heaven With You

Mixed Signals

*Kellin's POV*

Rushing as quickly as I possibly could I made my way out of the classroom and headed towards the cafeteria, Vic had been in all of my classes that morning, and somehow managed to sit next to me and begin multiple conversations, which all consisted of meaningless small talk. Part of me wanted to stay behind and wait for Vic, but another side of me was utterly terrified and wanted to head for Jack and that is just what I did.

Walking into the cafeteria I grabbed a small pasta pot before turning to search for Jack, my draw dropped when I turned to find him sat with Vic and the others, knowing I had absolutely no choice in the matter I slowly made my way over to their table.

*Vics POV*

Making my way over to our usual table in the cafeteria I noticed a new boy sat at our table, "Vic I made a friend!" Mike practically yelled at me. "Vic this is Jack Barakat, he's new from Michigan" Santana told me casually, "Barakat? Where have I heard that name before..." I muttered to myself before realizing, my eyes going wide "You're Kellin's brother aren't you?!" I asked Jack, a little bit too overly excited. "Er..yeah..well adoptive brother." Jack responded, " oh, so will Kellin be joining us?" Mike asked Jack, "Yeah, actually he should be on his way, he barely goes anywhere without me." Jack beamed before nodding in the direction of the queue, and there was Kellin, nervously shuffling towards our table. He looked so damn cute, I had to restrain myself as he neared our table.
"Umm, hey Jack, mind if I sit with you guys?" asked Kellin quietly, before Jack could reply Jenna and Alethea both beamed, "Of mccourse silly!" Kellin smiled back at them before taking a seat in between Jack and Tony, directly opposite me.

*Kellin's POV*

After being greeted with massive smiles I quickly sat in between Jack and a guy who turned out to be called Tony. "So Kellin, Harry Potter or Star Wars?" Mike asked before the whole table burst out laughing, I began nervously laughing too, although I was completely lost. "Err Harry Potter I guess" I responded, "Aha TOLD YOU TONY!" Mike shouted at Tony. "Damn, I really thought he'd be into Star Wars." Tony replied looking about down. "Don't worry dude Star Wars is just as awesome." I whispered to him with a smile and he laughed "Knew you'd be cool." Before I could come up with a witty response I noticed Vic staring at my wrists from across the table. I began to blush, anxiety rushing over me. He gave me a quick sympathetic smile before slightly pulling down his bands to reveal similar scars. I felt relaxed once seeing his scars, knowing that he understood. "So Kellin, we were all making plans to go to the beach after school, fancy joining us?" Santana asked excitedly, "Of course Kellin will be joining us!" Jack replied for me, looking up I noticed Vic beginning to smile, just what was he grinning about, he had a boyfriend for heavens sake.
"So the girls will be going in my car, and you're more than welcome to join us, if you want, or you can go with the guys in Vics car?" Santana asked curiously, "He can go with you guys." Vic said abruptly, making us all look at him in shock, what was up with this guy, why was he sending me mixed signals?
"Oh, okay then, I guess that's settled then..." Jenna said awkwardly. "I guess it is" I muttered, frowning.
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Might update Chapter 7 aswell :) I promise to include some 'action' soon ;)