They're Just Girls


Marley's POV

"I'm not really a bad guy you know?" Michael voiced softly as we walked to second period, Creative Writing, which we had with all of the others. The halls were empty now, seeing how we had stayed a little later last period to get some books and catch up work for Mike.

"I read your file, there was some heavy stuff in there, but, I don't think that makes you bad, I just think you like to push your boundaries." I informed walking next to him.

Since we separated from the others Michael had been nothing but sweet to me, he even held the door open for me a few times. I was glad I hadn't got Ashton or Calum, so far, they seemed to me, the most trouble.

I heard him mumble something as I opened the door to the classroom. Heads turned to see who the intruders were, I habitually looked over to the tall red head sitting at the front of the classroom Will, enjoying the amount of anger burning in his eyes.

"Where do I sit?" Michael whispered in my ear. I giggled, although his words weren't funny, never taking my eyes from Will's.

My ex-boyfriend huffed turning around in his desk.

The both of us maneuvered to the two desks in front of Cleo, trying not to disrupt Mr.N's class discussion.

I glanced around trying to decipher how the other girls were handling things. We would more than likely talk about it later but I couldn't help my curiosity.

"What are we talking about?" I asked, turning to Cleo.

"If people can change, and if so, how."

"Well, Mr.N I think people change all the time, I mean one minute they can be exactly what you need, and then they go away for a summer and come back a completely different person." Will spat, making sure to glare excessively at me.

I subtly flipped him off, not appreciating this public display of my personal life.

"Woah, what's his problem?" Michael whispered.

I shrugged, trying to dismiss him, we were not getting into that on the first day.

Locklyn raised her hand, wanting to add to the conversation.

"Yes Locklyn?"

"Well, I think what happens is most people change without even realizing it, like, your wants and desires can slowly morph into something else and then before you know it your life is on a completely different path."

The elderly teacher nodded, seeming to think about it.

"I think circumstances can involuntarily change a person too. For instance if you were in a life or death situation you would more than likely come out of it with a different attitude." Jett added.

The discussion continued and eventually we were given or assignments.

"I want you to write a roleplay that shows someone changing, including how and why." He informed passing out the papers.

"I like rolepaly." Michael wriggled his eyebrows at me, causing a laugh to erupt from my lips, unsure whether he was joking or not.

"So partners?"

I nodded.

We got to work and I let my eyes wander to my friends, Cleo was staring intently down at the paper as Luke's eyes bore into the side of her head, him biting his lip, when suddenly my strawberry blonde headed friend jumped her icy glare immediately meeting Luke, just under the desk I could see his hand trailing up her thigh, she shoved it off quickly scooting her desk away from him, his smirk never faltering. Ashton and Locklyn seemed to be as far away from each other as they possibly could without making working on the paper impossible, Lock was writing as Ashton stared into space and it was my guess she was doing most if not all of the work. I let my eyes move to Calum and Jett who were at least talking, their expressions a bit too angry for it to be casual conversation.

I sighed, facing Michael who was looking at me. "I take it you guys are all friends?" He inquired.

"Yeah, what about you boys?"

"No, we talked on the plane a little, and I had met Calum at a few parties, but other than that we don't even know each other."

I had just assumed they were buddies so the news was kind of surprising.


"How are things with Mike?" Jett asked, sitting across from me in the cafeteria, the boys were in line to get food.

"They're pretty good, he's a cool guy. What about Calum?"

"I'm not sure yet, he just seems really angry all the time, and it's like one moment we're having a nice conversation and the next we're trying to have a quiet screaming match in the back of the classroom."

"Have you talked to Cleo or Lock yet?" I asked in their absence.

"No, I assume we'll hear all about it after school though."

The boys came back to the table, Mike sat next to me, a smile gracing his lips, and Calum next to Jett, but not too close.

"This food looks like shit." Calum muttered poking at it.

"Welcome to the American school system."

Just then a group of three girls plopped down two next to Calum and one next to Michael. I could see Calum side glance at them, then scooting closer to Jett in order to create some space.

"So you guys are, like, new?" One with damaged brown hair flirted looking expectantly up at Calum, as the blonde girl sitting next to Mike fingered some of his bright blue hair giggling.

"Yeah, sure." He was obviously annoyed.

"Why is your hair blue?" Another asked Michael.

"I don't know? I like it."

"It'd like better brown or something."

I saw Michael's features slump into a frown at her words making my heart hurt a little for the boy.

"Well that was rude." Jett stated bluntly, her distaste for the group obvious.

"Who asked you?" One of the other ones sneered, donning a look of disgust.

"Coming from the girl who invited herself over here? Don't be a prick." Calum defended, a look of surprise clear on Jett's face.

The obvious ring leader of the troop stood angrily stomping away, her circus monkeys following.

"I like your hair Mike." I stated, trying to ease any thoughts of doubt he might be having about it.

"Thanks Mar." He smiled taking a bit of the barley edible food.

Over the course of the day it had become hard for me to believe Michael had ever committed any of those crimes, he was too sweet and cheery, and just didn't seem like a bad guy.