Status: If you comment - the updates WILL be quicker, I promise!!

Love, Lies, and Friendship

Chapter Fifteen

"He's not speaking...he stopped eating two days ago...he needs you, Josh."

"Tom, I can't be there for him in the way that you're asking...I'm not ready to have your parents know that we're...a couple, or anything-"

"No, you mean you won't do it because you're a coward!" Tom shouted down the phone angrily, Josh flinched and retaliated angrily.

"And this is the best way to convince me to come up there? To insult me-"

"Oli was raped." Josh felt his heart stop.


"That is why he needs you, and you alone. I can't do anything for him anymore. I....just come up here, Josh."

"Tom I-" The other man hung up, and Josh felt nausea and shock wash over him.

Tom had had to tell their parents what happened, their mum went into a rage and ranted about how awful it was and how disgusting Darren was, and that if Oli wouldn't go to the police then - well, that's as far as she got, as Tom practically dragged her out of the room. their dad sat next to him and gave him one of those so-tight-I-can't-breathe dad hugs and mumbled that he did have to go to the police. This approach, of course, was much more helpful. He did go to the police, and spent hours giving a statement and identifying him, Tom noticed he was trying not to cry as he did so.

When we arrived home, hours later in the pouring rain, Josh was sat on the front step, huddled up in his jacket. He looked straight up at me, I began crying, Josh walked over and wiped away some of the tears as the rest of my family walked inside the house.
"I'm sorry." Before kissing me gently and wrapping me up in a tight - albeit soggy - hug. Relief was the biggest emotion, and I realised I wasn't even worried if my family saw us together now.

We walked inside and began peeling off the wet items of clothing, my mum bustled about agitatedly, mumbling things and being too attentive until I managed to catch hold of her.
"Don't come in you'll get the floor wet-"

"Mum." She looked up at me and then at Josh and sighed.

"I know."

"Nonetheless...I think we need to talk about it. I don't want you to be upset."

"Honey...I'm not upset about that....not really. Not when Josh is such a nice boy, we all know that...but I just...can't help thinking that it's because of that that you were...well that that vile creature hurt you-" I gave her a hug as she composed herself and we went into the front room.

"I got hurt because a horrible person. He blackmailed me into it because I wasn't ready to tell you yet. But I realise now how ridiculous that was.." I looked back at Josh who nodded and took hold of my hand.

"I'm gay, and I Josh. Phew, I guess it's out there now." I bit my lip waiting for a reaction, my mum just sat there nodding, it was my dad who stood up and walked over and pulled us both to our feet. I began to feel just a little nervous, until he pulled us both in for tight hugs and kissed us both.

"Thank god it is out there now. You didn't need to be worried about telling us, you're my boy. I love you. And you, just...well..just keep being you and I guess we have no problems." Josh smiled.

"Thank you...but I think I'm gonna be better from now on." He squeezed my hand as he said it and I pulled back tears as dad returned to his seat.

"Love...don't you have anything to say to the boys?" My mum blinked out of the daze she'd been in and looked up at us.


"It's ok, you don't have to get all emotional like dad." Tom and my father chuckled but she just sat there.

"I'm sorry, I'm not being very supportive am I? I'm not upset, Oli, Josh, don't think I am...I's just a surprise. And I love you I don't want you to get hurt-"

"You know, eighty percent of gay men are more like Alan Carr than Darren." I winked and she laughed at last.

"I know it's a shock, mum, but hey, Tom's still around to give you grandkids-"

"WOAAHHH!! Hold up!" Tom protested loudly from the other side of the room, making us all laugh.

"No, no I'm happy that everyone's being honest at long last, I'm happy. Come here." We both gave her hugs and kisses and she brightened up a bit.

"So has anyone else got any secrets to get out there while the ball's rolling?" Josh suggested jokingly from next to me on the sofa.

"You know every lot buy me those liquor filled chocolates at Christmas?" We all nodded at my dad.

"Yeah...I don't actually like them." My mum hit him gently.

"You don't like them?!" They started having a funny argument and Josh turned to me.


"Much...thank you, I had no idea you were coming. Thank you."

"Tom called me and told me what had happened...I feel awful, I know I chased you up here...." I put a finger over his lips.

"Don't. It's no ones fault but his...I'd like to start moving past it to be honest." Josh nodded.

"I broke it off with Clara." I sat back in shock.


"It's all good, just you and me from now on, I was being such an asshole. I'm just sorry it took something like this for me to see it. I hate that I've been hurting you. I really really hate it. I care about you so much-" I cut him off with a kiss and my family all pretended to be grossed out.

"Get a room!"

"We have one."

"Use it then. Actually don't! Not while mother is in the house-" Our mum hit Tom over the head and walked out to the kitchen laughing to herself.

"I need to tell the boys." I mumbled to Josh.


"Are you ok with that?"

"Mhmm." I ignored the slight tension in his voice as he tried desperately to be supportive and smiled gratefully.

"They won't tell your lot if I ask them not to - which I will."

"Thank you." We whispered and he patted my leg gently.
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Thank you for reading!! Thank @christhedork13 for reminding me to update!!! :D