They're Just Girls


Luke's POV

I groaned loudly running a hand through my hair trying to rid my mind of the strawberry blonde I'd spent my day with.

She'd look so good on top of me. Ugh! The way her ass wiggled against my groin as she tried to get out of my grasp, I'd had to imagine my grandmother in the shower to keep myself from getting a hard on. She was my new goal. I would have her before my stay in America was over, but until then I would have to find someone else to satisfy my needs.

Deciding I needed a distraction from my current thoughts, I went downstairs knowing Mr. Carr had a PlayStation in the den.

When I got there, Michael was already engrossed in a game of Fifa.

"Wanna play a round?"

He seemed chill enough, and was definitely less psychotic than the other two, "Sure."

I grabbed a controller from the too extravagant mantel sitting on the side of the couch opposite of Michael.

The match began and I was thankful for something new to focus on.

"Hey boys, have a good first day?" Carr's wife, Jennifer asked sweetly, coming in from work, groceries in her arms.

"It was alright." Michael answered, kiss ass. I was exhausted with this question for the day, I could only answer it so many times.

"There are more bags in the back of the car." She ordered walking to the kitchen.

So far, Jennifer didn't step lightly with us like it seemed everyone else did so already I liked her more than Carr.

"I haven't got all day, there's frozen stuff!" She called over her shoulder when neither of us moved.

We hopped up, going to the front door. There were only a few more bags so we brought them in with ease.

"Just set them on the counter." She told setting certain things aside, I assumed for dinner. It was weird I thought as I walked to the couch, having someone cook dinner for me. My mother never did anything except for sit and watch her precious TV and drink her booze and smoke her cigarettes, slowly but surely killing her. My dad worked out of town in order to make enough money to send me to school and keep the house. He only came home to visit a few days out of the month, probably trying to distance himself from the baggage that was my mother and I.

We continued our Fifa match and as predicted I won, it wasn't long before Jennifer was calling us down for dinner. We all gathered in the dining room where a plethora of food sat on the table, Calum and Ashton seated on opposite sides, Jennifer and Carr at the heads. I sat next to Ashton, I liked him more than Calum so far. His eyes were red and puffy, he'd probably been crying, pussy. Calum glared at Michael from the corner of his eye as he took his seat, Calum definitely needed a chill-pill.

Jennifer poured some wine in her glass, "Would you boys like some? I know you're not legal but you're behavior has been good thus far."

"I bet Ashton wants some." Calum said quietly snickering. I didn't get it.

"What the fuck did you say to me?" Ashton growled from next to me, fists clenched at his sides.

"I said, you'd probably enjoy some wine, wouldn't you, Ashton?" Calum was smirking obviously pleased with this inside joke I was not a part of.

Before anyone could move or intervene Ashton had leaped across the table, tackling Calum to the ground. Cups and plates were knocked from the table, fists flying.

I couldn't help but laugh, what a bunch of animals. Carr shot me a warning look as him and Mike grabbed Ashton by the shoulders trying to pull him off, Jennifer stood looking shocked, mouth open and a hand over her heart, the two boys were relentless.

Once Ashton was was standing Calum did too punching his straight in the jaw, and honestly he looked terrifying. Carr held Calum against the wall while Michael did his best to keep Ashton at bay.

"You're a real piece of shit you know that?!" Ashton bellowed, Michael strained to keep the angry boy from lunging himself towards his dark haired counterpart.

"Coming from you?"

"Both of you stop right now! That's enough!" Carr's voice was louder than I imagined it could be and obviously startled the two boys who were fuming, ceasing their attacks. "This is ridiculous! Calum you should know better than to throw that in his face! And Ashton you have no right to react like that! Be the bigger person!"

Both boys were released still breathing heavily with obvious rage still in their eyes. Ashton immediately went back upstairs, Calum taking his seat back at the table, a door slamming seconds later.

Jennifer sat too, pouring herself another glass of wine, not offering us any this time.

Jett's POV

"Hey honey, how was work?" My mom asked as I walked through the front door. It was nearly midnight and I wondered why she was still awake.

"It was fine." I sighed, exhausted, taking off my apron. I was a waitress at a small diner, coincidentally named "The Diner", I worked there after school Monday through Thursday and sometimes Saturday if I needed to cover someone's shift. We weren't poor but my parents found it important that I had a good work ethic, and with all of Presley's bills it was better if I made my own spending and gas money.

"Do you want me to make you some dinner?" She stood from the couch walking to meet me in the kitchen.

"Yeah sure." I sat down on a bar stool.

"We have left over pizza or I can make you a quesadilla?"

"A quesadilla would be nice."

"How was school?" She asked, grabbing a pan, knowing of the task I had been assigned today.

"It was alright, the boy, Calum, he's confusing. Sometimes he's nice and we have cool conversations but sometimes he just shuts me down. He seems really angry and I'm trying not push my limits, but I think he'll warm up to me eventually."

"Well this will look great on a college application! Just be careful, he is here for a reason."

"I know, mom. I will."

"Where's dad? Is he at the hospital?"

"Yeah, Presley's not doing so good."

"What? What's wrong? Why didn't you call me?"

Presley was my ten year old sister, who about six months ago had been diagnosed with leukemia, and it was only getting worse, despite chemo and all the natural cures my mother had found on the internet. It was hard, for all of us, my mom and dad would take turns staying with her at the hospital, and I would go visit on the weekends and after school when I wasn't working. She was definitely a fighter though, wise beyond her years and funny as hell. My best friend. She would get better. I knew she would.

"You were working I didn't want to worry you. She'll be fine she always is."

I could see tears brimming in my mother's eyes at the thought of the amount of pain my younger sister must be in and probably the thought of losing her.

I stood from where I was sitting and stood next to my mother who was now done cooking wrapping her in a hug.

"I'll ask Mary to cover my shift tomorrow so I can go see her."

"She'll like that."
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So you should deffo comment or something if you're reading this bc I feel like no one's really reading or whatever. Idk but if you do read thanks so much! and if anyone comments before tonight I'll do a double update! ily!
