Door to Darkness

Alice has no recollection of who she is other than her name, her hair colour, and the fact that she definitely does not fit in with the strange inhabitants of the new world she finds herself in. They seem to be of another time period altogether, as her jeans and t-shirt certainly don't fit in with their gowns and suits. One man- the lord of the strange land, Finnian- seems eager to have her in their midst, and to show her about the strange place; though he seems to have no intention of letting her leave, and his mood swings are rather odd. With luck, she might be able to recall who she is and figure out a way to escape such an odd world!

Finnian is a character from another story I've written: Dipped in Crimson, and to be in another story: Crumble. Crumble will be more about his life, and how he came to be what he is. I loved his character so much that yes, I do indeed have to continue writing about him.

On another note, I'm trying to get back into spelling things how I used to before I moved over to silly old America from Germany. Things like honor and favorite should be honour and favourite, so if you find that I've not done the switch, please let me know so I can fix it and get even more back into writing how I used to!
  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Three
  4. Four
  5. Five
    This has actually been sitting done for a couple weeks, along with six and seven.
  6. Six
  7. Seven
  8. Eight
    But never mind that.
  9. Nine
  10. Ten
  11. Eleven
  12. Twelve
  13. Thirteen
  14. Fourteen
  15. Fifteen
  16. Sixteen
    Slowing down, yet speeding up.
  17. Seventeen
  18. Eighteen
  19. Nineteen
  20. Twenty
  21. Twenty-One