Kick Me Like a Stray

Chapter 31

{A/N: I have excuses but… you guys don’t wanna hear them so… Sorry? And here’s an update! :3}

~*~ Ri’s POV ~*~

Everyone sat in a circle on the beds, watching the TV. All of a sudden, TV-Bob’s face was on the screen. Even odder, he was speaking in a really shitty Australian accent. “Today we’re trying to retrieve some belongings of our friend, Ri. Gerard here-“

The screen bounced and TV-Gerard is smiling into the camera. “He’s the dumbass who has to get said belongings.”

TV-Gerard rolled his eyes and his hand moves out of the screen. The camera jerks suddenly and TV-Bob can be heard faintly. “BASTARD, don’t hit the camera, that’s my job!”

Everyone assembled around laughed, before staring at Actual-Gerard. He shrugged. “He deserved it,” he defended himself.

All of a sudden, TV-Ray’s fro is dominating the screen before TV-Bob finally panned the camera onto his face. TV-Ray looks at the camera warily before returning his attention to the road. Bob’s angry murmuring about lame band mates comes through the TV until the screen goes black.

The next scene opened with TV-Gerard nervously knocking on my front door, flanked by TV-Ray and TV-Bob. “Apparently we’re the bodyguards,” TV-Ray remarked.

TV-Bob launched into his crappy accent again. “The female… whatever Ri’s last name is, is vicious when provoked.”

I interrupted TV-Bob’s monologue about what my mother would do. “My last name is Taiven, losers!” I laughed before returning my attention back to the screen.

TV-Gerard snorted. “Damn right she’s dangerous.”

The door suddenly opened, and my TV-mother was standing in the doorway, glaring at the TV-guys and the camera. “You’re filming this why?” she asked in way of greeting.

“Legal reasons,” TV-Ray said with a straight face.

The camera jerks as TV-Gerard elbows TV-Bob, who is trying to suppress his laughter. “We came to pick up Ri’s stuff,” TV-Gerard said.

My TV-mom slowly nodded her head and moved out of the way. Again, TV-Bob’s whispering is heard: “Aw come on! That wasn’t interesting at all!”

The camera went through the halls before the TV-guys all settled on the couch. My TV-mom sat on the edge of her seat, glaring at each of the guys in turn. “Her stuff’s in her roof,” she said coldly.

TV-Gerard nods and takes off up the stairs, followed by TV-Bob and TV-Ray. TV-Bob points the camera at a door and starts talking. And again, he uses the crap-tastic accent. “GET READY TO BEHOLD RI’S BEDROOM!”

TV-Ray opens the door and starts laughing. “You mean a closet?!” he gasps out.

“Aw damn,” TV-Bob says disappointedly.

Gerard’s voice calls from somewhere to the left of the camera. “Found it!”

TV-Bob races over to TV-Gerard, the camera shaking wildly. Laughter makes the speakers sound corrupted when all three guys cracked up. “How did we miss this?” TV-Bob asks between laughs.

So my door is covered in CAUTION tape, parental advisory signs, band pictures, black streamers, and a random spork. Sue me.

TV-Gerard just shakes his head. “No idea. Now get your ass out of the way so I can open the door!”

Finally all three guys were standing in the middle of my room, looking around. TV-Bob starts up his accent yet again. “We finally made it, mates. The room… of a fangirl!”

I glared at Bob from the bed I was sitting on and he grinned apologetically. “Have to keep the ratings up,” he said seriously.

I grinned despite myself and turned back to the ‘movie’ just in time to see TV-Gerard almost fall down the stairs after my luggage. I shot him a sympathetic look and he smiled slightly. On TV, my mother reappeared. “I see you got her clothes. Now you can leave.”

TV-Gerard paused, looking to TV-Ray for backup. “Ri said she needed some other stuff. Do I need to look for them or-“

“No, she wanted her clothes, she can have those. Nothing else.”

My anger towards my mother flared. “But Ri said she really needed some of it!” TV-Gerard protested.

My mother gave The Look. She then nodded. “You guys wait on the front porch, I’ll get it.”

The TV-MCR members nodded and trooped out to stand on the steps. TV-Ray started to say, “Guys, I’m getting a really bad-“

“HOLY SHIT, SHE’S GOT A RAKE!” TV-Gerard screeched.

The next thing on screen is a shot of the sky, jumping jerkily as the sound of feet pounding comes from the speakers. Bob’s hysterical laughter can be heard, right before the camera slips and lands on its side in the grass. Two pairs of Converse and a pair of Vans are seen fleeing the scene. A high pitched scream cuts through everything. “NOT THE BOB-CAM!”

The pair of Vans comes racing towards the camera and Bob’s face comes in view before he and the camera dive into the waiting car. The screen then goes black.

Complete silence follows the film’s ending. Well, silence if you don’t count the insane laughter from everyone minus Gerard and Ray.

{A/N: To anyone still reading this, I’m soooooo sorry I took so long! And I’ll try to update sooner, with longer chapters, to make up for my long absence!}