Story of Us.

Proving A Point.

The two words every student hated to hear, blocked class. Students were forced to sit in the same lecture for two class periods. It was utter hell on most days. But during the first and last days of class, it was heaven. Summer stared at the boys who sat at the table with her. Levi, Niall, and Zayn were currently discussing who had the best power. She decided to stay neutral. Every time this discussion came up someone would get pissy and storm off. It was actually a bit surprising that the topic came up so soon into the year.

Summer leaned back in her chair and listened to the horrid reasons they came up with. It was annoying. Times like these were what made Summer regret only friending boys. But compared to the social climbing girls, the boys were easier to get along with. Just as her eyes were beginning to close from boredom a person walked in and sat at the table across from their group. Her eyes to a moment to adjust and when they did she was mortified. “Bloody hell.” She griped out. As soon as the words passed her lips the conversation around her ceased. She didn’t know that her tone was loud enough for the others to hear.

“What?” Levi questioned. The look on his face was pure annoyance.

“This stupid conversation.” Summer shot back, trying to make an excuse for her sudden outburst.

Niall and Zayn shot each other nervous glances. Summer and Levi were usually the happy couple. Sure, they bickered from time to time but never did they call one another out on things.

“This isn’t stupid.” Levi stated.

Summer shook her head, “Okay.”

She brushed the topic off. There was no need to start an argument over something that wasn’t even a problem. Summer was just making excuses for the fact that she couldn’t keep her composure. Her outburst was caused by the same boy. For some reason he had yet another class with her. She stole a glance at him. His brown curls seemed to fall perfectly around his head. She noticed a girl walk in and sit by him. She was Louis’ sister. A rather awkward girl. Summer switched her gaze back to the boys at her table. Seeing the boy and girl together across from her made her uncomfortable.
Levi and Zayn were whispering and chuckling back and forth to each other. Summer frowned and leaned towards Niall.

“What are they doing now?” She questioned.

The boy shrugged, “No idea. Probably continuing the stupid conversation.”

Summer furrowed her brows at him. She knew he was mocking her. The noise of a chair scooting across the floor made Summer glance back over at her boyfriend and Zayn. But Zayn was gone. She followed Levi’s gaze. Her mouth opened in shock when she noticed what was happening. Zayn was standing behind the girl at the other table. Within seconds her backpack was on the floor. All of her belongings were being tossed about the room by someone. Summer knew it was Zayn. He was using his super speed. She had a feeling Levi was helping by enhancing it. Papers were flying around and falling to the floor. A trail of them went into the hall. That when she noticed that Zayn actually left the room and discarded more things outside of the classroom. A flash came back through the door and Zayn halted a few inches in front of the table. He nearly doubled over in laughter as he and Levi high-fived. Summer rolled her eyes at them.

“Trying to prove a point?” Summer asked. The laughter slowly died down as they nodded.

“See love, I win.” Levi simply stated.

Summer kept her mouth shut. In all circumstances, she would win. She had numerous reasons as to why her power was in fact greater. But she had learned her lesson the first time the conversation started. It was about the time her and Levi had first started dating. Needless to say, her win almost cost her the relationship. Levi wasn’t one who took kindly to losing. She shifted awkwardly in her seat. Something just didn’t feel right to her. Her piercing blue eyes scanned the room and they found a pair looking right at her. The boy was staring at her. No wonder she felt awkward. A small smile formed on her lips. She didn’t realize that happened. She hurriedly looked away only to be caught in the act. Levi was glaring at her. Great.

She cleared her throat, “So, what are the plans for today?”

“Pick on more people.” Zayn stated.

Of course. Nothing seemed to change. It was an everyday routine that Summer was growing bored of. Luckily she could escape the after school torture. She was able to have training. It was always a great way to release her tension. After her multiple mess ups today, she had plenty of tension that needed to be discarded.
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Hope you guys are enjoying it so far!
