Sweet Blasphemy

Chapter 6: Slutty Innocence

Jeffree walked over to me wrapping his tattooed covered arms around me. "How's my favorite cunt?"
I giggled and playfully slapped him. "Why haven't you texted me back hoe?" It has only been like a day but that's a lot in Jeffree time.
Jeffree held up a shopping bag. "You might want to be nice to the bitch that's gonna be handling your hair Ree." Ooooh hair products! I made a grab for the bag but that whore put it out my reach. "Nu-uh it's a surprise!"
The pink haired whore pulled me up the stairs into my room and shoved me in the bathroom. I leaned on the counter watching as Jeffree started pulling out every type of makeup and hair product you could think of. Finally after covering my entire counter- and making me move- he unveiled what was in his black and purple zebra duffle.
Inside were 5inch hot pink heels that had spikes, cut blue jeans so they were now faded booty shorts, and a baby blue off-the-shoulder shirt with a cute anime panda on it. Holy shit does he expect me to wear that? It has been like 4 years since I have crossed dressed. If I wear that all my scars will be visible... No one knows how bad my cutting is. They will just want to send me to a psychiatrist or group therapy. I have been to both and I would much rather burn in hell for eternity than ever go back.
"Jefrree, I cant wear that." I quietly muttered trying to sound reasonable. "I haven't worn anything close to that in years. There's no way I can pull it off." Chewing on my lip I nervously glanced at Jeffree to see that this look of pure self assurance that I knew there was no way I'm getting out of this.
"You are going to do as I say with no questions, Reese. Understand?" Ugh, fuck my natural submissiveness. I nodded my head muttering a 'yes sir'. Jefrree and ben were the only ones who knew I was submissive and damn if they didn't use it to their advantage. "Good now take a shower then put these on." He shoved the clothes in my hands and walked into my bedroom.
Jeffree's POV
I shoved my clothes into Reeses hands then walked out closing his bathroom door behind me. I started searching around Reese's room for his razors. I know he has yet to stop cutting completely, it's clearly why he doesn't want to wear anything revealing. I can tell it is no where near what it use to be though and I'm proud but this has to stop before we lose him again.
The little fuckers good at hiding shit but it didn't take me long to find a small pink ducktape pouch taped to the bottom of his dresser. I dumped the contents out to find three small blades- all from pencil sharpeners- and a box cutter razor. I stuffed them all in my pocket just as I heard the water stop running.
Reese cracked open the door allowing me back in. He was clad in a pair of batman boyshorts underwear kneeling by the bath. Mmm Andy would enjoy the site of this. Ignoring the tracks my thoughts were on I started on my little dolls hair.
~time skip to make-up~ Reese's POV
"Bitch, dem nasty ass sea cucumbers ain't going anywhere near dis va-jay-jay!" I yelled in my ghetto voice doing a little snap/head roll thing. Somehow Jeffree and I ended up on the topic of circumcision and well as you can see it got pretty fucked up. To be fair though you should have already expected something weird so I blame you. Yep that's right, hoe!
"But what if it was Bret Von Delh?" Jeffree paused in his styling to give me a pointed look. Ah dat bitch knows my weaknesses.
"Ugh goodbye ovaries! That boy is to fine, there really needs to be a law against that much sexyness belonging to one person." I could barely out my sentence before both of us were busting up from the stupidity of this conversation. Just to clear it up I don't have a vagina I am a dude, I promise.
When we were done cackling Mr. Star put the finishing touches on my hair finally letting me see. I opened my eyes in front of the full length mirror to see a completely different person. Where my hair used to be blue and black it is now pink, black, and electric blue. I usually have my hair just poofed up but dull, but Jeffree turned it into a style I love, my brothers. The makeup hid the acne I had and brought out my white contacts with stark reality. The clothes really topped off the look. My panda shirt gave me an innocent look that slipped away with my shoes and shorts. It's a weird mix between sweet and childish and slutty.
"Oh my Jinxx, Jeffree Star you are amazing!" I squealed wrapping mt arms around the miracle worker.
"Oh I know!" I whacked him but couldn't get rid of the smile on my face. We started out the room but once we got to the top of the stairs Jeffree stopped me. "Wait for me to get to the bottom." He took two steps before turning back around. "And don't fall!" Damn, I'm not that clumsy.. ok maybe I am.
Jeffree started down the stairs louder than necessary. I suppose he was trying to make a 'dramatic' entry. Once he reached the bottom I slowly started down. Fuck I forgot how difficult heels can be. "Ok bitches we have finished!" As Jeffree finished his excited announcement I took the final step into view of all the guys.

~A/N so I finally got something in... Im sorry it took longer than it should have.
IMPORTANT:---> I wanted to know if anyone wanted to co-own with me? I keep getting distracted with other ideas so I cant focus on this. If you do send me a message of your idea for the next chapter.
Thank yall for the likes and support. I love reading comments they always make my day!~