They're Just Girls


Jett's POV

We sat quietly in the principal's office, scared and confused as to why we had been called down, each of us exchanging glances with one and other. Marley, Locklyn, Cleo, and I were average students, and outside of Marley and myself, had never got in to much trouble, the only thing we had in common, apart from being friends, was our second period class, creative writing.

Mr. Maverick walked in, not looking up from the files in his hands until he sat down at his desk. "Good morning girls! How is everyone?"

We all muttered some form of good, too interested in the reason we were all here to elaborate.

"I'm sure you're all wondering why you are here, and I have the answer, Project S.O.F.T., which stands for Saving Our Futures Today. It's a worldwide program our school is a part of, it takes kids, from other schools in this program, who have made some mistakes, that aren't exactly on the path to greatness, and sends them to other school, out of the country, away from the things that are distracting them from their full potential, so that they can finish school, and have a future, and if they finish the program, any current charges, or misdemeanors, anything, is wiped from their record, so they can get jobs, and function properly in society."

"But, I don't understand, we're not bad kids, we don't have records, I mean, we don't- we don't need this." Locklyn spoke nervously, shaking her head, the rest of us agreeing.

Mr. Maverick laughed, "No! No! Not for you! You are all good kids and that is why you're here! Tomorrow, we're getting four boys from Project S.O.F.T., all the way from Australia, and seeing how they have quite a past with trouble and such, the administration has decided we should appoint them chaperones, just until they've proven they can behave."

"So you picked us?" I was confused, yeah we were good kids, but definitely not the best.

"This is your last year of high school, and I noticed, that none of you have your Health credit yet, now that, along with your second period class, and all of the unexcused absences I see on your attendances, makes you the perfect candidates."

I was still lost, what did second period have to do with anything? No one spoke, all if us probably trying to understand how any of this added up.

"Okay, I'm still not getting it, what does any of that have to do with us chaperoning?" Marley voiced, crossing her legs and leaning further into her chair.

"Well, if you four will agree to doing this, I will give you your Health credit, and erase all of your unexcused absences, which I assume is the result of skipping, which will soon land you guys with truancy, and as for the second period thing, we are putting the boys in creative writing, because we feel like it will help them. You all take the class so you know how it is, and we think that it might be good for them."

Creative Writing was a class unlike any other at Westling High School, unknown to anyone outside of the group of kids lucky enough to experience it. We were like a small family, and a therapy group all at the same time, out spoken with our problems, and caring towards the misfortunes of the others, we were open, and we were different, and I think that's what made the class work so well.

"So, who's in?"

"I'll do it."

"Yeah, I'll do it too."


"I guess that means I'm in too."

"Great!" He clapped his hands, giving each of us one of the file folders he had been holding. "Bell's gonna ring in like five minutes so you guys don't have to go back to class, but come here instead of first period in the morning and you can meet the boys and we'll get everything squared away."

We made our way out to the parking lot and to my car where we would finally reveal what the folders held.

"Oh my God! He's cute!" Lock squealed as I started the car, shoving the paper in my face.

In the top left corner was a picture of a cute boy donning an eye brow piercing, thick rimmed glasses and curly hair, the rest of the paper covered in what I assumed to be information about him, it was an application of some sort.

Getting excited, I opened mine. My eyes scanned over the image, a dark haired boy with tan skin, undoubtedly attractive, his ears were pierced, along with snakebites, and a beanie on his head, I could see the tips of a tattoo on his collar bone but that's as far as the picture went. Calum Thomas Hood. I read further, most of it just basic stuff, saying that he was a male, obviously, seventeen, from Australia, but then got more serious as it started talking about why he was in the program. It was a long list, under age possession of alcohol, drug possession, assault, resisting arrest, the list went on, making me involuntarily shiver at the idea of being in such close proximity with a criminal.

"This guy is bad news." Marley breathed from the seat behind me.

"What'd he do?" I asked curiously, the others still buried in their files.

"Read it."

She shoved his information in my hand, grabbing Calum's from me at the same time.

Michael Gordon Clifford. Eighteen. The first thing I noticed was his bright blue hair, my eyes then traveling to the silver in his eyebrow and the black hoops in his ears. I skipped everything else, going straight to all of his charges. Drug possession, public disturbance while under the influence, shop lifting, minor assault and public intoxication.

I sat back in my seat. What have we gotten ourselves in to?

We passed the folders around, deciding who would be the most work.

Lucas Robert Hemmings, seventeen. He was cute, blonde hair, blue eyes, metal in his eyebrow and lip, his stretched ears adding to his bad boy demeanor, I could see a few tattoos on his neck. His charges consisted of: driving without a license, possession of drugs, possession of alcohol, and armed robbery with accomplices.

I got the last file, Aston Fletcher Irwin, eighteen. Locklyn had shown me his earlier, it was his charges that startled me the most, DWI, DUI, drug possession, selling alcohol to minors, and first degree manslaughter.

What the fuck? He killed someone?

"Locklyn! He killed somebody!"

"I know." She took a deep breath, her eyes wide.

"I don't know about this guys, they are bad news, cute, but dangerous none the less." I voiced my concern, putting the car in drive and exiting the parking lot.

"Let's just see how it goes tomorrow, they're in this program so maybe they're different than they were when all of this went down." Cleo's statement came out as more of a question, trying to reassure the group.

Her words didn't soothe my nervous mind as it wandered to every possible outcome of our new arrangement. Tomorrow would be interesting.
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Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think! - CalumsPeen