Niemand Hört Dich Schrei

Chapter 1

Bill wrapped his arms around the waist of his girlfriend, Cyd. They were both 15 at the time, and had started dating at 13. Bill kissed her.

"I love you," he said.

Cyd smiled. "I love you, too."

Bill smiled at her. He loved his girlfriend more then himself. They were inseparable. She looked up at him, with her cat like green eyes. She was wearing her Guns N' Roses shirt again. Bill loved it when she wore that shirt. It fit her perfectly.

"Bill...did you remember that today is our two year anniversary?"

"Of course I remembered. I can't believe it's already been two years, though."

"Same. But how about we do something to celebrate? I mean, most couples our age don't last longer then a month... And most kids our age don't know what it's like to fall in love, right?"

Bill nodded.

"Yeah..I guess you're right. Why, what were you thinking about doing?"

Cyd smiled and climbed on onto his lap and kissed him passionately. He knew what she had in mind, and he was nervous. Bill was still a virgin, and he wasn't sure if he was ready to go that far yet. But he gave into the temptation that was so deep. He really did love her, and she seemed to really want this.

As they had sex, Bill thought about him and Cyd, and how he knew that they would be together forever. They would get married and travel the world together, just the two of them. Their lives would be perfect.

But he was ignorant to the fact that life wasn't always perfect. He didn't expect things to go the way they did. No one could have predicted that almost a year later the love of Bill's life would be dead. No one could have guessed that Bill's life would fall apart, along with his heart.

About two years after that night he was moving to a new town. His mom, Simone, realized that living in a place with so many painful memories was good for Bill. After Cyd died he became a lot more depressed, and she was afraid that Bill would attempt suicide. No one could cheer Bill up, not even his best friend, Andreas.

Simone knew that they had to get out of there. She was really worried about Bill. Mostly he would fake a smile and act like he was fine, but sometimes when he was depressed he acted totally different. When he was depressed or upset he had a terrible attitude and it wasn't like him to yell and be disrespectful.

So around the time that Bill was 17 they moved away. He started living in a new town, going to a new school, and living a new life. But where ever he was, there were always certain reminders of his past that he couldn't get rid of. It was haunting him.

The baby was crying again.

Bill threw his blankets over his head to block out the unnecessary wailing that was happening in the room next to him. He would let his mom deal with the monster tonight.

When finally the crying ceased, he heard Simone go back to bed. Bill sighed and drifted back to sleep.

His alarm went off at 6 a.m, and Bill groaned at the sunlight streaming through the curtains. Today was his first day at his new school.

He sat on his bed and slowly applied his thick eyeliner. Then he got dressed in a pair of tight black jeans and a white and black striped t-shirt. Then he put on a studded belt and some jewelry. He grabbed his backpack, threw it over his shoulder, and walked into the kitchen. He poured himself some much needed coffee.

"Aiden was crying last night," Simone said.

"I heard," Bill replied. "The stupid thing kept me awake."

Simone sighed.

"Bill, that 'stupid thing' is your son!"

Bill rolled his eyes.

"I never wanted the stupid thing anyways! So if you don't want to take care of him either, then put him up for adoption!"

Of course Bill didn't really mean what he said, he loved his son. But after the small amount of sleep he received the night before , he definitely wasn't in the mood to be a loving father.

"Bill, you have to start taking responsibility for your actions! You're the one that got that poor girl pregnant in the first place!"

"That was a mistake," Bill said.

"Well you should have thought about the consequences before you had sex at only 15! Besides, you used to be so excited about the thought of becoming a father."

"That was BEFORE Cyd died! We were supposed to raise him together. She wasn't supposed to die in childbirth."

Bill felt a few tears falling down his cheeks, so he left. He paused outside the front door and took a few deep breaths. Then he put a cigarette in his mouth and lit it before walking to school.
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Please leave a comment! This is the first place that I'm posting this story so I'm a bit nervous about it! And sorry if it's a bit confusing now but there will be more details later. :]